
  • 网络Shanghai Clearing House
  1. 中国在3个月前成立了上海清算所(ShanghaiClearingHouse),不过目前尚未披露该交易所会清算哪些产品以及何时开始清算。

    For its part , China launched the Shanghai Clearing House three months ago , although the country has not revealed what products would be included and when clearing would start .

  2. 上海清算所(ShanghaiClearingHouse)网站消息称,除了中国国开行承销的逾8亿元人民币融资券,东北特钢也可能在4月到期的10.15亿元人民币的90天期商业票据上违约。

    Along with Rmb800m underwritten by China Development Bank , Dongbei Special also risks defaulting on Rmb1.015bn of 90-day commercial paper due in April , according to the Shanghai Clearing House website .