
  1. 最后,论文以ABC公司为例,具体分析和说明了该公司商业伦理文化,并提出了重构建议。

    Finally , the paper , taking Anhui Sun Create Electronics Co. , Ltd , for example , concretely analyzed and explained business ethics culture of the company , and made a reconstruction proposal .

  2. 晋商在长期发展过程中形成的商业伦理文化曾在其兴起发展中发挥了重要的作用。

    The ethical culture of Shanxi business formed during its long development process played an active role which should not be neglected .

  3. 只有把中国传统的儒家伦理思想和网络经济的伦理内涵相结合,才能建构适应现代电子商务的新型商业伦理文化。

    Only through combining conventional Confucian standards with network ethic can we establish a new business culture and morals adapting to modern e-business .

  4. 论文首先介绍了什么是企业商业伦理文化,商业伦理所涉及的各种关系以及企业商业伦理危机的主要表现。

    Firstly , it is introduced what is enterprise business ethics culture , the various relations of business ethics and the main performance of enterprise business ethics crisis .

  5. 关公文化与商人的结合,使中华商业伦理文化更加丰富,晋商的明礼诚信、精于管理、节俭勤劳、勇于开拓精神,受益于关公文化的熏陶与训鉴。

    The combination of Guan Gong Culture with business makes Chinese business ethics culture become richer . Ming-li , integrity , expertise in management , thrifty , hard-working , brave pioneering spirit of Shanxi Merchants all benefit from Guan Gong Culture .

  6. 接着论文论述了企业商业伦理文化的构建的理论依据,并从中西方主流文化中提炼出商业伦理文化的信念和价值观标准,提出了企业商业伦理文化构建的一般流程。

    Then , this paper discusses the theoretical basis for the construction of business ethics culture , and extracts the standards of the values and beliefs of business ethics from the mainstream Chinese culture and Western culture , and proposes the general process of business ethics culture construction .

  7. 接着论文作者通过运用演绎法、归纳法、比较法等研究方法,对我国信息技术业上市公司商业伦理文化的现状与危机做了系统的分析,并提出商业伦理文化构建的必要性和可行性。

    Then the thesis through the use of deduction , induction , comparison and other research methods , make the system analysis to status and crisis of listed company business ethics culture in information technology industry . The thesis puts forward the necessity and feasibility of business ethics culture construction .

  8. 商业伦理是涉及文化研究、伦理学以及商业行为等多领域知识的一门学科。

    It involves the research in areas such as culture , ethics and business behaviors .

  9. 从实践上则更多的在于为现代市场经济发展提供新的契机,为构建中国现代商业伦理提供新的文化资源。

    Practically , it might offer a new " turning point " for the development of modern market economy , and construct the Chinese modern commercial ethics by providing new cultural resources .