
  • 网络construction of teaching staff;building of teaching staff
  1. 民办高校师资队伍建设刍议

    On the Building of Teaching Staff in Local-funded Colleges and Universities

  2. 加强师资队伍建设适应高职教学要求

    Strengthening the Building of Teaching Staff to Meet the Demand of Higher Vocational Education

  3. 本文在我国社会主义市场经济体制逐步完善的过程中,面对加入WTO的机遇与挑战研究了当前山东理工大学师资队伍建设现状,提出了该校师资队伍建设的新模式。

    This paper studies the existing situations in the teachers construction of Shandong University for Science & Technology , and introduces a new pattern to follow in order to face the challenges and opportunities resulting from the entry into WTO and to meet the demand of the socialist market economy .

  4. 文中以河南科技大学为例进行研究,通过实行立体化教学、校企合作加强实践基地建设、应用ERP沙盘模拟实训以及加强师资队伍建设等措施,在学科建设和人才培养方面取得了良好的效果。

    This article takes Henan University of Science and Technology as an example which achieved good results through carrying out stereoscopic teaching , cooperation between school and enterprises to strengthen practice base construction , applying ERP model table to simulate training of IE specialty and strengthening team construction of teachers .

  5. 加强校长培训师资队伍建设,优化校长培训课程设置;

    Enhancing the level of training teacher and optimizing training course ;

  6. 21世纪优良师资队伍建设的国际趋势

    International Trend of Building Quality Teacher Resources in the 21st Century

  7. 创新教育与实验教学师资队伍建设

    The Innovation Education and the Construction of Experimental Teachers ' Team

  8. 从观念创新谈高校师资队伍建设

    On Teachers Team Construction in Colleges and Universities from Idea Innovation

  9. 工科院校师资队伍建设与专业调整的协同发展

    Coordinative development of faculty foundation and programme readjustment in Engineering Colleges

  10. 中州大学计算机系师资队伍建设的问题与对策

    Solutions to the Problems of the Construction of Computer Teaching Faculties

  11. 新时期应用型本科院校师资队伍建设的思考

    Reflection on Teacher Team Building of Application-oriented Universities in New Era

  12. 论高等学校双语教学的师资队伍建设问题

    Issues of Establishment of Bilingual Education Teachers in China 's Universities

  13. “双师型”师资队伍建设的系统思考

    Practical Education and the Buildup of a Contingent of Double-certificated Teachers

  14. 高职课程改革背景下的师资队伍建设

    Considerations on Teaching Staff Construction in Curriculum Reform Higher Vocational Colleges

  15. 高等职业院校师资队伍建设初探

    Explorations of the Teacher Ranks Building of the Higher Vocational Colleges

  16. 南昌大学软件学院师资队伍建设及管理研究

    School of Software Nanchang University Teacher Team Construction and Management Study

  17. 对高师师资队伍建设与管理中存在的问题进行了较为全面的分析,比较突出的问题是:教师数量不足;

    This article wholly analyzes issues in college teachers construction and administration .

  18. 论师资队伍建设与整体性人才资源开发

    On improving teachers ' ranks level and exploiting talent resoures

  19. 关于高职院师资队伍建设的若干思考

    Some Reflections on the Building of Vocational and Technological College Teaching Staff

  20. ××高职学院师资队伍建设研究

    Research of Teaching Staff Building in the XX Vocational College

  21. 中等职业教育要加强师资队伍建设

    To Strengthen the Teaching Staff Cultivation in Secondary Vocational Education

  22. 试论高校师资队伍建设的现状与对策

    Existing Condition & Countermeasure of Construction of University Teaching Staff

  23. 对高职院校旅游师资队伍建设的重新思考

    Reflections on the Construction of Tourism Faculty in Vocational and Technology Colleges

  24. 加强人力资源开发搞好高职教师师资队伍建设

    On Human Resource Development and Administration for Higher Vocational Colleges Teachers Improving

  25. 三是加强我国学前教育师资队伍建设的路径选择。

    Thirdly , the Choice of strengthening the construction of pre-school teachers .

  26. 江苏省独立设置高职院校师资队伍建设问题的研究

    Study on Teachers ' Construction of Independent Establishing Polytechnic Colleges in Jiangsu

  27. 扩招后的大学英语师资队伍建设

    Construction of College English teachers ' structure for expanding enrollment

  28. 高职教育专业建设与师资队伍建设

    On the Construction of Higher Vocational Specialty and Teaching Staff

  29. 高校师资队伍建设的观念更新和基本策略

    On Mind Renew and Strategies of High School Faculty Construction

  30. 发扬奥林匹克精神促进高校师资队伍建设

    Spread the Olympic Spirit , Promote the Faculty Building in the Universities