
zhì cái
  • sanction;punish;impose sanction against;censure
制裁 [zhì cái]
  • [impose sanction against;censure;punish] 用强力管束并处罚

  • 确立制裁措施对付违反劳动法规的人

制裁[zhì cái]
  1. 联合国安理会(unsecuritycouncil)不可能自己出面谴责叙利亚,更遑论制裁。

    The UN Security Council could not bring itself to condemn , let alone sanction , Syria .

  2. 市场经济地位问题在WTO的环境中,已经成为一种歧视性待遇,成为反倾销中制裁的权利。

    Market economic position issue has becoming a kind of discrimination treatment and a right of sanction in the environment of the WTO .

  3. 实施制裁的威胁是我们争取和平最有力的施压手段。

    The threat of sanctions is our most powerful lever for peace .

  4. 普遍默认了联合国的制裁。

    There was general acquiescence in the UN sanctions .

  5. 他们决心阻止联合国同意实施制裁。

    They were determined to dissociate the UN from any agreement to impose sanctions .

  6. 凡拒签该协议的国家均受到贸易制裁。

    Trade sanctions were imposed against any country that refused to sign the agreement .

  7. 国际制裁禁止销售医药用品和食物以外的任何产品。

    The sanctions ban the sale of any products excepting medical supplies and food .

  8. 经济制裁业已取消。

    The economic sanctions have been lifted .

  9. 制裁可能会是争议最大的问题之一。

    Sanctions are expected to be among the most contentious issues .

  10. 很多国家还没有终止对南非的制裁。

    Many nations still had not dropped sanctions against South Africa .

  11. 安理会将考虑未来采取措施打击破坏制裁的人。

    The Security Council will consider taking future actions against sanction-busters .

  12. 我们的记者一直在评估制裁带来的影响。

    Our correspondent has been assessing the impact of the sanctions

  13. 新措施旨在加强现行的制裁。

    The new measures are aimed at tightening existing sanctions .

  14. 他对解除制裁表示反对。

    He expressed his opposition to the lifting of sanctions .

  15. 制裁没有发挥预期的作用。

    The sanctions are not working the way they were intended

  16. 在联合国制裁的重压之下,他们的经济崩溃了。

    Their economy crumbled under the weight of United Nations sanctions

  17. 两位领导人在制裁问题上存在意见分歧。

    The two leaders had differed on the issue of sanctions

  18. 美国计划加大现有经济制裁的力度。

    The United States plans to tighten the economic sanctions currently in place

  19. 通过提高停车费,变相制裁车辆的使用。

    Use of the car is penalized by increasing the fares of parking lots

  20. 他们一旦撤出其2/3的军队,经济制裁就会被取消。

    Economic sanctions will be lifted once two-thirds of their forces have pulled out

  21. 随着制裁开始产生严重的负面影响,政治上将面临更多的困难。

    As the sanctions begin to bite there will be more political difficulties ahead

  22. 制裁完全可能发挥作用。

    There is every likelihood that sanctions will work .

  23. 让人哭笑不得的是,最近的制裁结果只是导致新一波国际社会的批评。

    Ironically , the latest clamp-down has just led to renewed international criticism .

  24. 如果这些禁令被置之不理,他们可能会采取报复措施,对其他商品进行制裁。

    They may retaliate with sanctions on other products if the bans are disregarded .

  25. 要是美国人非要这么做的话,那么他们可以对其进行制裁。

    If the Americans were so minded then they could take sanctions against them .

  26. 国际制裁开始起作用了。

    International sanctions were beginning to take effect .

  27. 其他国家正在急切等待美国同意完全撤销制裁。

    Other countries are eagerly awaiting an American green light to lift the sanctions altogether .

  28. 联合国安全理事会将取消制裁与遵守停火协议挂钩。

    The UN Security Council has linked any lifting of sanctions to compliance with the ceasefire terms

  29. 1935年国际联盟在意大利入侵埃塞俄比亚之后对其实施了制裁。

    In 1935 the League of Nations imposed sanctions against Italy following its invasion of Ethiopia .

  30. 在确认没有违反制裁条例后,货船被放行了。

    The freighter was allowed to proceed after satisfying them that it was not breaking sanctions .