
  • 网络AMIENS;Amien;QAM-Glisy
  1. 他们去年8月在亚眠结婚。

    They were wed at Amiens last August

  2. 法国总工会去年反对Titan收购一家位于亚眠的固特异工厂。

    The CGT last year opposed a Titan takeover of the Goodyear plant in Amiens .

  3. 盟国发射成功反攻在马恩和亚眠。

    Allies launch successful counter-offensives at the Marne and Amiens .

  4. 这位来自法国亚眠的65岁老人将出现在《Vestiaires》中。

    The 65 year-old from Amiens , France , will appear in " Vestiaires . "

  5. 1498年哥伦布经过该岛附近,宣布该岛为西班牙所有。1781年被法国占领。1802年据《亚眠条约》划归英国。

    The history of Trinidad & Tobago has been one of invasion and conquest since its discovery by Christopher Columbus , who claimed it for Spain in 1498 .

  6. 据亚眠动物园前文化中心主任克里斯汀莫瑞尔女士说,这项“实验”旨在“探求人在自然界中的归属感”。

    According to Christine Morrier , a former director of the cultural centre at the zoo , the experiment is a way of " questioning man about his belonging to nature " .

  7. 亚眠市一家大学医院的医生从一位脑死亡者的脸上取下鼻子、下巴和嘴唇,移植到她的脸上,这是世界上首例脸部移植手术,具有很高的医疗风险。

    Doctors in Europe and the United States have had the technical ability to carry out facial transplants for some time , but held back because of ethical concerns about the high-risk procedure .