
  1. 指期权的持有者选择放弃执行或对冲期权合约的行为。

    The act of an option holder in electing not to exercise or offset an option .

  2. 针对基本资产不可交易问题,本文采用e-套利定价原理,运用随机动态规划方法,在离散和连续情况下得到对冲实物期权风险的最优策略,并在此基础上得到实物期权的近似定价。

    As for the issues of non-traded assets , applying the approach of stochastic dynamic programming , and under the principle of No-Arbitrage , we obtain optimal strategy to hedge the real option in discrete and continuous conditions .

  3. 一名业界顾问说,过去一周左右,对冲基金和期权交易商大大提高了他们对发展中国家的赌注。

    In the past week or so , hedge funds and options traders have dramatically increased their bets against developing countries , says an industry consultant .

  4. 然后考虑到泊阿松跳过程带来的风险,又采用最小方差对冲策略将风险重新对冲,得到了期权定价方程。

    Then , considering the risk bringed by Poisson jumps , the option pricing equation is gotten by minimal-variance hedging strategy .