
  • 网络financial corruption
  1. 金融腐败与被监管者自我报告制度研究

    Study on Financial Corruption and the Self-reporting System of Offenders

  2. 金融腐败是东亚金融危机的催化剂。

    The financial corruption activated the Asian financial crisis .

  3. 本文根据对SolowSwan模型和Ramsey模型的修订,把金融腐败引入生产函数和效用函数,研究金融腐败的宏观经济后果,提出四个基本结论。

    This paper revised Solow-Swan and Ramsey growth models to show the macroeconomic effects of financial corruption .

  4. 从金融腐败谈加强银行防范风险意识和金融监管力度的必要性

    Stronger Supervision and Risk Evasion Awareness against Financial Corruption

  5. 资源配置和产出效应:金融腐败的宏观经济成本

    The Effects on Resource Allocation and Output : The Macroeconomic Costs of Financial Corruption

  6. 本文从金融腐败角度对当前银行业和证券业两个市场的诸多微观运行现象给出了新的解释,基本结论如下:第一,银行业与证券业腐败存在质与量的差别。

    The paper analyzes the microeconomic effects of financial corruption in banking and securities market .

  7. 金融腐败:非规范融资行为的交易特征和体制动因

    Financial Corruption in Transition : the Transaction Characteristics and Institutional Incentives for Gray Financial Activities

  8. 近年来,由于基层商业银行缺乏管理操作风险的有效组织架构和流程安排,导致操作风险管理职能缺失,由此而引发的损失和金融腐败现象呈上升趋势。

    Recently , lack of effective organization and arrangement for basic commercial banks lead to the lack of management function of operational risks and increase of loss and financial corruption .

  9. 集权和分权的程度和社会结构密切相关,对社会规则有重要影响,金融腐败实质就是个体声誉和集体声誉之间的作用问题。

    The degree of decentralization and centralization are closely related to social structure , impose a significant effects to social rules . Financial corruption virtually is interaction between individual reputation and collective reputation .

  10. 如果仅仅从经济效率的角度考虑,容忍一定程度的金融腐败将有助于金融资源的高效率使用,是对金融资源严重垄断形势下所导致低效率状态的一种改进。

    If only from the perspective of economic efficiency , a certain degree of financial corruption will contribute to the rational allocation of financial resources and it is an improvement under the situation of a serious monopoly financial market .

  11. 治理结构、预期收入与体制转轨:金融反腐败机制设计的微观与宏观战略

    Governance , Expected Income and Reform : Micro and Macro Solutions of Anti-Corruption Regime

  12. 如何积极有效地防范金融监管腐败是当前一个重大课题。

    It is a significant topic as to how to prevent financial regulation corruption effectively .

  13. 利益共同体的胁迫与共谋行为:论金融监管腐败的一般特征与部门特征

    Unwilling Bribery and Collusion within an Interest Community : The General and Sectoral Characteristics of Financial Regulation Corruption

  14. 本文分析了金融监管腐败形成的必要条件,探讨了防范金融监管腐败的制度约束办法,并建立一个博弈模型。

    This paper analyses the essential condition of the formation of financial regulation corruption and discusses the institutional restraint measures to prevent financial regulation corruption .

  15. 防治金融高管腐败必须提高其腐败个人成本、降低其腐败个人预期收益,使腐败个人成本远大于个人预期收益。

    Preventing and eradicating financial officials corruption must improve private cost and reduce private expectative benefit . Private cost must be much bigger than private expectative benefit .

  16. 三是避免基金当事人之间的“共谋”,即建立相应的利益&风险机制。利益共同体的胁迫与共谋行为:论金融监管腐败的一般特征与部门特征

    Moreover , a warning system known as vulnerability mechanism should be established so as to prevent the potential conspiracy of the partners concerned . Unwilling Bribery and Collusion within an Interest Community : The General and Sectoral Characteristics of Financial Regulation Corruption

  17. 媒体巨擘汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)周二宣布,将收购总部位于伦敦、专为各类企业提供金融犯罪和腐败防范信息的World-Check。

    Media giant Thomson Reuters ( TRI ) today announced that it will acquire world-check , a London-based provider of financial crime and corruption prevention information for businesses .

  18. 招行马蔚华首发公务卡金融创新遏制腐败

    The finance innovating Contain the corruption

  19. 如何防范金融机构的腐败问题,如何完善国有商业银行的监管成为社会关注的热点。

    How to against the corrupt problem of the financing institution , how the perfect and state-owned commercial bank Supervision hot point that become society 's pay attention to .

  20. 国际金融公司还就腐败和治理等问题,向那些在穷国开展业务的私营公司提供建议。

    The IFC also advises private companies doing business in poor countries on corruption and governance issues .

  21. 这位即将卸任的纽约州总检察长在接受本报采访时表示,弱化这些改革将出现反效果,无法解决导致美国企业落后的根本原因。斯皮策因打击金融服务行业的腐败问题而闻名。

    In an interview with the Financial Times , the outgoing state attorney-general , who won fame for tackling corruption in the financial services industry , said diluting such reforms would be counterproductive and would fail to tackle the reasons US businesses are falling behind .

  22. 然后,采用博弈论对金融监管及金融监管腐败进行研究,得出一些必要的结论,构建制度约束框架。

    Then the game between financial corruption and financial regulation is analyzed , some important results are induced to build the framework of supervising financial corruption .

  23. 目前,我国金融市场寻租行为盛行,严重破坏了金融市场正常的运行环境,增加了金融交易成本,加剧了金融风险和腐败行为的滋生。

    Nowadays , rent-seeking behavior is popular in China 's financial market . It seriously breaks the financial market orders , increases more transaction costs , brings more the financial risks and corruption .