
  • 网络Commodity Option
  1. 这个集团成为了商品期权交易市场的销售巨头。

    The group became a sales juggernaut in the commodity options business .

  2. 商品期权交易与期权保值投资策略

    Commodity options trading and hedging investment strategies

  3. 商品期权是一种很好的商品风险规避和管理的金融工具。

    Commodity option is an ideal method of risk aversion and management .

  4. 美式商品期权的定价模型及其数值解

    American Commodity Option Pricing Model and its Numerical Solution

  5. 一类带有储藏费和交易费的商品期权定价模型装槽储藏货物征收的费用。

    A Commodity Price Model for the Options with Transaction Cost and Reposition Fare ; the charge for storing something in tanks .

  6. 分数商品期货期权定价模型及其实证研究

    Fractional Pricing Model for Commodity Futures Options and Its Empirical Study

  7. 商品融资期权定价模型分析

    The option pricing of commodity financing

  8. 用来表述商品期货或期权交易单位的词语;

    A term of reference describing a unit of trading for a commodity future or option ;

  9. 技术商品定价问题研究期权定价理论在技术商品定价中的应用探讨

    ON TECHNOLOGY MERCHANDISE PRICING Research on Pricing Theory of Option in Pricing of Technological Goods

  10. 商品互换及商品互换期权的定价

    Pricing of commodity swaps and options on commodity swaps

  11. 本文从期权定价的角度出发,在Black-Scholes模型的基础上推导得到在商品风险的防范和管理中应用较为广泛的商品期权的定价模型,并介绍了用切片法来获得其数值解。

    This paper starts from the pricing problem of the options , based on the black-scholes model , and then gets the American commodity option pricing model . This paper also gets the numerical solution of the model by using the layer slice method .

  12. 在考虑商品的便利收益情况下,探讨了商品互换及其期权的定价.对价格是随机的情形建立了单因素模型;

    This paper explores the pricing of commodity swaps and options on commodity swaps in the presence of convenience yields .