
rì zhōng
  • Japan China;noon;midday
日中 [rì zhōng]
  • [midday] 日头正当午;中午

  • 趁早凉便行,日中热时便歇。--《水浒传》

日中[rì zhōng]
  1. 但当他,像耄年拖着尘倦的车轮,从绝顶颤巍巍地离开了白天,众目便一齐从他下沉的足印移开它们那原来恭顺的视线。同样,你的灿烂的日中一消逝,你就会悄悄死去,如果没后嗣。

    But when from highmost pitch , with weary car , Like feeble age , he reeleth from the day , The eyes , ' fore duteous , now converted are From his low tract and look another way : So thou , thyself out-going in thy noon , Unlook 'd on diest , unless thou get a son .

  2. 日中两国看来接近达成在东海(EastChinaSea)争议水域共同开发天然气田的协议。这项协议将有助于解决一个近年来最富争议的、造成中日关系紧张的议题。

    Tokyo and Beijing appear close to agreement on joint development of natural gas fields in disputed waters of the East China Sea , a deal that would resolve one of the most contentious issues to strain Sino-Japanese ties in recent years .

  3. 由能量平衡计算,油松林睛天的蒸发散速率为3.6mm/d,日中最大可达0.7mm/h,整个生长季平均为3.1mm/d,其中林地蒸发0.4mm/d,林木蒸腾2.7mm/d。

    The average evapotranspiration in the entire growing season was 3.1mm / d , of which , evaporation from the forest floor was 0.4mm/d and transpiration of the trees was 2.7mm/d .

  4. 日中机器翻译的中文否定词的位置确定法

    A Method for Deciding the Position of Chinese Negatives in Japanese-Chinese Machine Translation

  5. 电子邮件偶尔可以交换,填补了工作日中的空间。

    E-mails can be exchanged between times , filling up the spaces of a working day .

  6. 出于对中国可能会收紧银行放贷的担忧,大宗商品在前一交易日中遭到抛售。

    Fears that China might clamp down on bank lending prompted a sell-off in the previous session .

  7. 试探讨人类活动和全球变化对中国草原生态系统的物质循环和生物多样性的影响&兼简单介绍一个日中草原生态系统研究合作项目

    Impacts of global changes and human activities on the carbon budget and biodiversity of grassland ecosystem in China

  8. 邪热犯心证患者,室性早搏多高发于日中时段;

    In patients with syndrome of pathogenic heat invading heart ( PHIH ), the PVCs mostly appeared in midday .

  9. 在上一个交易日中,重要事件有瑞典央行会议和挪威央行会议。

    The other major events of the previous session included central bank meetings from both the Riksbank and Norges Bank .

  10. “我要拍一部电影,记录日中友好交流以及中国过去30年里所发生的深刻变化”,她说。

    " I would like to produce a movie recording Japan-China friendly exchanges and the profound changes in China over the30 years ," she said .

  11. 为阻止石原的行动,并尽量减小日中紧张,日本中央政府上月出面买下相关岛屿。

    To prevent that from happening , and keep tensions with China at a minimum , the Japanese government last month bought the islands itself .

  12. 美国也表示对于日中之间的钓鱼岛或者尖阁列岛争端持中立态度。

    Similarly , America says it is neutral in the sovereignty dispute between Japan and China over the Senkaku or Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea .

  13. 印度政策制定者相信,日中贸易关系日益恶化是印度开发并推动稀土生产的机会。

    Policymakers in New Delhi believe that souring trade relations between Japan and China represent an opportunity for India to develop and boost its production of rare earths .

  14. 该公司用传感器来分析工作场所的沟通模式。瓦贝尔说,一名员工在工作日中的每一种互动都有40%到60%是与邻座展开的,从面对面交谈到电邮信息都是如此。

    Mr. Waber says a worker 's immediate neighbors account for 40 % to 60 % of every interaction that worker has during the workday , from face-to-face chats to email messages .

