
dū cù chéng xù
  • Supervision Procedure;proceedings for supervising and urging the clearance of debt
  1. 第十七章督促程序

    Chapter XVII Procedure for Hastening Debt Recovery

  2. 我国督促程序的司法完善

    Perfect Judicature of China 's Proceedings for Supervising and Urging

  3. 简论督促程序的受案范围和条件

    General discuss on the document scope and conditions of the supervision procedure

  4. 督促程序研究

    Research on the Procedure for Hastening Debt Recovery

  5. 第二章,督促程序的域外考察。

    The second chapter is the extraterritorial investigation .

  6. 督促程序中债权人的程序障碍&兼论督促程序的发展完善

    Procedure Obstacles Creditors Encounter in the Supervising Procedure

  7. 1991年民事诉讼法增设了督促程序,但十几年的司法实践效果并不理想。

    In 1991 supervising procedure was added in civil action which has unsuccessful effect during over 10 years practice .

  8. 我国民事诉讼法中的督促程序由于立法规定中的简略,在司法实践中存在着一些适用不明确的地方。

    S : Supervising procedure of country civil procedural law was not quite clear during judical practice for the simple legislation .

  9. 该部分主要是界定督促程序的概念与厘清督促程序的性质。

    This part is mainly to define the concept of procedure for hastening debt recovery and to analyse the characters of the procedure .

  10. 摘要督促程序是为解决债务纠纷而设计的一种非诉程序,曾经在司法实践中发挥了重要作用。

    Supervision procedure is a non-lawsuit , which is designed for solving dispute over obligation and plays the vital role in the judicial practice .

  11. 在通常的该类案件的解决方式中,论述了诉讼方式的不足与缺陷以及在督促程序扩大化适用中扩大适用的法理依据。

    In the usual way to solve such cases , the litigation discussed deficiencies and shortcomings in the supervision program for expansion to extend the legal basis .

  12. 督促程序因债务人异议而终结的,申请费由申请人负担;

    If the procedure of urging debt recovery is finalized due to the objection of the debtor , the application fee shall be paid by the applicant ;

  13. 关于抵押权的实现方式,物权法应增设强制管理方式、借用督促程序和赋予已登记抵押权以直接执行力;

    As the means of realizing mortgages , property law should include forced management and make immediate enforcement possible by means of proceedings of supervision on registered mortgages .

  14. 第二部分督促程序适用扩大的权利基础与法律关系。一是申请人在向法院提交申请时权利的基础。

    The second part discusses the procedure for supervising the operation of three aspects of the foundation , that the applicant submit an application to the court the basis of rights .

  15. 本文由一则案例引出代位执行的理论概述,而最大的创新之处在于结合督促程序的相关内容,提出了完善我国代位执行的程序的设想,以期能够提升代位执行的操作性。

    This article by a case derivation of subrogation execution introduction to the theory and the biggest innovation lies in combining supervision procedure relevant content , puts forward the implementation procedure of subrogation system , in order to can improve the subrogation execution of operation .

  16. 为化验室化验的及时准确负责。完善化验程序管理,督促化验程序遵循相关管理制度。

    Be responsible for in time ingredients and finished products analysis . Perfect testing procedure management and supervise and urge lab testing procedure under regulations .

  17. 为了解决这一问题,笔者对刑事附带民事诉讼程序、民事督促起诉程序、检察院提起的民事公益诉讼程序以及国资委的股东代表诉讼程序进行了比较分析。

    In order to solve this problem , the author comparatively analyze criminal with civil procedure , civil supervision and prosecution procedure , the procuratorate public interest litigation procedure , as well as the SASAC of shareholder representative litigation procedure .