
  • 网络Ferrari;Scuderia Ferrari;AF CORSE;Marlboro Ferrari;Team
  1. 法拉利车队的芬兰车手&基米莱科宁在法国大奖赛上准备出发。

    Finland 's Kimi Raikkonen of Ferrari gets set for the French Grand Prix .

  2. 法拉利车队宣布将于今年9月与他再续签一年合约,因此在2010年F1赛季期间这位冰人仍可以手握方向盘为法拉利车队效力。

    Ferrari announced a one-year extension in September , so the Iceman will remain behind the wheel for the Ferrari team through the 2010 F1 season .

  3. 虽然他的设计概念和东北Tribun概念可能永远不会达到的生产线,但法拉利车队BizzarriniP538将建立在数量有限。

    Although his designs of Tribun Concept and Panthera Concept will probably never reach the production line , but the Scuderia Bizzarrini P538 will be built in a limited number .

  4. 一列法拉利车队在这里只能是护送车!

    Ferrari here can only be the escort car !

  5. 法拉利车队阿隆索位居第二,他的最快圈速同样来自排位赛模拟。

    Alonso 's lap to split the Mercedes also came on a qualifying-style run .

  6. 法拉利车队很高兴舒马赫到场观看摩纳哥站比赛。

    The Ferrari formula one team is glad it has Michael Schumacher presence at a number of races .

  7. 该轮胎制造商以低姿态出现在一级方程式运动中,它在下个赛季只愿意给法拉利车队和威廉姆斯车队提供轮胎。

    The tyre manufacturer is working towards a lower-profile in Formula One and only wants to supply Ferrari and Williams AS of next seASon .

  8. 这位德国超级巨星已为法拉利车队获得了过去五届车手冠军头衔,并为该意大利车队在过去六个赛季中赢得车队总冠军头衔。

    The German superstar has claimed the last five drivers'titles for Ferrari , with the Italian team crowned constructors'champions for the past six seasons .

  9. 他们当中大部分是赶来祝贺赞助商马天尼公司在离开一级方程式27年后重新回来赞助法拉利车队。

    Many of them were present to celebrate the return of sponsors Martini to Formula One racing with Ferrari , after an absence of27 years .

  10. 对于银石而言,这是一项小而有用的改变,破风板现在有锯齿状的底部,类似法拉利车队的设计。

    A small but useful change for Silverstone , these elements now feature a saw-tooth profile at the base , similar to the design used by Ferrari .

  11. 舒马赫的受伤引起了杰拉德塞兰特教授的关注,杰拉德塞兰特是舒马赫的亲密队友,也是舒马赫前法拉利车队老板让托德的朋友。

    The German is receiving the attention of Professor Gerard Saillant , a close ally and friend of Schumacher and his former Ferrari team boss Jean Todt .

  12. 在澳大利亚大奖赛,法拉利车队要求舒马赫的队友巴里切罗让出领先位置,让舒马赫夺取冠军,赢得10个积分。

    At the Austrian Grand Prix , teammate Rubens Barrichello was forced by Ferrari to surrender his lead to allow Schumacher through to take the flag and the10 points .

  13. 在贝纳通车队时,他于1994年和1995年赢得了两次冠军,后来在1996年他转到了法拉利车队,从2000年起又相继赢了五次冠军。

    He won two titles with Benetton , in 1994 and 1995 , before switching to Ferrari in 1996 and going on to win five straight titles from 2000 .

  14. 舒利亚后备入替仍未能挽回败局,球队卒以一比二落败。法拉利车队很高兴舒马赫到场观看摩纳哥站比赛。

    Shearer came on later but could not prevent a2-1 defeat . The Ferrari Formula One team is glad it has Michael Schumacher presence at a number of races .

  15. “我享受在车队的每分每秒”阿根廷人方吉奥在他加入法拉利车队的第一年获得世界冠军时说道。

    " I enjoy every moment with the team ," said the first driver since the late Argentine Juan Manuel Fangio to win the championship in his first season with ferrari .

  16. 他租用了三架飞机,将亲朋好友接到旅游胜地海南岛上,安排六辆法拉利组成的婚礼车队,还请了流行歌手举办了一场庆祝音乐会。

    He rented three aircraft to fly family and friends to the resort island of Hainan , brought in pop stars for a gala concert and assembled a fleet of six Ferraris for the wedding procession .