  15. 渥太华旅游局的一名官员周三在新闻发布会上说,越来越多地中国元素会加到今年的加拿大国庆日中,来表示两国之间的友谊。

    An official with Ottawa Tourism Bureau said Wednesday at a press conference that more Chineseelements would be added to this year 's Canada Day to mark the friendship between the twocountries .

  16. 首先采用补偿模糊神经网络求出峰、谷负荷,然后利用线性外推法求出未来1日中24个时刻的负荷值。

    At first the peak load and valley load are obtained by compensated fuzzy neural network , then 24 hourly load values of the next day are solved by linear extrapolated method .

  17. 本文以日本公文式学习法为参照,通过对日中市场对外汉语教材的调查,分析了目前系列化对外汉语自学教材稀缺的现状。

    Based on Japanese KUMON learning method for reference , through a survey in Japan-China market regarding the CLTF ( Chinese Language Teaching for foreigners ) textbooks , analysis the present situation of CLTF textbooks series .

  18. 3日比赛中的越野项目昨天在这里举行。

    The cross-country section of the three-day event was held here yesterday .

  19. 酸活化坡缕石对肉鸡日粮中黄曲霉毒素B1的去毒效果

    Efficacy of Modified Palygorskite to Ameliorate the Toxic Effects of Aflatoxin B_1 in Broilers

  20. 随着日粮中维生素E浓度的不断增加,绵、山羊采精量、精子密度和鲜精活率也随之改善,添加量为常量的50倍时,精子密度和鲜精活率最佳(P<0.01)。

    With Vitamin E supplemented in ration increasing , the density of spermatozoon and the motility of fresh semen were increased .

  21. 另一组为参照物(B)组,其日粮中无机磷源饲料为分析纯的二水磷酸氢钙。

    The diets of group A was supplement with dicalcium phosphate made from inositol residue , while that of group B was supplemented with pure calcium phosphate .

  22. 日粮中不同Mn、Zn水平对雏鸡卵黄囊中Mn、Zn转移的影响

    The Influence of Dietary Mn and Zn Levels to the Transfer of Mn and Zn From the Yolk Sac

  23. 热应激产蛋鸡日粮中添加抗氧化微营养素对其心、肝、蛋中维生素E含量的影响

    The effect of high ambient temperature and adding anti-oxidative micro-nutrients to the diets on the contents of vitamin E in the heart , liver and egg of layers

  24. 日粮中添加50mg/kg维生素E、200mg/kg维生素C,对缓解热应激力时肉仔鸡血清总蛋白浓度升高效果明显;

    The contents of total protein in the serum of the stressed broilers were higher considerably when supplementing with 50 mg / kg V E + 200 mg / kg V C.

  25. 利用杂交狼尾草饲喂高产奶牛时,应注意日粮中Ca、P的添加。

    Attention should therefore be paid to the addition of Ca and P in diets when a lactating dairy cow is producing milk 35 kg / d when fed by Hybrid Pennisetum .

  26. 日粮中添加硒提高了瘤胃中VFA的浓度。

    The supplementation of selenium increased VFA concentration of ruminal fluid .

  27. 日粮中添加绿茶和茶多酚时,肌肉pH值与对照组差异极显著(P<0.01),并且滴水率均低于对照组。

    The difference of pH value in muscle was significant ( P ﹤ 0.01 ) while the water drip rate all decreased when green tea powders and TP were added into the basal diet .

  28. 家禽日粮中NSP的抗营养作用机理研究

    Research in Mechanism of NSP Anti-nutrition Effect in Poultry Dietary

  29. 结果表明,日粮中添加松科植物提取物,可以显著提高免疫器官重量和淋巴细胞转化率(P0.05)。

    The results showed that : the weight of immune organ and lymphocyte change rate increased significantly ( P 0.05 ) by adding pinaceae extraction into the diet .

  30. 本研究分三个试验,研究在玉米-豆粕型日粮中维生素A、E、C的不同添加水平及其互作对肉仔鸡生产性能、肉品质及血清生化指标的影响。

    Three experiments were conducted to investigate effects of vitamin different dietary levels in the corn-soybean basic diet on the production performance , meat quality parameter and serum biochemical parameter on AA broiler chicks .