
  • 网络Ouhai;ouhai district
  1. 浙江省温州市瓯海区政府不久前宣布,对中小企业实施强制限电措施,要求今年剩下来的时间里,企业“停电10天开工5天”。

    The Ouhai District of Wenzhou in Zhejiang Province , announced a mandatory policy for small manufacturers to " close for 10 days , open for five days " for the remainder of this year .

  2. 由于存在地区性差异,经济欠发达地区与发达地区(以瓯海区为例)新农合存在的突出问题不尽相同。

    Because of regional differences , the problems involved with NCMS vary between underdeveloped areas and developed areas .

  3. 瓯海区北靠瓯江,处于温州市区的东、南、西部,环绕鹿城、龙湾两区。

    Oujiang Ouhai north , in the urban area of Wenzhou , east , south , west , around the Lucheng , Longwan two districts .

  4. 如今,可持续发展已经成为世界各国、各地区经济社会发展的指导原则和战略目标,本文首次对瓯海区可持续发展能力进行了综合评价。

    Up to now , sustainable development had already become the guideline and strategic target of economic and social development in various countries and districts of the world .