
dài lǐ zhèng shū
  • Proxy Certificate;letter of attorney
  1. 采用指纹认证的WINDOWSnt交互登录方法研究与实现并通过代理证书和相应的认证模式,支持单一登录。

    Strengthen Windows NT Logon Security Based on Gina and Fingerprint Identification And by means of proxy credential and relevant authentication pattern , single-sign-on across multiple domains can be achieved .

  2. 本文系统分析了目前网格环境中通用的CA路径认证算法、代理证书链认证算法和基于PCTL(ProxyCertificateTrustList)的代理证书链的轻量级认证方法。

    In this document , we will describe and analyze three algorithms : CA certificate path validation , proxy certificate chain validation and a lightweight mutual authentication algorithm based on proxy certificate trust list .

  3. 一种代理证书在线签署的网格安全框架设计

    Secure Framework Based on Signing Proxy Certificate On-line for Grid System

  4. 网格环境下代理证书链认证机制的研究

    The Research of Proxy Certificate Chain Authentication in Grid Environment

  5. 一个或多个密钥恢复代理证书无效。

    One or more key recovery agent certificates are invalid .

  6. 您必须有一个注册代理证书以为另一用户提交一个申请。

    You must have an enrollment agent certificate to submit a request for another user .

  7. 509代理证书。

    509 proxy certificate .

  8. 并通过代理证书和相应的认证模式,支持单一登录。

    And by means of proxy credential and relevant authentication pattern , single-sign-on across multiple domains can be achieved .

  9. 基于代理属性证书的分布式RBAC系统

    Distributed RBAC system based on proxy attribute certificates

  10. 基于移动代理实现证书状态确认的互操作

    Achieving interoperability of MA-based certificate status validation

  11. 采用基于离散对数问题的公钥密码体系生成身份代理数字证书涉及的密钥对。

    The key pair related to identity proxy certificate is generated by a public-key cryptosystem based on discrete logarithm problem .

  12. 国家工商行政管理局对符合条件的,颁发《商标代理组织证书》;对不符合条件的,退回申请书件并说明理由。

    State Administration for Industry and Commerce shall award a license of trademark agency organization to those satisfying the requirements ; and shall return the application documents accompanied with reasons to those dissatisfying the requirements .

  13. 注册FS代理的X.509证书

    To register the FS agent 's certificates

  14. 必须已为生成代理颁发了证书。

    A certificate must have been issued for the build agent .

  15. 移动自组网基于代理的分布式证书签名算法

    Distributed Certification Signature Algorithm Based on Agent in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  16. 则部署管理器和节点代理中的证书密钥环文件可能不同步,或未使用您所期望的文件。

    Then either the certificates in the deployment manager and node agent keyring files may not be in sync , or the files that you expect are not actually being used .

  17. CA的证书在故障转移服务器和代理创建和注册证书时被复制到其上。

    The CA 's certificates are copied to the failover servers and the agents when creating and registering their certificates .

  18. 船公司、其代理出具这样的证书,在议付时应随同单据一起提交。

    A certificate to this effect from the shipping company / agent must accompany documents presented for negotiation .