
  • 网络french literature
  1. 她的法国文学知识之丰富使我大为惊奇。

    I was amazed at her knowledge of French literature .

  2. 她仍担任法国文学教授。

    She still keeps the chair of French literature .

  3. 四川外国语大学成都学院(ChengduInstituteSichuanInternationalStudiesUniversity)法语系教授沈光临表示,一流大学过于注重法国文学和历史,它们忽视了这样一个事实:非洲正变成学生们最大的工作地。

    Shen Guanglin , a French professor at Chengdu Institute Sichuan International Studies University , says elite universities focus too much on French literature and history , and overlook the fact that Africa is becoming the biggest workplace for students .

  4. 我们现在所谓的“文艺复兴(renaissance)”,在法国文学界还被称作“larestitutiondeslettres”,意即:经典作品的复原或再现。

    What we now call the Renaissance was , in French literary circles , also known as " La restitution des lettres " : the restoration or reproduction of classical learning .

  5. 短篇小说在法国文学史中的地位与发展

    The Status and Development of Short Stories in French Literature

  6. 安多纳德:温柔而凄凉的法国文学女性形象

    An Donald : A Gentle and Sad Female Image in French Literature

  7. 我不太熟悉法国文学。

    I have only a nodding acquaintance with French literature .

  8. 法语、德语和英国文学的考试她都通过了/法国文学、德国文学和英国文学的考试她都通过了

    She has passed her exams in French , German and English literature

  9. 从实验性走向通俗化&试析二十世纪法国文学的发展

    From Experimentalism to Popularization & The development of the twentieth century French literature

  10. 他是现代法国文学专家。

    He 's a specialist on Modern French literature .

  11. 我大学的时候看了很多法国文学。

    When I was in college I read a lot of French literature .

  12. 我的专业是法国文学。

    Frank : I 'm majoring in French literature .

  13. 科莱特是法国文学史上一位杰出的人物。

    Colette is one of the most fascinating figures of French literary history .

  14. 它对法国文学的译介做出了重要的贡献。

    It has made great contributions to the translation and introduction of French literature .

  15. 他一生致力于法国文学的翻译介绍工作,共译作品三十余部。

    He devoted himself to french literary translation and translated more than thirty works .

  16. 他从法国文学中寻找到了自己对文学、特别是对戏剧的灵感。

    French literature from his own look to the literature , particularly drama inspiration .

  17. 我年轻时在中国的时候,我发现法国文学里蕴藏着巨大的力量。

    In China , when I was young , I found it immensely powerful .

  18. 殊荣与桥梁:获得法国文学与艺术勋章的中国建筑师

    Honor and bridge : the Chinese architects awarded with the Chevalier of Arts and Literatures

  19. 文学体裁变奏曲&现当代法国文学的一个新视角

    Evolution of Literary Style & A New View Angle of French Modern and Contemporary Literature

  20. 研究中世纪法国文学的作家

    A writer delving in medieval French literature

  21. 20世纪的法国文学,实验性文学的发展脉络清晰。

    French literature , in the twentieth century , the developmental thread of experimental literature was clear .

  22. 《局外人》作为加缪的经典之作,在法国文学史上立下了一座不朽的丰碑。

    The Stranger is the masterpiece of Albert Camus , which built an enduring monument in French literature .

  23. 雨果是法国文学史上最伟大的作家之一他的《巴黎圣母院》《悲惨世界》是不朽的名著。

    Hugo is among the best writers in french literature whose masterpieces are Notre Dame de Paris and Les Miserables .

  24. 维克多·雨果在十九世纪法国文学史上占有重要地位。

    Victor Hugo ( 1802-1885 ) possessed a very important status in French literature history of the 19 ~ th century .

  25. 在20世纪法国文学发展的过程中,理性与非理性的思潮展开了一场又一场的激烈斗争,然而占主导地位的始终是反传统的、非理性的反文学。

    In the development of French literature in the 20th century , one debate after another was held between reason and anti reason .

  26. 拥有法国文学和美术学位的他搬到巴黎来撰写关于建筑和城市规划的博士论文。

    Holding degrees in French Literature and Fine Arts , he moved to Paris to do a doctoral dissertation on architecture and urban planning .

  27. 从达达主义兴起之后,现代主义产生,各种实验性文学竞相涌现,法国文学开始了一个实验性的时代。

    From Dadaism , with the emergence of Modernism , several kinds of experimental literature arose , and French literature entered an experimentalism epoch .

  28. 作为法国文学的研究专家,罗大冈对法国现代诗的研究解读,完全体现了他本人的诗歌创作理念。

    As the expert on French literature , his theory research of modernism school of French poetry completely embodied the concept of his poetry writing .

  29. 同时萨特也是第二次世界大战之后,法国文学界最有影响、持续时间最长的存在主义文学流派的代表。

    And he was also Existentialist The Literature Representative of the most influential and the longest duration In French literary circles after the Second World War .

  30. 法国文学批评历经五百多年沧桑,批评观念经历了判断、鉴赏、诠释三个阶段的嬗变。

    In more than five hundred years , the concepts of French literary criticism have come through three phases of evolution : judgement , appreciation and interpretation .