
  1. 基于进化博弈论对我国金融监管协调机制的解读

    An evolutionary game theory interpretation of China 's financial supervision mechanism

  2. 关于推动我国金融监管协调机制建设的思考

    Some Suggestions on Promoting Coordination Mechanism of Chinese Financial Supervision

  3. 初探我国金融监管协调机制

    The Research on China 's Coordination Mechanism of Financial Supervision

  4. 第一部分为金融监管协调机制的基础理论。

    Part one conducts basic theory of coordination mechanism of financial supervision .

  5. 金融监管协调机制法律问题研究

    Study on Legal Issues on Coordinating Mechanism of Financial Supervision

  6. 第四,保证金融监管协调机制的良好运作。

    Fourth , our country ensure coordination of financial supervision mechanism to be smooth operation .

  7. 第二部分论述世界主要国家关于金融监管协调机制的法律规定。

    Part two conducts the research to the world main countries about the coordination system of financial supervision of legal rule .

  8. 我国迫切需要建立健全一个高层次的,兼面向国内和国际的金融监管协调机制,协调国内及国际金融监管工作。

    China need to establish a high-level , domestic , international finance regulatory mechanism to coordinate domestic and international finance supervision .

  9. 以完善各国的国内监管制度为基础,建立区域性金融监管协调机制,尝试建立统一的监管组织,是金融监管国际化之现实选择。

    Improving national system of financial regulation , setting up regional mechanism of financial regulation , attempting to establish uniform regulatory organization is the practical choice of internationalization of financial regulation .

  10. 合理的金融监管协调机制是实现监管资源有效配置和提高金融监管效率的基础,也是保证金融体系安全与稳定的重要环节。

    Reasonable financial regulation coordination mechanism is foundation of realizing regulation resources efficient distribution and improving financial regulation efficiency and is also critical to assure security and stabilization of financial system .

  11. 从协同机制的基本框架、协调情况、信息的收集与共享、检查职能等四个方面介绍了我国现行金融监管协调机制的现状,并分析了现行金融机构协同机制的缺陷。

    The Part of the article introduced our Coordination Mechanism of Financial Supervision from four aspects - the basic frame work of coordination , coordination mechanisms , the collection and sharing of information and checking functions .

  12. 新修订的《人民银行法》中第9条专门拟定了建立金融监管协调机制的条款,但是该机制至今仍然缺位。

    It is stipulated that the coordination frame of financial supervision should be set up in the article 9 of people bank law which is revised newly . But the mechanism is still the omission so far .

  13. 初期,完善金融监管协调机制,中长期,基于宏观审慎监管,以及市场行为和金融消费者保护两大目标,建立以目标为导向的双峰监管体制。

    Initially , improve financial supervision and coordination mechanisms , in the long-term , based on macro prudential supervision , two big targets of the market behavior and the protection of financial consumers , establishing twin peaks supervise system which under the target oriented .

  14. 在我国目前的分业监管体制下,加强金融监管的协调合作有其现实必要性。

    There are its realistic necessities to strengthen the coordinated cooperation of China 's current financial sector supervision .

  15. 有关金融监管不协调可能破坏脆弱经济复苏的担忧,引发了投资者的信心危机。

    Fears that unco-ordinated financial regulation could undermine the fragile economic recovery sparked a crisis of confidence among investors .

  16. 但是,对于东北亚金融监管的协调与合作,目前学术界尚没有专题性的系统研究,本文的选题,旨在填补这一学术研究的空白。

    But there is no one that has a systematic study on the money and financial cooperation of Northeastern Asia .

  17. 补救办法在于对国际财政和金融监管合作及协调进行根本性改革。

    The remedies lie in fundamental reforms of international fiscal and financial regulatory co-operation , and their co-ordination .

  18. 这些公共品包括有效的货币政策、金融监管、税收协调和执行、财政政策协作以及实体基础设施建设。

    These include effective monetary policy , financial regulation , tax harmonisation and enforcement , fiscal policy co-ordination and physical infrastructure .

  19. 金融监管的国际协调与合作始于19世纪末20世纪初,随着世界经济、金融的发展,其广度和深度不断变化。

    The International Cooperation of Financial Supervision and Regulation started in the end of 19 century and beginning of 20 century which keeps changing with the development of world economy and finance .

  20. 在这次危机中,金融监管体系不协调、不完善、问责不严厉、监管不到位等问题暴露出来,助推了危机的产生和蔓延。

    In this crisis , the financial supervision system is not harmonious and not perfect , accountability is not severe , supervision is not in place . All these problems above caused the crisis to boost and spread .

  21. 金融监管中的政府协调组织与机制研究

    The Research on the Government Coordination Organization and Mechanism in Finance Supervision

  22. 中国人民银行要进一步健全货币政策体系,加强与金融监管部门的统筹协调,维护国家金融安全。

    The People 's Bank of China shall further improve the monetary policy system , strengthen overall coordination with the finance regulatory organ , and maintain the state financial security .

  23. 六要切实加强和改进金融监管,健全监管协调机制,有效防范和化解金融风险,维护国家金融稳定和安全。

    Sixth , we need to strengthen and improve financial oversight , improve the mechanism for coordinating oversight and effectively guard against and defuse financial risks in order to maintain china 's financial stability and security .

  24. 通过对德国、英国和美国金融监管制度及金融监管协调的发展介绍,我们可以得知,无论采用何种制度,作为一种金融制度本身都应当适应金融业发展的内在要求。

    Through Germany , the United Kingdom and the United States financial regulatory system and the development of financial supervision and coordination , we can see that no matter what the system , as a financial system itself should adapt to the internal development of the financial industry requirements .

  25. 促进互联网金融健康发展,完善金融监管协调机制,密切监测跨境资本流动,守住不发生系统性和区域性金融风险的底线。

    We will promote the healthy development of Internet banking , improve the mechanism for coordinating financial oversight , keep a close watch on the cross-border flow of capital , and ensure that no systemic or regional financial risks occur .

  26. 论中国金融全球化区域化进程中金融监管法律的协调

    On Harmonization Of Financial Regulatory Laws in China in the Process Of Financial Globalization And Regionalization

  27. 本论文以中国传统的中庸文化和金融协调思想为基础,构建了金融监管协调的理论框架,包括金融监管协调的必要性、协调的内容、协调的目标等。

    Based on the traditional culture of harmony in China and the theory of finance harmony , the article structured the system of the theory of financial supervision harmony , include the necessity , the contents and the goals of harmony .

  28. 随着金融全球化进程加快,各国更加注重金融监管的国际协调与合作,在监管体制、监管规则等方面出现了趋同现象。

    With the quick progress of financial globalism , each country paid more attention to the international coordination and cooperation of financial supervision , and some phenomenon tends to be the same , such as the system of supervision , the rules of supervision , etc.

  29. 为了避免股市剧烈波动,要及时制定合理的金融监管政策来防范金融风险,并且金融监管应该是全球协调,而不应是一个国家或某个区域的单独行为。

    In order to avoid sharp fluctuations in the stock market , financial supervision should be global coordination , and should not be a country or a region of isolated acts . Develop reasonable financial regulatory policies timely to guard against financial risks .

  30. 建立金融安全协调机制必须加快金融风险预警机制的建立、金融监管协调机制的建立、金融机构内控评价体系的建立、社会信用环境的改善。

    In order to establish coordination mechanism for financial security , we should not only fasten the establishment of precautionary mechanism against financial risks , coordination mechanism for financial supervision and the appraisal system of internal control for financial institutions , but also improve the social credit environment .