
dū zhèng fǔ
  • Directoire
  1. 法国督政府迅速解体原因之我见

    Towards the Cause of Disorganization of French Directoire in my Opinion

  2. 在督政府时期,以较新的外交理念促成法国外交部的改革;

    During the period of Le directoire , he reformed the Foreign Ministry of France .

  3. 在督政府统治的5年时间里,他一直在为自我发展策划和努力。

    Throughout the five years of the directorate he had been scheming and working for self-advancement .

  4. 这就是那个率领督政府的军队在意大利取得胜利的拿破仑波拿巴。

    This was that same Napoleon Bonaparte who had led the armies of the directory to victory in italy .