
dū fǔ
  • civil and military governors in the Ming and Qing Dynasties;governor-general and provincial governor;civil and military governors
督抚 [dū fǔ]
  • [governor-general and provincial governor;civil and military governors] 总督和巡抚,明清两代最高的地方行政长官

  • 督抚大吏争上符瑞。--《明史.海瑞传》

督抚[dū fǔ]
  1. 这既是预备立宪的需要,又是权利斗争使然,尤其是中央与地方督抚斗争的结果。

    It was the result of constitutionalism preparing and rights contending .

  2. 丁日昌是近代中国一位有争议的地方督抚大员、洋务实干家。

    TING Jih-ch'ang was a disputed local governor and western affairs practiser in modern China .

  3. 乾隆一朝因贪贿惩处的督抚数目之多超过了以往任何朝代。

    The number of governors punished for corruption exceeded the number in any dynasty before .

  4. 清末军制改革过程中充满了中央政府与地方督抚之间的斗争;

    The reform was filled with conflicts between the central government and the local governors ;

  5. 早期现代化中的地方督抚

    Local Governors and Early Chinese Modernization

  6. 晚清督抚势力与中国早期现代化进程

    The Power of Governors in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Modernization Process of China

  7. 在任地方督抚期间,他大力兴办新式学校,推动了中国教育的早期现代化。

    He also put up many Western style school , which improved the early educational modernization .

  8. 地方督抚在中国现代化史上占有重要地位,是推动中国早期现代化的主要力量之一。

    As an impetus force , local governors played an important role in early Chinese modernization .

  9. 督抚制度一直是学术界的一个研究重点,而地方督抚制度则是整个督抚制的缩影。

    The governor system is always an academic focus , while the regional governor system is its miniature .

  10. 通过对地方督抚制度的研究,可以使我们更深刻地理解整个督抚制。

    The study of the regional system can make contribution to the more profound understanding of the whole system .

  11. 从乾隆朝东南督抚贪腐案看海疆社会经济秩序

    The Social and Economic Order Reflected in the Southeast Governor 's Corruption Cases in the Time of Emperor Qianlong

  12. 明代贵州督抚的设立及其区域军事调控研究

    A Study on the Establishment of the Guizhou Governor and Its Military Control of the Regions in the Ming Dynasty

  13. 清廷控制着地方的军权、财权和人事权,地方督抚拥有的权力很有限。

    The central government controlled local army 、 finance and personnel , and the local governor had very limited power .

  14. 督抚体制、道制,是明清两代富有特色而又十分重要的两个地方军事与行政管理制度。

    Du-Fu System and Dao System were two important local administrative systems with their respective features in the Ming and Qing dynasties .

  15. 张謇作为江苏和东南地区的上层绅商代表,他在庚子年向东南督抚的陈言献策中,也显露出与上海庚子报刊时论类同的东南意识。

    As a representative of upper-level businessmen in areas of Jiangsu and Southeast China , ZHANG Jian also showed his consciousness of Southeast .

  16. 到目前为止,对明清督抚体制、道制的研究基本上都是分开进行的,很少有学者将两者放在一起进行有联系的或对比性的研究。

    Up to now , there have been separate studies on the two systems but very few scholars have made a contrastive study of them .

  17. 随社会变动与政治格局变化,晚清督抚衙署房科结构日趋复杂。

    With the changes of society and political situation , the structure of " Fangke " in each Governor-General Yamun became more and more complex .

  18. 乾隆时期灾赈的有效性与国家财政充裕、强调督抚亲历亲为、严密防范胥吏舞弊有紧密联系。

    Qianlong period of validity of the national disaster relief financial position , emphasizing the governors hands-on , take strict precautions against fraud clerks are closely linked .

  19. 他们之间存在的合作和分歧,体现了清代督抚同城的利与弊,影响着广东社会的进程。

    For Guangdong Xunfu and Liangguang Zongdu both conducted affairs in Guangzhou city , something unexpected and cooperated often happened and influenced the development of Guangdong society .

  20. 意在说明世纪之交,督抚们在其交涉中所起的作用,并说明这一作用,不仅受个人态度和朝廷政策的影响,更要受到国力的制约。

    And I also want to say that this function is not only influenced by personal attitude and imperial government policy , but also by the national strength .

  21. 在历次矿权交涉中,清廷基本能和东北督抚保持一致,在交涉过程中基本对俄日的态度十分地坚决。

    In mine all previous representations , basic can be consistent and the North-East governors , the qing government in the process of bargaining russo-japanese attitude very firmly .

  22. 通过端方,本文论述了部分地方督抚和清廷官吏在中国早期现代化中所起的暂时的领导与推动作用,同时也分析了他们所遭遇的困难和面对的两难处境。

    The thesis discusses the effects of some local governors and other officials in early Chinese modernization as transitory leaders , and analyses the dilemma that they had to face .

  23. 正是这种新旧制度的结合诞生了总理衙门-南北洋通商大臣-各省督抚的对外交涉体制。

    The combination of the new and old system contribute to the new system : the General Government Office , South and North Trading Minster , Every General and Provincial Governor .

  24. 清廷在处理矿案交涉时,侧重于从国家、外交层面进行考虑,而东北督抚则侧重于从地方利益出发。

    The qing government in dealing with mine case dealing , focused on , considering from the country , the diplomatic and is focused on the northeast governors from local interests .

  25. 中国直至清末修律时,才在沈家本于1906年主持编成的《大清刑事民事诉讼法》中规定了陪审制,但遭到当时各省督抚的抵制而被搁置。

    In 1906 , Jury System was regulated in the Criminal and Civil Procedural Law of Great Qing-Dynasty . But it was boycotted and delayed by local officials of the each province .

  26. 它包括的面很广,大体上看,主要有都察院、监察御史、巡按御史和督抚四大监察体系。

    It includes the surface is very broad , looked on the whole , mainly has observe the courtyard , to supervise the censor , the inspector censor and the imperial inspector four big supervision systems .

  27. 当然,清廷与东北督抚有时也会在一些关键问题上存在分歧,这主要与清廷与东北督抚的交涉立场差异有关。

    Sometimes , of course , the qing government and the northeast governors divided on some key issues , this is mainly related to the bargaining position of the qing government and the northeast governors differences .

  28. 从战略地位、军事防御力量、镇军的战斗力、督抚级别及受到的优待、驻军数量、军费开支等方面较为全面地论述了宣府镇在明朝中前期北部边疆中的重要地位和作用。

    This paper expounds its important position and role in the northern border region in the early and medium Ming Dynasty from some aspects such as strategic position , military defensive forces , combat effectiveness and so on .

  29. 房科作为清代职官体系外的非正式机构,事实上成为各直省督抚衙门内部行政职能运作的基本载体。

    " Fangke ", as an informal institution independent of the bureaucracy of the Qing period , had actually become the basic carrier of interior administrative function of each Governor-General Yamun ( Du-fu Yamen ) in each province .

  30. 列强因相互牵制,出于保护自己在华尤其在长江流域利益的考虑,对东南督抚的互保建议,给予了热烈回应。

    Powers by restraining each other , out to protect themselves , especially in the Yangtze River in China , interest considerations , the Governor of the southeast , ask a mutual insurance proposals to give the enthusiastic response .