- 网络Oujiang Colored Carp;C. carpio var. color;cyprinus carpio var color;C.carpio var.color

Restriction endonuclease analysis of mitochondrial DNA in Oujiang color common carp
Oujiang color carp would have originated from a maternal ancestor mainly composed of haplotype II , 115 thousand and 95 thousand years ago respectively .
For Oujiang color common carp , Koi carp and their reciprocal hybrids ( F_1 ), growth rates were studied by commune stocking , morphological variation was studied by cluster analysis and discriminant analysis .
Intraspecific DNA sequence polymorphism and genetic markers in the mitochondrial COII gene from five color patterns of Oujiang color carp
Suppressive subtractive hybridization analysis from red and white color patterns of Oujiang color common carp
In this study , a mixed genetic model was used to conduct maternal and paternal genetic effects analysis of five complete set lines in Oujiang color common carp .
The Oujiang color common carp ( Cyprinus carpio var. color ) is a widespread variant of common carp found in the Oujiang River basin of Zhejiang Province , and it has been locally cultured in rice paddies and yards for more than 1200 years .
The results indicated : the highest percentage of polymorphic loci resulted in purse red common carp ( 21.05 % ), Oujiang color common carp was equal to glass red common carp ( 15.79 % ), but the lowest was observed in Xingguo red common carp ( 10.53 % );