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shī fu
  • master worker;(show respect for skilled men) form of address
师傅 [shī fū]
  • (1) [master]∶传授知识技艺的人

  • (2) [(show respect for skilled men) form of address]∶对有技艺的人的尊称

  • 木匠师傅

师傅[shī fu]
  1. 王师傅主修这台磨床。

    Master Worker Wang is responsible for the overhaul of this grinder .

  2. 我的实习师傅将许多与客户联络的工作交给了我。

    My practice master worker gives a lot of work of getting in touch with customer to me .

  3. 他的职业是油漆匠和装潢师傅。

    He works as a painter and decorator .

  4. 他是我的入门师傅。

    He is the master who initiated me into the craft .

  5. 师傅亲手把这本武林秘笈传授给了我。

    The master handed me the rare and secret book of martial arts .

  6. 工人中最流行的称呼是“师傅”。

    Shifu (" master ") is the most popular form of address among workers .

  7. 师傅,请问到邮局怎么走?

    Excuse me , can you tell me how to get to the post office ?

  8. 师傅领进门,修行看各人。

    The master initiates the apprentices , but they can sharpen their skills only through their own efforts .

  9. 他的师傅西尔万·贝利把这些常常有4英尺高的华丽作品展示在他的面包店的橱窗里。

    Sylvain Bailly , his master , displayed these luxuriant creations — often as large as 4 feet tall — in his bakery windows .

  10. 我在那儿做了11年的油炸师傅。

    I worked there for 11 years as a fry cook .

  11. 马祖问:“师傅,你在做什么?”

    He asked : " Master , what are you doing ? "

  12. 今天夜里两家的口角就好像是一个师傅教出来的

    The discussions to-night were a sort of seeming plagiarisms of each other .

  13. 该片讲述了一位玩具师傅的故事——他在北极发现了一个魔法精灵王国,自己也因此成为了圣诞老人。

    This is the story of a master toymaker who discovers a magical kingdom of elves in the North Pole and becomes Santa Claus .

  14. 马祖听得心烦,睁眼一看,原来是自己的师傅在磨砖。

    Ma Zu was vexed10 by the noise . He opened his eyes to find that it was his own master grinding a brick .

  15. 季子回答说:“他是我师傅!他是我师傅!这也是他在教我哪!”

    Ji Zi replied : " He is my master ! He is my master ! This is also what he is teaching me ! "

  16. 王七念过咒语后,果然能够穿墙而过,他非常高兴,谢过师傅就下了山。

    After reciting the incantations of the magic , Wang Qi made it . With great pleasure , Wang Qi said goodbye to his teacher and went back home .

  17. 第一个月王七每天跟着众人去山上坎柴,认真地听师傅讲道。

    Wang Qi became one his pupils . During the first month , Wang Qi went to the hills for woods with others every day and listened to the instructions of his teacher patiently .

  18. 他的徒弟、一心想讨师傅欢心的小精灵帕琪受命离开北极,奔赴大城市纽约派发礼物。但帕琪却卷入了一个卑鄙的玩具大亨的阴谋中,后者想要掌控圣诞市场。

    But when Santa 's eager-to-please elf Patch leaves the North Pole for the big streets of New York City , he becomes mixed up with a dastardly toy tycoon 's plans to take over Christmas .

  19. 然后就把穿墙术的咒语告诉了王七。王七念过咒语后,果然能够穿墙而过,他非常高兴,谢过师傅就下了山。

    that let him walk through a wall . After reciting the incantations , Wang Qi made it through the wall . With great pleasure , Wang Qi said goodbye to his teacher and went back home .

  20. 到了第三个月,他实在忍无可忍了,于是找到老道,对师傅说:“弟子操劳多日,请师傅传授弟子一些仙术,也不妄弟子在这里所受的辛苦。”

    In the third month , he could not bear the suffering any longer . He went to see his teacher and said , " I 've been working hard for so many days . Now would you please teach me some skills , or it 'll be a waste of time for me to be here . "

  21. 到了第三个月,他实在忍无可忍了,于是找到老道,对师傅说:“弟子操劳多日,请师傅传授弟子一些仙术,也不枉弟子在这里所受的辛苦。”

    In his third month , he could not bear the suffering any longer . He went to see his teacher and said , " I 've been working hard for so many days . Now would you please teach me some skills , or it 'll be a waste of time for me to be here . "

  22. AMD找到了一位专业的训猴师,这位师傅对这支猴子进行了长达一个月的训练,不过视频的拍摄过程则只花了一天时间。

    AMD and its PR company found a professional monkey trainer who trained Louie the monkey for over a month , but actual production shooting only took a single day .

  23. 我们的打样师傅将裤子腰部的前片尺寸误解成腰部中间尺寸,所以我们的腰部才会偏大4CM。

    Our chef will be sampling the first piece pants waist size of misunderstanding into the middle of the waist size , so we will too large waist4CM .

  24. 几年前,一位名叫乔斯•波维(JoséBové)的坏脾气的法国干酪师傅驾驶着他的拖拉机来到了一家正在建造的麦当劳店。

    FEW years ago a cranky French cheesemaker called Jos é Bov é drove his tractor to the site where a McDonald 's restaurant was being built .

  25. 我已经计划好,要与师傅的外甥,司机兼导游曼克·杰(MankJay),结伴游览岛上的神庙与其他景点,于是我早早拜访,见到了威迪一家,一个拥有着传统家族结构的大家庭。

    I had planned a tour of island temples and other attractions with Mank Jay , a driver and guide who was Mangku 's nephew , so I stopped by early and met Widi 's family , who lived in a traditionally structured family compound .

  26. 师傅,我想你不需要这个了。

    Master , I guess you don 't need this anymore .

  27. 在一次阿宝偷吃时,师傅发现了他的潜力。

    In a pao steal , the master found his potential .

  28. 那师傅,你说,哪一道工序是最简单的呢?

    Tell me , sir , which step is relatively simple ?

  29. 我正在我裁缝师傅的家里给你们打这篇文章。

    I am writing to you from my tailor 's house .

  30. “你赢有两个原因,”师傅回答说。

    " You won for two reasons ," the sensei answered .