
  1. 模型由商品和服务市场、劳动力市场以及货币市场构成,并以传统的IS-LM理论为框架,价格变量通过预期的菲利普斯曲线被内生化。

    This model consists of goods market , labor market and money market . The frame of the model is IS-LM theory and price is endogenous by expectations-augmented Phillips Curve .

  2. 全然不同的地方商品和服务市场被结合起来,形成地区性和全国性的市场。

    Disparate local markets for goods and services are being knit together into regional and national markets .

  3. 其次,美国必须提高自身竞争力,进一步打开外国的商品和服务市场。

    Second , the US needs to boost its own competitiveness and further open foreign markets for its goods and services .

  4. 另一方面,如果量化宽松持续时间过长,资产价格上涨可能引发商品和服务市场价格水平全面上涨。

    Alternatively , if it continues for too long , asset price inflation could be the precursor of rising inflation in the markets for goods and services .

  5. 他认为,TPP能够在增长迅速的亚洲为更多美国商品和服务打开市场,并在国内创造高薪岗位。

    The TPP is , he argues , a way to open up more markets for US goods and services in fast-growing Asia and to create high-paying jobs at home .

  6. 中国的加入将为其它成员国的商品和服务打开市场,增加出口机会。

    China 's entrance will open its markets to goods and services from other member countries and increase its export opportunities .

  7. 商品或者服务在市场上拥有知名的标志更容易吸引消费者的注意,得到消费者的信赖。

    Goods or services in the market has famous logo is easier to attract the attention of consumers and get their trust .

  8. 为解决贸易失衡问题,一个有效得多的办法是,中国进一步向美国商品和服务开放市场。

    The far more effective approach to tackle the trade imbalance is to further open China up to US goods and services .

  9. 反托拉斯法是美国制定的一套法律,目的在于防止大公司对其商品或服务实行市场垄断。

    Antitrust laws are a set of laws in the USA that aim to prevent large companies from controling all of the market for their products or services .

  10. 理解经济最为流行的办法就是追踪GDP,即国内生产总值&所生产全部商品和服务的最终市场价值。

    The most popular way to comprehend the economy is by tracking GDP , or gross domestic product , the final market value of all goods and services produced .

  11. 作为一个至关重要的全球能源供应国,拥有逾1.4亿人口的俄罗斯是美国商品和服务的重要市场。

    As a critical world energy supplier with a population of more than 140m it represents an important market for US goods and services .

  12. 为继续创造就业机会、确保我们的繁荣延伸到美国的各个角落,我们正在为我们的商品和服务打开国外市场。

    To continue creating jobs and to ensure that our prosperity reaches every corner of America , we 're opening markets abroad for our goods and services .

  13. 中国作为一个拥有世界人口四分之一、经济发展最快的国家,能够而且也应该成为我国商品和服务的大市场。

    With a quarter of the world 's population and its fastest growing economy , China could and should be a big market for our goods and services .

  14. 我们需要共同努力,本着互惠的精神,在许多领域为欧洲商品和服务进入中国市场清除障碍。

    We need to work together , in a spirit of reciprocity , to eliminate obstacles preventing the access , in many sectors , of European goods and services to the Chinese market .