
  • Business Model;commerce;Commercial Mode
  1. 我发现它们都是从商业模式开始的。

    I learned it all starts with the business model .

  2. 阿扎说他发明这个功能的目的不是为了勾住用户,但他表示,许多社交媒体公司的商业模式旨在让用户呆在线上的时间最大化。

    Aza says he did not intend to hook users with it but says the business model of many social media companies is designed to maximise user time online .

  3. 他的创造力在诸如iPod,iphone和iPad这样的产品中可见一斑,以及在对音乐和在线手机软件进行定价和推销的新商业模式中得以体现。

    His creative force is seen in products such as the iPod , iPhone , and iPad , and in new business models for pricing and distributing music and mobile software online .

  4. 在竞争对手们批判了她的商业模式之后,她决定以牙还牙,继而公开谈论了她对这些人的看法。

    After her competitors criticised her business approach , she decided1 to fight fire with fire and go public with her own criticisms of them .

  5. 分享经济的商业模式来自于我们人类最古老的本能——合作、共享、慷慨、个人选择以及灵活多变。具体模式包括租赁、易物、借贷、赠送、交换以及合作组织等所有权共享形式。

    Sharing economy business models emerge from our oldest instincts as humans - – cooperation , sharing , generosity and forms of shared ownership such as cooperative structures .

  6. 一位给该公司一颗星的顾客写道:“打电话叫车,却被告知‘接种疫苗的人禁止乘车。’祝你在这种商业模式下好运。”

    One customer who gave the company one star wrote : " Called to get a ride and was told , ' vaccinated people aren 't allowed in our cars . ' Good luck with that business model . "

  7. Internet给我们带来的不仅仅是无穷的信息,更是在商业模式和消费观念上的变迁。

    Internet has brought us not only endless information , but also alterations in the business models and consumer attitudes .

  8. 电子商务是新兴的现代商业模式,Web数据挖掘是先进的信息处理技术。

    Electric commerce is a fire-new business mode , and Web data mining is a promising new technology to transact information .

  9. 最后,本文选择塑料制造企业C公司进行实证分析,数据分析的结果表明C公司的商业模式创新效应已初步呈现,应继续加大创新力度。

    The results of data analysis showed that the effect of business model innovation of Company C has begun to emerge .

  10. 本文介绍的司机和3G的商业模式正在出现。

    This paper describes the drivers for3G and the commercial model that is emerging .

  11. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)称京东的商业模式是亚马逊和UPS的结合体;

    Morgan Stanley calls JD 's business model a combination of Amazon and UPS ;

  12. Internet的飞速发展已经深刻地影响着传统商业模式的运作,电子商务已经被越来越多的人所接受,目前基于Agent的电子商务研究成为业界研究热点。

    With the rapid development of Internet , the conventional means of operating business has greatly been affected . Currently , Agent-based e-commerce services has becoming a hotspot .

  13. ASP采购服务是为各中小制造企业采购业务提供合作支持的一种商业模式。

    ASP procurement service is a business mode which support the cooperation of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises .

  14. Twitter有更稳定的商业模式,有更高的用户访问量和参与度。

    Twitter has a more stable business model that combines heavy usage with strong user engagement .

  15. 现在普遍认为Web服务是新一代应用程序的集成,通向新的商业模式的大门,是企业之间相互联系的前所未有的重要途径。

    It is considered that Web service is the integration of the new generation application and the way to new business mode , and important approach of contact between companies .

  16. 第三方支付作为Android的一种商业模式,具有极大的潜在价值。

    Third Party Payment , as a business model of Android , owns a great potential value .

  17. 可以找个小孩子问问:企鹅俱乐部(ClubPenguin)的巨大成功,靠的就是这种商业模式。

    Ask a child : This is the business model for the phenomenally successful Club Penguin .

  18. 本文就线上B2B网站的商业模式进行分析。

    This article on the Web site of online B2B business models for analysis .

  19. ASP模式是应用服务提供商以在线租赁方式向客户提供网络应用服务的一种商业模式。

    ASP is a commercial online - renting - mode of network applied service offered by Application Service Provider to the clients .

  20. 为解决多种物流信息系统间信息交流与数据交换的异构问题,越来越多的物流企业采用XML作为数据交换的标准以增强企业间的相互合作,形成新的商业模式。

    To solve problems of information communicating and data exchanging , more and more logistic companies are using XML as standard to enhance the co-operation and form the new business model .

  21. 同时,随着3G发牌的临近,3G新技术必将给现在的移动增值业务商业模式带来划时代的变化;

    At the same time , with 3G licensing approaches , 3G new technologies will bring landmark change to the current data value-addes business ;

  22. Web服务不仅是一项技术,它也代表了软件产业的一种商业模式,即通过开发、提供和维护Web服务来获取利润。

    Web service is not only a technology but also represents a new business model of software industry . In this model , software developers can make a profit by developing , offering and maintaining Web service .

  23. 本文重点介绍空间信息移动用户服务系统的系统特征,系统架构以及商用GIS基础库建设和系统运行的商业模式。

    This passage mainly introduces the system characteristics and the frameworks of Geo-information mobile users service system , the construction of commercial GIS frame works and the commercial of the system operation .

  24. 考虑到App.net的付费商业模式,它能否在和Facebook和Twitter的竞争中保住一席之地仍然是个问题。

    And given its pay-to-play-type business model , it remains to be seen whether it can compete in a space already dominated by Facebook and twitter .

  25. 在一个杠杆率较低、收益率也相应较低的环境中,高盛(GoldmanSachs)等大型投行未来的商业模式仍悬而未决。

    The future business model of big investment banks such as Goldman Sachs remains open in a world of lower leverage and correspondingly lower returns .

  26. 第三章通过对武汉水上旅游的SWOT进行了综合分析,在此基础上提出了武汉水上旅游发展的战略定位、发展目标、商业模式及行动计划;

    Chapter 3 put forward the strategic position , the development target , and the development mode and space layouts of Wuhan aquatic tour through SWOT analysis ;

  27. 目前全球发展3G数据业务存在着服务质量差、费用高的问题,需要建立新的商业模式,推出一些重点业务。

    Nowaday , low service quality and high cost is the problem for 3G data service development . We need build new business model and empolder some emphases services .

  28. 第二章对迄今最成功的应用商店&苹果APPStore做了详细的分析,包括其产生背景、商业模式、商业价值等方面。

    Chapter 2 makes a very detailed analysis on the born background , business mode and commerce value of App Store , which is the first and the most successful stores by now .

  29. 物联网商业模式主要有客户全部自建模式、平台租赁运营模式、广告模式、移动支付模式、政府BOT模式。

    There are some business mode of IOT , build up by themselves of customer , leasing operation on plateform , advertisement , internet payment and government BOT mode .

  30. 第二章为整个RFID产业发展的历史,技术状况,RFID产业链的商业模式及我国RFID的发展思路。

    The second chapter of the history of the development for the entire RFID industry , the state of technology , the business model of the RFID industry chain of RFID development ideas .