
xiù kǒu
  • cuff;wristband;wrist;cuff of a sleeves
袖口 [xiù kǒu]
  • [wrist;cuff of a sleeves] 袖子的边缘

袖口[xiù kǒu]
  1. 在与洗牌者的混战中,粗暴暴徒的皱袖口被磨破

    The gruff ruffian 's ruffled cuff is scuffed in the scuffle with the shuffler .

  2. 1.necklinen.领口,领圈她用穗带装饰连衣裙的领口、摺边和袖口。

    She braid the neckline , hem and cuff of the dress .

  3. 他希望她不会注意到他肮脏的衬衫袖口。

    He hoped she wouldn 't notice his grubby shirt cuffs .

  4. 他衬衣的袖口磨破了。

    The cuffs of his shirt were fraying .

  5. 这件夹克他穿着太大了,就把袖口卷了起来。

    The jacket was too big for him so he rolled up the cuffs

  6. 这件衬衫的袖口洗后照样挺括,不变形。

    The shirt 's cuffs won 't sag and lose their shape after washing

  7. 她发现羊毛衫的袖口上起了一些毛球。

    She noticed some bits of fluff on the sleeve of her sweater .

  8. 她给短外衣的袖口包皮边。

    She bound the cuffs of a jacket with leather .

  9. 我解开了我的袖口。

    I unbuttoned my shirt cuffs .

  10. 带白色蕾丝花边的衣领和袖口

    a collar and cuffs of white lace

  11. 通过谷歌地图(GoogleMaps)提供的具体方位信息,车手可以轻击或重击袖口来发送大约何时到家的短信。

    They can then tapor swipe their sleeve to send a text saying what time they are likely to arrivehome - drawn from data on their location via Google Maps .

  12. 购买者可采用任意数目的虚拟组合,定制自己的cubejacket系列,可加入内置貂皮背心、狐皮袖口和连帽坎肩等。

    Buyers can virtually customise their own cube jacket in any number of combinations , adding inner mink vests , fox cuffs and hooded body warmers .

  13. 从医护人员的手、工作服袖口以及病房空气、地面、桌面和床头也培养出MRSA;

    MRSA also were isolated from hands of staffs , uniform cuff and floor , headboard , desktop , atmosphere of wards .

  14. 她为超模凯特?莫斯(KateMoss)纹过几只燕子,还为一些银行家纹过身。那些银行家不希望纹身露出袖口或领口。

    She has painted swallows on supermodel Kate Moss and elaborate tattoos on bankers who don 't want the designs to be below the shirt cuffs or above the collar .

  15. 这件牛仔装专为自行车运动员打造:防止参赛车手露出后背的圆尾形后摆(drop-backtail)以及防止窜风的防风式袖口,这款牛仔夹克犹如从天而降的魔杖,无所不能。

    Createdfor cyclists , it has a drop-back tail , so your back isn 't left exposed ; stormcuffs , to stop air blowing up your sleeves ; and , unexpectedly , thetechnological equivalent of a magic wand .

  16. 如果你是一个穿惯了卡其裤和polo衫的小伙子,约会的时候可就别穿什么一板一眼有袖口有方巾口袋的衬衫啦!

    If you 're a guy who lives in khakis and polo shirts , don 't show up at your date with a patterned button down dress shirt with cufflinks and a pocket kerchief .

  17. 结果:植入后15d即可在种植体周围形成上皮袖口,结合上皮再增生活跃,界面层以半桥粒结合方式附着于种植体表面的基质上。

    Results : Fifteen days after implantation the epithelial collar was formed , junctional epithelium actively regenerated and attachment to the matrix on the surface of the implant occurred by hemidesmosomes .

  18. 修剪及缝挑裤脚及袖口折叠侧缝线并剪下袖窿。

    Fold the side seam under and cut out the armhole .

  19. 他喜欢毛衣袖口上的罗纹。

    He liked the ribbing on the cuffs of the sweater .

  20. 也许是他的上衣袖口摩擦话筒的声音。

    The cuff of his jacket maybe , brushing the receiver .

  21. 治疗以输尿管切除加输尿管开口处膀胱袖口状切除为主要方法,术后应坚持随访。

    Ureter resection and sleeve resection are the mains mean method .

  22. 袖口及裤脚卷边位置宽度必须一致(设计有特别要求的除外)。

    Hems must be level unless uneven design feature is requested .

  23. 这些可调整,折的腕子袖口被设计了为悬浮。

    These adjustable , buckling wrist cuffs were designed for suspension .

  24. 我看男人们不再穿带袖口链扣的衬衫了。

    I didn 't think anyone actually wore cuff links anymore .

  25. 请你把我袖口上的裂口缝上好吗?

    Would you please draw together the snag in my cuff ?

  26. 腿被举与皮带附有被填塞的袖口。

    The legs are raised with straps attached to padded cuffs .

  27. 她用穗带装饰连衣裙的领口、摺边和袖口。

    She braided the neckline , hem and cuffs of the dress .

  28. 最下级的职员在袖口处配有红色带子。

    The most junior officers wore a red stripe on their sleeves .

  29. 宽袖孔、窄袖口的袖子。

    A sleeve with a large armhole and tight cuff .

  30. 阿圆扭着我的袖口,只是向着兰花的两只眼睛瞪看。

    Gripping my sleeve Ahyuan stared into Orchid 's eyes .