- 网络Prime minister;Prime Minister of France

He did not quit as France 's prime minister of his own accord .
Speaking at the French National Assembly , Manuel Valls , the prime minister , said that no hypothesis could be ruled out .
The Prime Minister played host to French Premier Jacques Chirac .
As prime minister Manuel Valls admitted : " France must live with terrorism . " In just 18 months , the country has fundamentally changed .
In an interview with newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche , Manuel Valls , French prime minister , said : " The investigation will establish the facts , but we know now that the killer was radicalised very quickly .
Mr Sarkozy had intended to keep a low profile at an European Union summit in Brussels , and leave it to Franois Fillon , the prime minister , to respond to the strike in a television interview yesterday evening .
The audit body is planning to examine a proposed 2011 deal between EDF and CGNPC to share nuclear expertise , which was blocked by the French prime minister because it excluded Areva , the French reactor maker .
Here comes the premier of france 's car .
1950-Ren é Pleven becomes Prime Minister of France .
Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin said French literature had lost one of its greatest authors .
Jean-Pierre Raffarin has maintained close ties with China following his tenure as French Prime Minister from 2002 to 2005 .
Prime Minister Edouard Philippe says the country has made enough progress in slowing down the spread of the virus .
The French prime minister 's visit , Thursday , he notes , is part of that , including economic ties ....
The French Prime Minister says his country is ready to start lifting its coronavirus lockdown from next Monday as planned .
French Prime Minister Francois Fillon told parliament Greece must decide quickly , whether it wants to remain in the euro zone or not .
The French prime minister has reiterated his desire to see the EU arms embargo on China lifted , branding it " an anachronism " .
Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault made public the French Secret Services " nine-page report into the incident drawn up by military and foreign intelligence services .
The deal to build the nuclear park in Jaitapur was inked with a French company during French President Nicholas Sarkozy 's visit to India in December .
But now Colbert is back with a vengeance , as Dominique de Villepin , the prime minister , promotes his notion of " economic patriotism " .
French Prime Minister Fillon has just paid a successful visit to China , during which the two sides reached broad consensus on further advancing China-France comprehensive strategic partnership .
Speaking in Berlin , German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy said the stability of Europe 's single currency , the euro , is their top priority .
The French Prime Minister has condemned the assassination of the Hamas commander in Dubai . Fran ç ois Fillon is calling for the truth about the killing to be established .
Earlier this month in a speech at France 's lower house of Parliament , Prime minister Manuel Valls praised ' a reform that proclaims the right to die peacefully , in dignity and without suffering ' 。
Earlier this month in a speech at France 's lower house of Parliament , Prime minister Manuel Valls praised ' a reform that proclaims the right to die peacefully , in dignity and without suffering ' .
University fees for students outside of the EU , which would include Brits after Brexit , are set to shoot up by as much as 16 times the current cost , the French prime minister has announced .
French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said that at the moment a " wealthy foreign student pays the same tuition fees as a poor French student whose parents have lived , worked and paid taxes in France for years . "
Opinion polls indicate that Alain Jupp é would be a better bet in a second round run-off than Mr Sarkozy .
Ex-French PM : China needs new Industrial Revolution .
Dominique de Villepin , a centre-right former prime minister , claims that France will " find itself shrunk on the diplomatic scene " .
Blair said in his speech to open the conference that he had been inspired to speak of his linguistic shortcomings by the presence here of another former French Prime minister , Laurent fabius .