
  • 网络FILM RATINGS;rating
  1. 中国将继续对影片进行审查,以排除性和暴力元素,因为中国不施行电影分级制度。

    The films will continue to be censored for sex and violence because China does not have a film ratings system .

  2. 美国电影分级制度

    The MPAA Film Rating System

  3. 从X级到NC-17级&谈美国电影分级制度的发展变化

    From X to NC-17 & On the Development of the Movie-Grading System in the U.S.A

  4. 英国电影分级委员会表示,据他们估计,已发行的MV中,有五分之一左右会被判定为不适合12岁以下儿童观看。

    The BBFC has estimated that one in five videos released will be deemed unsuitable for children under the age of 12 .

  5. 理事会认为这是一个复杂的问题,应该按照国家的电影分级系统和指导方法来解决。

    The council described it as a complex issue that should be left to national classification systems and guidelines .

  6. 1989版《开国大典》在中国电影分级网站豆瓣上的评分为7.2分,满分为10分。

    The 1989 movie has a current score of 7.2 out of 10 points on Chinese film rating site Douban .

  7. 这一政策也使电影分级系统与禁止烟草广告出现于其他任何媒体的禁令相一致。

    Such a policy would also make the movie ratings system consistent with the ban on tobacco advertising in all other media .

  8. 英国电影分级委员会认为这部影片中有一些中度虚幻的暴力、威胁和恐怖。

    The British Board of Film Classification ( BBFC ) decided the film contained " moderate fantasy violence , threat and horror " .

  9. 电影分级制是完善电影市场、规范电影行业体制的重要举措,在中国实行电影的分级制势在必行。

    It is an important way to perfect the movie market and standardize the movie system , and it must be carried out as soon as possible .

  10. 值得高兴的是,英国电影分级委员会主管大卫·库克已表示:“是否美化吸烟现已成为我们的出版分类准侧之一。”

    It was nice that David Cooke , the BBFC director , had said : " Glamorising smoking has been included as a classification issue in our published classification guidelines . "

  11. 电影分级作为一种电影文化管理及其资源分配方式在全球范围内被众多国家和地区广泛应用,并演变成一种电影产品贸易规则和国际惯例。

    The movie rate is one kind of movie culture management and the resource distribution way is applied by the numerous countries and the areas , and has evolved one kind of movie product trade regulations and the international convention .

  12. 英国烟草控制研究中心曾要求英国电影分级委员会和政府重新审视他们对于电影分级的政策,尤其是讨论要保护18岁以下的青少年不受潜在有害形象的危害。

    The UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies has called on the British Board of Film Classification ( BBFC ) and the Government to review their policies on film classification , arguing that under-18s need to be protected from potentially harmful imagery .

  13. 通过在各个国家的实践来看,电影分级制度可以在多方利益中找到一个平衡点,可以说它是电影管理制度的大趋势,是平衡多方权益的上善之举。

    Through the practice in various countries , we can find a balance point of film graduation system in multiple parties , which is the great tendency towards improving film management system , and also the best measures to the interests of multiple parties .

  14. 由于中国没有电影分级政策来帮助制片方选择他们不应在电影里包含的内容,所以控烟协会的要求是可以理解的。这位经理随后补充道,电影行业应该实施相关禁烟条例。

    As China has no film classification system to help filmmakers understand what kind of content they can include in their works , the association 's appeal is understandable , the employee said , adding that certain tobacco-related restrictions should be imposed on the film industry .

  15. 最后,针对现有制度中的不合理、不科学之处,提出建立与完善具有中国特色的电影分级制度,是我国电影审查制度的改革路径和未来发展方向。

    Finally , based on the unreasonable and unscientific problems for the system mainly to solve , the paper gives proposals that the establishment and improvement of movie examination with Chinese characteristics is due to the reform and development of Chinese movie censorship in the future .

  16. 世界各国都有自己的电影审查和分级制度。

    Each country has its own system of movie gradation and examination .

  17. 因此,该组织希望普利茅斯市在德文郡的城市理事会运用他们的权力对这些电影重新进行分级。

    Therefore , it wants the Plymouth City Council in Devon to use its powers to reclassify such films .

  18. 宪法保护在由电影的审查向分级的文明演进中发挥了巨大的促进作用。

    Protection of the constitution has played a huge role from the censorship of the film to the classification in the evolution of civilization .

  19. 电影检查员作出的分级决定,可由根据《电影检查条例》成立的审核委员会(电影检查)覆审。

    Decisions on film classifications may be reviewed by the Board of Review ( Film Censorship ), a statutory body established under the Film Censorship Ordinance .

  20. 游戏应该像电影一样实行年龄分级制度,然后强制实行同样的零售限制。

    Games ought to be age-rated , just as films are , and retailers should not sell adult-rated games to children any more than they should sell them adult-rated films .

  21. 它还软化了美国电影协会制定的分级政策,协会勉强承认一部吸引力如此广泛的电影和获得多项奥斯卡提名的电影不可能是低级下流的。

    It also helped to soften the rating policies followed by the MPAA , who reluctantly acknowledged that a movie with such widespread appeal and a plethora of Oscar nominations couldn 't be considered obscene .

  22. 我国电影行政审查与电影分级若干法律问题研究

    Study on Film Administrative Review and Classification of China

  23. 作为一种重要的电影管理制度,电影分级制度在许多国家已经确立,但是由于国家和地区的社会形态的不同以及经济发展水平的不平衡,电影分级的行政控制模式自然也呈现出不同的形式。

    As an important management system of film , the film graduation system has been established in many countries , though , the administrative control pattern of film graduation has varied forms , owing to the different social forms and levels of economic development in some countries and regions .

  24. 作为以法律形式确立下来的电影观看、放映制度的电影分级制是现代电影产业体制不可分割的组成部分。

    Movie gradation as a law form is an indispensable part of the movie industry .

  25. 今年的巴斯电影节期间将出现一个新的电影分级类别——女权主义级别电影(或称F级电影),意在凸显电影行业中女性工作者缺乏的现状。

    A new feminist1 film classification , f-rated film , is to be used at this year 's Bath Film Festival to highlight the lack of women working in the movie industry .

  26. 我国的电影审查制度和国际上现在使用比较普遍的电影分级制度在内容上有许多的不同。

    China 's film censorship and the international community is now more common use of film classification system in the content on many different .