
  • 网络financial patent
  1. 商业银行的金融专利保护问题研究

    Research on the Protection for Financial Patent of Commercial Banks

  2. 最后阐述了我国金融专利保护的现状和原因,并且从银行和政府两方面,提出了相应的对策建议。

    At last , it expounds the actualities and reasons for the protection of financial patent in our country , and gives corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to the banks and government of our country .

  3. 商业银行金融专利战略研究

    Research on Strategies of Commercial Banks on Financial Patents

  4. 美国是在上世纪九十年代末期的时候,专利局才开始授予金融专利。

    It happened in the late1990s , in the United States , that patent offices started to accept financial patents .

  5. 这种新的故意被侵权金融专利战略模式可能对技术创新产生阻碍作用,并且加剧了专利丛林现象。

    The new patent strategy of being infringed deliberately in financial industry might baffle technical innovation and increase the phenomena of patent thickets .

  6. 其他银行和金融企业的专利也正在申请中。

    and patents are pending from other banks and financial groups .

  7. 银行业金融商业方法专利研究

    Research of Business Method Patent in the Banking

  8. 我国银行业金融商业方法专利问题研究

    Research of Problem in Financial Business Method Patent in the Banking in Our Country

  9. 愿新型金融交易让专利买卖更容易。

    A new financial exchange hopes to make it easier to trade patent rights .

  10. 其结果表明:审查制度和维权机制对金融商业方法专利保护具有重要意义。

    The results indicate that : the examination system and the rights protection mechanisms are crucial important for BMPs .

  11. 此外,摩根大通也申请了一项听上去与比特币类似的技术专利;其他银行和金融企业的专利也正在申请中。

    Separately , JPMorgan Chase has applied for a patent for a technology that sounds similar to bitcoin ; and patents are pending from other banks and financial groups .

  12. 因为相对于其它专利,金融商业方法专利面对的争议特别多,这很大程度上是由于这种专利的产生的时间还很短。

    Compare to other patents , it remains great controversy for financial BMP . And this is due to the history of this kind of patent production is still very short .

  13. 近年来国内外金融商业方法专利申请量大幅提高,而发达国家的优势企业不断通过专利扩张来占据金融行业的制高点。

    In recent years , domestic and international financial business method patents ( BMPs ) applications increased dramatically , and competitive enterprises in developed countries continue to hold the commanding heights of the financial sector through the expansion BMPs strategy .

  14. 基于金融创新的金融专利研究

    A Study on Financial Patent on the Basis of Financial Innovation

  15. 论题从金融产品商业方法专利的本质和作用以及如何保护、运用等角度进行了探究。

    This article explores the essence and action of the financial product Business Methods patent , its protection and application .

  16. 各国的金融业以及金融专利的竞争与合作,首先是金融专利审查标准的竞争与合作。

    National financial sector and the financing of competition and cooperation in the patent , the first financial patent examination standard of competition and cooperation .

  17. 美国金融服务方面的专利申请量今年大幅飙升,因为银行争相利用这种保护措施,而这曾被视为科技和制药公司的专门手段。

    The number of US patents issued for financial services has soared this year as banks have rushed to take advantage of a protection once seen as the preserve of technology and drug companies .

  18. 若能挖掘知识产权的金融潜力,利用专利等知识产权作为融资工具,将在企业经营中促进那些依靠知识产权提升价值的企业发展。

    If you can dig the financial potential intellectual property , using the patents and other intellectual property rights as financing tools , will promote the enterprise management who rely on intellectual property increase value enterprise development .

  19. 同样,当一些华尔街投资公司出席某些反对其金融产品的法庭案件时,他们会给其各类金融产品申请专利来作为自己的维权武器。

    Similarly , some Wall Street investment firms armed themselves with patents for financial products , even as they took positions in court cases opposing the practice .