
xiù zhāng
  • armband;brassard;facings armband;brassart;watch mark
袖章 [xiù zhāng]
  • [facings armband] 套在袖子上表明身分的标志

袖章[xiù zhāng]
  1. 在里奥·费迪南德宣布因受伤无法参加锦标赛之后,利物浦队长杰拉德得到了英格兰队队长袖章。

    Liverpool captain Gerrard was given the armband after Rio Ferdinand was rule out of the tournament due to injury .

  2. 表示军阶和服役的v形袖章。

    V-shaped sleeve badge indicating military rank and service .

  3. 所有的战士都必须佩戴袖章。

    All the soldiers must pin their armbands on .

  4. 他带来了武器和绿色武士们戴的金属袖章。

    He carried the weapons and the metal armbands the green warriors wear .

  5. 兵士们丢掉武器,军官们撕下袖章。

    Soldiers were throwing down their arms and officers were cutting insignia of rank from their sleeves .

  6. 他慢慢地从他的胳膊取下了一个金属袖章,把它指向我。

    He slowly took off a metal band from his arm and held it out to me .