
  • 网络Commercial Director;Business Director;Chief Business Officer;CBO
  1. 我们是一家相对较小的银行,没有正式的毕业培训生计划,集团商务总监菲尔麦基尔雷思(PhilMcilwraith)表示。

    Being a relatively small bank we do not have a formal structured graduate trainee scheme , says Phil Mcilwraith , group commercial director .

  2. Sthaler公司商务总监西蒙?宾斯对《每日电讯报》表示:“这项技术让付款变得如此简单。”

    Simon Binns , commercial director of Sthaler , told the Daily Telegraph : ' This makes payments so much easier for customers .

  3. (财富中文网)易卜拉欣是教育技术公司Coursera的商务总监。该公司主营大量的在线课程。

    Lila Ibrahim is the Chief Business Officer of Coursera , an education technology company that offers massive open online courses .

  4. 5年以后我离开了英特尔,现在我是凯鹏华盈(KleinerPerkinsClaufield&Byers)的合伙人以及教育科技公司Coursera的商务总监。

    Five years later , after leaving Intel , I am now a Partner at Kleiner Perkins Claufield & Byers as well as Chief Business Officer at an education tech company , Coursera .

  5. 帕斯洛将会为新的老板当一段时间的顾问,据报道亨利劝阻商务总监伊恩艾尔不要辞职。

    Purslow will remain at the club as an advisor to the new owners , who have reportedly dissuaded commercial director Ian Ayre from leaving .

  6. 2003年,他应要求成立了一个商务办事处,以管理成本,随后以商务总监的身份接管了采购业务。

    In 2003 , he was asked to set up a commercial office to manage costs , then took over procurement as commercial director .