
duì jià
  • consideration;quid pro quo
  1. 对价方式多样化为投资者提供了更多的市场机会。

    The variety of consideration provides investors much more marketing chances .

  2. 基于对价制定原则比较的中小股东利益保护

    Protection of Small Shareholders on the Basis of Comparing Consideration Making Principle

  3. 要知道,一套打对价的西服也要400美元。

    Mind you , a half-price suit still cost $ 400

  4. 同时发现资产重组类型、交易支付对价方式是资产重组事件使ST公司股价出现不同表现的主要影响因素。

    It also reveals that the ways of asset restructuring and the means of payment are the main factors leading to different performance of corporations ' stock price .

  5. 研究公司cerulliassociates表示,外国基金管理公司不仅需要面对文化差异带来的各种困难,还需要为换得合资公司中的股份支付越来越高的对价。

    Apart from the difficulties of cultural fit , participants also report ever higher prices to take stakes in local firms , according to cerulli associates , a research firm .

  6. 股权分置改革对价理论与实务研究

    Research on Consideration in Split-share Structure Reform and its Practice Problems

  7. 股权分置改革的理论探讨及影响对价水平因素的实证分析

    Theory Discussion on Non-Tradable Shares and Empirical Studies on Consideration

  8. 有关股权分置对价确定方法的讨论

    Discussion on methods of determining corresponding value in division of share equity

  9. 贿赂是在不正当寻租中作为为公权力对价的不正当报酬。

    Bribery is the illegal consideration in the process of illegitimate rent-seeking .

  10. 另一个是过去的履行不能成为现在承诺的对价。

    Another is that past performance cannot be consideration for present promise .

  11. 股权分置对价支付方式的比较分析

    The Comparative Analysis of the Ways of Consideration of Stock Rights Distribution

  12. 对价方式一致化与对价水平的统一衡量标准

    Unification of Consideration Modes and Universal Standard for Consideration Price

  13. 对价可以以履行或对方的履行的形式存在。

    Consideration may exist in the form of performance or in a counterperformance .

  14. 股改对价计算方法选择的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Selection of the Calculating Methods in Consideration Payments

  15. 合同的承诺没有被对价所支持。

    The contractual promise is not supported by consideration .

  16. 这也体现了利益均衡与对价平衡是保险合同知情权的价值所在。

    This also reflects the value of insurance contract .

  17. 全面系统分析票据对价的法律规则。

    Give a systematic analysis of the legal principles of Negotiable Instruments consideration .

  18. 关于股权分置改革中对价问题的研究

    Study on the Corresponding Value in Stock Splitting Reform

  19. 正式合同并非必须有对价。

    Formal contracts do not have to possess consideration .

  20. 票据对价法律问题研究

    Research on Legal Problems of Negotiable Instruments Consideration

  21. 对价博弈:中小投资者的纳什均衡分析

    Consideration Game : An Analysis of Nash equilibrium for the Small and Medium Investors

  22. 全流通对价问题的博弈研究

    Research on game issue of complete liquidity consideration

  23. 投资者关系、地区法制水平与对价形成

    Investor-relations , Regional Legal System and Consideration Ratio

  24. 试析我国票据对价制度

    An Analysis of China 's Bill Consideration System

  25. 股权分置改革对价方案解析

    Analysis of Consideration Scheme in Shareholder Structure Reform

  26. 对价的高低不仅直接影响投资者的利益,而且是股权分置改革成败的关键。

    The height of consideration influences not only investors'benefit but also stock right splitting reform .

  27. 部分的对价是货币。

    Part of the consideration is money .

  28. 除73条和74条的规定外,作为磋商对象的任何履行都是对价。

    Except as stated in73 and74 , any performance which is bargained for is consideration .

  29. 家族控制与对价支付&一项基于中国家族上市公司的实证研究

    Family Control and Consideration Ratio : An Empirical Study Based on Chinese Family-controlled Listed Companies

  30. 在英美法系,对价原则作为古典合同法上的允诺执行的工具。

    The theory of consideration was became the enforcement of contract in classic contract law .