
  • 网络financial regulator;FSA
  1. 的确,增强监管独立性的需要,是成立国际金融监管机构的有力理由&这是G20明显回避的另一个话题。

    Indeed , the need for greater regulatory independence is a compelling reason for establishing an international financial regulator , another topic the G20 conspicuously avoided .

  2. 台湾金融监管机构最近拒绝了当地另一家存储芯片制造商茂德科技(Promos)的融资申请。该公司计划通过发行可转债和全球存托凭证(GDR)募集资金最多5.5亿美元。

    Taiwan 's financial regulator recently rejected an application by Promos , another Taiwanese memory chip maker , to raise up to US $ 550m through convertible bonds and global depositary receipts .

  3. FSA为全球最受尊崇的金融监管机构之一,负责管理此等法规。

    The FSA , one of the world 's most respected financial regulatory bodies , administers these regulations .

  4. 至于金融监管机构,它们正在应付不知从哪里冒出、发展迅猛的新资产类别债务抵押债券(CDO)、信用违约互换(CDS)。

    As for financial regulators , they were dealing with new assets that had grown rapidly from nowhere collateralised debt obligations , credit default swaps .

  5. 日本的金融监管机构正在竭尽全力调查始于2010年的内幕交易。此前,在多宗首次公开募股(IPO)交易之前股市出现了一系列可疑迹象。

    In Japan , financial regulators have been bearing down in an investigation into insider trading that started in 2010 , after a series of suspicious stock moves ahead of share offerings .

  6. 现在,包括巴塞尔银行监管委员会、美国联邦储备银行、美国证券交易委员会和欧盟银行监管部门在内的世界范围的金融监管机构都将VaR方法作为基准的风险衡量与管理方法。

    Today , many financial regulative institutions of the world , including BCBS , FRB , SEC and banking supervision institutions of EU , use VaR as a benchmark for risk measurement and management .

  7. 这些人士称,由于对这起交易的运作过程存在忧虑,英国金融监管机构责令总部设在伦敦的保诚委托高伟绅律师事务所(CliffordChance)就此事展开调查。

    The London-based assurer was ordered by the UK financial watchdog to commission law firm Clifford Chance to conduct an inquiry because of concerns about the management of the AIA deal , the people added .

  8. 他们称中国和印度都担心任何新的国际金融监管机构都会像imf和世界银行那样,受到欧美的掌控。

    Both China and India , they claim , fear that any new international financial watchdog will be dominated by Europe and the US , in the way the IMF and World Bank has been .

  9. 该团体还呼吁美国证交会(SEC)发布有关指导方针,规定企业在财务报告中披露气候变化风险时所应达到的详细程度。证交会是美国的主要金融监管机构。

    It also called on the Securities and Exchange Commission , the chief US financial regulator , to issue guidelines on the level of detail that businesses should disclose about climate change risk in their financial reports .

  10. 试论我国金融监管机构相关制度的完善

    On the System Improvement in the Financial Supervisory and Management Organ

  11. 我国证券公司融资一直难为金融监管机构所接受。

    The securities company is always unacceptable to the financial supervise institutions .

  12. 我国目前金融监管机构制度方面存在着一定的缺陷。

    There are deficiencies in the current financial system .

  13. 金融监管机构的协同机制研究

    The Research on Synergy Mechanism of the Authorities on Financial Supervision and Regulation

  14. 中期目标包括合并或关闭某些履行类似职能的金融监管机构。

    Intermediate goals include combining or closing some financial supervising agencies that perform similar duties .

  15. 各国金融监管机构也越来越注重对银行系统性风险的研究和控制。

    National financial regulators are increasingly focusing on the systemic risk of banks and control .

  16. 但是在9家相对独立并且很大程度上无效的金融监管机构眼皮底下,这些风险被忽略了。

    But with nine separate and mostly ineffective financial regulators , these risks were ignored .

  17. 统一的金融监管机构也至关重要,至少是在缺乏一个合适的全球性监管机构的情况下。

    A central financial regulator is also essential , at least absent an adequate global regulator .

  18. 因此,信用风险管理是商业银行和金融监管机构面临的共同问题。

    So credit risk management is a mutual issue for commercial banks and financial supervision agency .

  19. 如何防范和管理风险成为金融监管机构的重要任务。

    So , how to prevent and control the risk becomes the main work of economical administration .

  20. 中国金融监管机构中的那些单调乏味的高层人员并不经常变动。

    THE grey men at the top of China 's main financial-regulatory agencies do not change often .

  21. 对于中国各级金融监管机构之间不断增长的交流活动,工作组持有十分积极的观点。

    The Working Group takes a very positive view towards the increased interaction between the various financial regulators .

  22. 这一消息令投资者振奋。此外,台湾金融监管机构于本月向大陆机构资金开放台湾股市。

    Taiwan 's financial regulator also this month opened up the country 's stock market to Chinese institutional funds .

  23. 其中,国内各金融监管机构及各金融机构总部领导每年都参观金融展,并在中国金融发展论坛上发表重要讲演。

    The leaders from the headquarters of financial organizations visit CIFE and make a speech in China Financial Development Forum each year .

  24. 于是各个国家商业银行及其金融监管机构纷纷着手对中间业务风险的控制。

    Commercial bank and the financial supervision institution around the world begin to take measure to control the risk of intermediary business .

  25. 在美国,我们的金融监管机构是拼凑而成的,同时存在联邦级和州一级的机构。

    In the us we have a patchwork of financial regulatory agencies . Our agencies reside at both federal and state level .

  26. 金融监管机构现在必须承担制定规则的艰难技术任务,以确保将来不会再出现同样的问题。

    Financial regulators must now shoulder the difficult and technical task of crafting the rules that will ensure that there is no repeat .

  27. 原因并不是因为投资者对该公司股票没有兴趣或任何公司丑闻,而是因为美国和中国金融监管机构之间目前存在分歧。

    Not because of investor interest or company scandal , but rather because of an ongoing battle between American and Chinese financial regulators .

  28. 似乎金融监管机构决定将这一流氓机构殖民化,强迫其吸收一些有着适当合规气质的人员。

    It is as if financial regulators decided to colonise the rogue institution , compelling it to import persons of a proper compliance temperament .

  29. 正是基于这些理论与现实原因,我选择了研究我国金融监管机构设置。

    Just because of these theories and realistic reasons , I have chosen to study the organization structuring of financial supervision in our country .

  30. 比特币是一种数字货币,不需第三方金融监管机构介入,便可在电脑或智能手机上进行商业交易。

    Bitcoin ( BTC ) is a digital currency . Bitcoins can be transferred through a computer or smartphone without an intermediate financial institution .