
  • 网络intergenerational justice
  1. 论正义的环境&兼论代际正义的环境

    On the Circumstances of Justice and Their Implications for Intergenerational Justice

  2. 第四章,代际正义的制度保障。

    Chapter IV , the institutional protection of intergenerational justice .

  3. 罗尔斯代际正义思想及其意蕴

    The Thought and Implication on John Rawls Justice Between Generations

  4. 环境代际正义的实现&论三种伦理主体的道德建构

    On the Realization of Environmental Inter-generational Justice & On the Construction of Three Ethical Subjects

  5. 我首先要做的是以批判罗尔斯关于代际正义的理论为出发点。

    My attempt to do this takes its point of departure in a criticism of John Rawls .

  6. 代际正义研究

    Research on Intergenerational Justice

  7. 然后,论述了代际正义的环境,阐明代际正义何以成立,以及在本质上它只能属于公平的正义。

    And then justice environment is discussed , which aims to explain how intergenerational justice can exist and why it belongs to a kind of justice of fairness .

  8. 人们应根据种际正义、代内正义和代际正义的要求,确立污染转移规制的基本原则,从而完善有关的制度和采取相关措施。

    People should base on the requirements of kinds of intergenerational justice and intra-generational justice , establish the basic principles of pollution transfer regulation , and perfect the system and adopt relevant measures .

  9. 代际正义的主要问题是社会的基本结构即社会制度,社会制度的特定状态、性质集中体现着代际正义的本质。

    The main problem of intergenerational justice is the basic structure of society that is the social system . The specific status and nature of social system expresses the essence of intergenerational justice .

  10. 此外,罗尔斯除了对同一代人的资源与机会等需要得到公平分配的问题予以关注外,他还阐述了代际正义和储存困难的问题。

    Except for paying attention to the issues of resources and chances of the same generation need to be allocated fairly , he also elaborated on behalf of generation justice and storage difficult problem .

  11. 本文以罗尔斯的代际正义论为伦理基础,提出自然资本代际产权理论,以期对现代产权理论加以修正并对可持续发展进行产权制度设计。

    Under the theoretic base of Rawls ' intergenerational justice theory , the author gives the intergenerational property of natural capital theory so as to devise modern property theory and to design the property institution for sustainable development .

  12. 罗尔斯从原初状态的假设出发,从契约论的角度论证了代际正义的可能性,通过在代际之间设置公平的储存率,使各代能够承担实现和维持社会正义所需负担的公平的份额。

    Rawls demonstrates the possibility of intergenerational distribution from the contract theory , and sets a equitable deposited ratio in the generation , then each of generations could charge with the fair quotient of the just society endowed .

  13. 虽然代际正义问题的凸显是现代社会以来的事情,但是代际正义的思想渊源可以追溯到古希腊时期直至美国的建国之父们那里。

    Although the prominence of intergenerational justice is a matter since the modern society , the origins of intergenerational justice can be traced back from the ancient Greece to the time of the founding fathers of the United States .

  14. 罗尔斯的正义理论对我国建设社会主义和谐社会,正确处理自由与平等、公平与效率的关系,切实保护弱势群体,维护代际正义,都有着十分重要的价值。

    To practically protect the disadvantaged and keep social justice , Rawls ' Theory of Justice is of great value in constructing a harmonious social society and handling correctly the contradictions between freedom and quality , fairness and efficiency .

  15. 代际正义是代内正义获得有效解决的制度约束条件,代内正义是代际正义的前提和基础,二者相互联系、相互制约,是辩证的统一。

    Intergenerational justice is the institutional constraints for intra-generational justice to be resolved effectively ; intra-generational justice is the prerequisite and basis of intergenerational justice . Being a dialectical unification , intergenerational justice and intra-generational justice relate and restrict each other .

  16. 从可持续发展的这一定义我们可以得出,正义应被纳入到两个维度来考虑:一是时间维度上的代际正义;一是空间维度上的代内正义。

    Taking this definition of sustainable development as a point of departure , justice has to be conceived along two dimensions : intergenerational justice has to be conceived in a time dimension while intra-generational justice must be conceived in a spatial dimension .

  17. 在文章结尾,探讨了代际正义与代内正义的关系,旨在论证代际正义的实现在很大程度上要以代内正义的实现作为基础和前提。

    At the end of this dissertation , the relationship between intergenerational justice and intra-generational justice is discussed , aiming to prove that the realization of the intergenerational justice , to a great extent , is based on the realization of intra-generational justice .

  18. 只有在代际正义的制度约束条件下,才能真正有效的解决代内正义的问题,同时代内正义是代际正义的前提和基础,代内正义问题的解决会促进代际正义问题的解决。

    Only in the constraints of intergenerational justice system can we effectively resolve the questions of intra-generational justice . At the same time , intra-generational justice is the prerequisite and basis of intergenerational justice , which is about to promote the issue of intergenerational justice to be resolved .

  19. 环境代际非正义之主体原因及其对策探析接近环境正义:域外经验与我国实践

    Analysis of Main body of reason and the Counter-measures of Environment for Inter-generational Injustice Access to Environmental Justice : Lessons from Abroad and Domestic Practice in China

  20. 代际气候正义论证的是这样一种的现象:当代人的活动所造成的气候变化会威胁到后代人的福利,即当代人如何对遥远未来的后代人承担起气候正义的义务。

    The argument of intergenerational climate justice is such a phenomenon : the climate change caused by the contemporary human activities will threat to the welfare of future generations .

  21. 论罗尔斯代际分配的正义设置

    On Rawls ' Justice Setting of Intergenerational Distribution