
  • 网络Golden Parachute
  1. 恩里克·德·卡斯特罗(HenriquedeCastro)在雅虎才当了一年的首席运营长,就在今年1月份丢掉了工作——同时得到了一个巨大的“金色降落伞”。据传他在雅虎曾跟首席执行长玛丽莎·梅耶尔(MarissaMayer)发生冲突。

    Henrique de Castro lost his job in January -- and got an enormous golden parachute -- after just a year as chief operating officer of Yahoo , where he reportedly clashed with CEO Marissa Mayer . '

  2. 妥善的金色降落伞条款可促使老板不为收购设置障碍。

    A golden parachute can persuade the boss not to obstruct a takeover .

  3. 斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)的德克•珍特(DirkJenter)和塔克商学院(TuckBusinessSchool)的卡特琳娜•卢埃林(KatharinaLewellen)研究认为:金色降落伞条款不应该像现在这般罕见且苛刻。

    Dirk Jenter of Stanford University and Katharina Lewellen of Tuck Business School find that golden parachutes are rarer and stingier than they should be .

  4. Fed即将为以后的高管薪酬做出限制,例如缩减所谓的“金色降落伞”(goldenparachute,即高管离职补偿金),限制薪酬超过50万美元的雇员的所得税减税等。

    It 's imposing some restrictions on how they pay top executives in the future , such as curtailing new'golden parachutes'and barring a tax deduction for any one person 's pay above $ 500,000 .

  5. 跟真正的降落伞一样,劣质的金色降落伞所带来的后果可能不堪设想。

    As with real parachutes , poor design can have serious consequences .

  6. 不过金色降落伞条款也并非一无是处。

    Yet golden parachutes have their uses .

  7. 反之,若金色降落伞条款对其过于优厚,其可能不愿尽心尽力与拟收购方谈判。

    If it is too generous , he may fail to negotiate hard with potential buyers .

  8. 我们将会了解他们是带着金色降落伞离开的,还是只带了装满个人物品的瓦楞纸箱。

    We will find out whether they left with golden parachutes or with just a carton box packed with their personal belongings .

  9. 另一些人选择在“金色降落伞”(津贴,帮助离开的议员调整接下来的新生活)被收回前及时起跳。

    Some elected to jump before the " golden parachute " cash to help them in " adjusting to non-parliamentary life " was removed .

  10. 金色降落伞条款可能在英国已经消失,但许多激励方案在结构上仍鼓励高管追逐短期荣耀。

    Golden parachutes , may have gone in the UK , but the structure of many incentive schemes still encourages executives to go for a short-term killing .