
  • 网络shanghai jahwa;Jahwa;Shanghai Jahwa United
  1. 国有企业上海家化联合股份有限公司推出的高夫全线产品也愈加给力。

    The State-owned Shanghai Jahwa United has seen its range of gf products go from strength to strength .

  2. 同时在研究了条件更为严格的第二次股权激励计划的方案后对上海家化公司即将实施的第二次股权激励计划提出了一些建议。

    While conditions have been studying more stringent second equity incentive plan of Shanghai Jahwa United Company is going after the implementation of the programme of the second equity incentive plan makes a number of recommendations .

  3. 尽管如此,将上海家化打造成一个世界品牌,仍需很长时间。

    Still , it will take a long time to transform Jahwa into a global brand .

  4. 此外,与越来越多的中国企业一样,上海家化也将在就业市场与外国竞争对手展开竞争。

    And like increasing numbers of Chinese companies , Jahwa will compete with foreign rivals in the jobs market too .

  5. 目前在上海证交所部分上市的上海家化,计划在跨国公司目前处于领先地位的营销等领域加大投入。

    The company , which is partially listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange , plans to invest more in marketing and other areas where multinationals are leading .