
  • 网络formal garden
  1. 在唯理的西方经典哲学影响下,规则式园林长期主导着西方造园传统;

    Formal garden , under the influence of classical rationalism , had long been dominating the practice of western gardening .

  2. 中世纪及其以前的庭园是规则式园林,反映借助自然之物来美化人工环境的思想。

    The garden before the Middle age is the formal garden style , which is the reflection of the idea that the artificial environment can be beautified ;

  3. 中国是世界园林之母,园林文化博大精深。然而,当西方规则式园林随着西方文化入侵中国之后,中国古典园林正在逐渐被遗忘中。

    Chinese garden , with a profound and intensive culture , is the earlist ancestor in the world of the gardens all over the world .

  4. 沙皇彼得大帝(1682-1725)将源自西方的法国规则式园林设计手法以一种巨大的尺度移植到俄罗斯帝国的大地上。

    Tsar Peter the Great ( 1682-1725 ) grafted Western methods of French formal gardens into the Russian " soil " on a huge imperial scale .

  5. 而以意大利园林、法国园林、英国园林为代表的欧洲古典园林有着共同的起源,其原型是古典世界的几何规则式园林。

    As the representatives of the gardens in Europe , the gardens of Italy , France and England have the same prototype of geometric and formal garden styles in the classical world .