
fǎ lǜ zhì cái
  • justice;legal sanction
  1. 像这样的罪行事后难道没有法律制裁?

    Is there any justice after a crime like this ?

  2. 查处违反环保法规案件违法者要受到法律制裁。

    Those who break the law are subjected to justice .

  3. 更加可怕的是,一些对LGBT群体进行法律制裁的国家可能会利用该技术让人出柜。

    More frighteningly , governments that continue to prosecute LGBT people could hypothetically use the technology to out and target populations .

  4. Khatami表示,牧师们要看到对所有叛乱煽动分子的最终法律制裁,包括Mousavi和Karroubi。

    Khatami said clerics want to see the decisive and legal confrontation of all seditionists , including Mousavi and Karroubi .

  5. 此前,Uber一直在印度大力推销自己,并承诺将提供安全廉价的运输服务。如今,该公司可能因与上述袭击事件有关的疏忽大意面临严厉的法律制裁。

    The company , which had been aggressively promoting itself in India with the promise of safe and affordable transportation , is now facing the prospect of serious legal action for negligence in connection with the alleged attack .

  6. 就不会被法律制裁然后可以继续你的运动生涯?

    You might evade criminal prosecution and resume your athletic career ?

  7. 而内幕交易法律制裁是控制体系中最后一道防线,是内幕交易法律控制的核心。

    The legal sanction is a deadline , which is legal control .

  8. 为此,需设置完善的限制竞争协议法律制裁体系。

    It is a complicated sanction system for the restrained competition agreement .

  9. 对犯罪,犯罪行为,与法律制裁的科学研究。

    The scientific study of crime and criminal behavior and law enforcement .

  10. 保护他什么免受法律制裁吗

    Protecting him ? From what , the justice system ?

  11. 媒体可以起到提醒观众暴力行为可能导致法律制裁的作用。

    Media can warn the audiences of the legal proceeding of violence behaviours .

  12. 比较视野中的赌博犯罪法律制裁体系

    On the Punishment System of Gambling Crime-a Comparative Perspective

  13. 论商业诽谤行为及其民事法律制裁

    Comment on Commercial Libel Act and Civil Legal Sanction

  14. 只有面临严厉的法律制裁,违法者才有必要考虑去申请宽恕。

    Just facing severe legal sanctions , offenders could consider applying for leniency .

  15. 他们做出承诺将会给予贩假者法律制裁。

    And they promise to crack down on sellers .

  16. 根据州立法案,对10岁以下的未成年人不被指控为犯罪,所以这名8岁小孩将免于法律制裁。

    But state law prevents children under 10 from being charged with a crime .

  17. 地方保护的实质与法律制裁

    The Essence and Legal Sanction of Local Protectionism

  18. 罪犯受到了法律制裁。

    The criminal was dealt with according law .

  19. 我们必须使犯人受审并受法律制裁。

    We must bring a criminal to justice , try him and punish him .

  20. 她可以免受法律制裁?

    With no regard for the law ?

  21. 法律制裁的主要作用是,它能强化一种社会禁忌,而这种禁忌才是真正有效的。

    the chief mischief of the legal penalties is that they strengthen the social stigma .

  22. 在采用法律制裁的责任方式的同时,也需要采用功利补偿的方式。

    When we adopt the legal sanction , we need adopt the manner of interested compensation .

  23. 前工党党员,曾一度担任警官的詹姆斯·福德·西尔躲避法律制裁长达43年之久。

    A former Laborer and one time police officer James Ford Seale evaded justice for43 years .

  24. 法律制裁的历史回归

    The Historical Return of Legal Sanctions

  25. 然而,只是对他们进行道德谴责和法律制裁,是远远不够的。

    However , they only moral condemnation and sanctions of the law , is far from enough .

  26. 空气污染的法律制裁

    Legal remedy of air pollution

  27. 但卡尔德龙总统也指责司法系统犯下错误,让犯罪分子逃脱法律制裁。

    But President Calderon also condemned faults in the system that have allowed criminals to escape justice .

  28. 罪犯以自杀逃脱法律制裁。那个有罪的杀人犯从高度安全的监狱逃脱了。

    The criminal cheated the law by suicide . The convicted murderer escaped from a high security prison .

  29. 奥巴马强烈谴责这起暴力事件,他还表示罪犯将难逃法律制裁。

    The president has strongly condemned the violence and he says those responsible will be brought to justice .

  30. 只有立足于《民法通则》,对商业诽谤行为予以民事法律制裁,才能够全面完善对商事主体的保护,维护正常的商业交易秩序。

    In order to protect the system of merchant transaction , the civil legal sanction should be perfected .