
  • 网络the Geneva Convention
  1. 关于战俘待遇灾日内瓦公约

    Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War

  2. 关于国际承认航空器权利的日内瓦公约

    Geneva Convention on the International Recognition of Rights of Aircraft

  3. (七)依照日内瓦公约及其附加议定书的有关规定开展工作。

    and ( 7 ) to conduct its work in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols .

  4. 历史学家FrancoisBugnion说,这就是日内瓦公约的起源。

    This , explains historian Francois Bugnion , is the origin of the Geneva Conventions .

  5. 所以做一些调整,让EATR咬一两个尸体无伤大雅,尽管日内瓦公约可能会说什么。

    So it might not hurt to make a few tweaks that would allow the EATR to nibble a corpse or two , despite what the Geneva Conventions might say .

  6. 他甚至认为,日内瓦公约的某些条约年代过于久远了。

    He even described some of the Geneva Conventions as quaint .

  7. 保护战俘的日内瓦公约也是在此签署。

    The Geneva conventions to protect war prisoners were signed there .

  8. 我不在乎这个是否违反了日内瓦公约。

    I don 't care if it 's against the Geneva oonvention .

  9. 我们拒绝接受日内瓦公约。

    We refuse to abide by the Geneva Conventions .

  10. 我们会根据日内瓦公约对待你。

    You will be treated according to the articles of the Geneva convention .

  11. 保护战争受难者的日内瓦公约

    Geneva Convention on the Protection of Victims of War

  12. 你们受到日内瓦公约的保护。

    You 're protected by the Geneva convention .

  13. 《日内瓦公约》埘战俘的待遇问题作了规定。

    The Geneva Convention laid down rules governing the treatment of prisoners of war .

  14. 关于日内瓦公约原则适用于海战的公约

    Convention for the Adaptation to Maritime Warfare of the Principles of the Geneva Convention

  15. 上校《日内瓦公约》规定

    Colonel , the Geneva Convention states that

  16. 救护战地军队伤者病者的日内瓦公约

    Geneva Convention for the Relief of the Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field

  17. 想像一下,也许哪天放贾斯汀比伯的音乐可能会违反日内瓦公约。琼斯开玩笑说。

    Id imagine using Justin Bieber would be against the Geneva Convention , Jones jokingly said .

  18. 日内瓦公约以瑞士的红十字会的调解来管理国际战俘的邮件。

    The Geneva Convention controlled international pow mail , mediated by the Red Cross in switzerland .

  19. 对日内瓦公约的严重违反是对战争法的违背。

    A grave breach under the Geneva Conventions is a violation of the law of war .

  20. 我们遵守日内瓦公约规定的程序。

    We follow Geneva Convention procedures .

  21. 保护唱片制作者禁止未经许可复制春唱片日内瓦公约

    Geneva Convention on the Protection of Producers or Phonograms , Against Unauthorized Duplication of their Phonograms

  22. 《日内瓦公约》及其他国际人道主义法规被各个国家所尊重。

    The Geneva Conventions and all other instruments of international humanitarian law must be scrupulously respected .

  23. 红十字国际委员会主席雅各布·克伦贝格尔表示日内瓦公约仍然是适用的。

    International Committee of the Red Cross President Jakob Kellenberger , says the Geneva Conventions are still .

  24. 关押在关塔纳莫湾的拘留者受到人道待遇,符合日内瓦公约的要求。

    The detainees at Guantanamo Bay are being treated humanely , in conditions consistent with the Geneva Convention .

  25. 根据《日内瓦公约》,军官和士官在被俘时没有义务进行劳作。

    Under the Geneva Convention , Officers and Non-commissioned Officers are not obliged to work when taken prisoner .

  26. 1949年的四个《日内瓦公约》及两个《附加议定书》确立了战争行为采用的规章和规则,并进一步确认了战争罪行违反国际人道主义法和习惯国际法的基本模式。

    The 1949 Geneva conventions and its ' protocols established the laws and rules that war should obey .

  27. 轰炸外国大使馆显然违反了国际法,尤其是违反了〈日内瓦公约〉。

    Bombing foreign embassy is a clear violation of international law & in particular of the Geneva Convention .

  28. 日内瓦公约体系和普通法系在票据行为能力法律适用方面的立法实践虽各有特点,但体现了融合的趋势。

    The applicable law of the act on commercial paper is based on Geneva Convention system and common-law system .

  29. 依照日内瓦公约及其附加议定书的有关规定开展工作。

    To conduct its work in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols .

  30. 日内瓦公约规定不应按照对待战俘的方式对待被拘留者。

    The Geneva Convention states that internees should not be treated in the same way as prisoners of war .