
  1. 战后至20世纪末日本经济运行与金融监管关系的分析与启示

    An Analysis on the Relationship between Economic Movement and Financial Supervision of Japan after Second World War until the End of 20th Century and Its Revelation to Us

  2. 在中国,期货交易所和证券交易所都是国有企业,与金融监管部门关系密切。

    The futures and stock exchanges are state-owned companies with close links to financial regulators .

  3. 第五章则从系统理论的角度,论述了网络经济与金融监管的关系,研究提出了网络经济下我国金融监管模式构建的指导思想和具体构想。

    From the perspective of system theory , the relationship between network economy and financial supervision is discussed and the construction of china 's financial supervision mode in network economy is put forward in chapter V.

  4. 货币政策与金融监管之间不是平行关系而是主从关系;

    The relationship between monetary policy and financial supervision is not parallel but principal and subordinate ;

  5. 从美国次贷危机看金融创新与金融监管的关系

    Relationship between Financial Supervision and Financial Innovation under Subprime Mortgage Crisis in USA

  6. 资产支持证券与监管的关系实际上是金融创新与金融监管的关系。

    The relationship between asset-backed securities and regulatory is actually relationship of financial innovation and financial supervision .

  7. 我们必须从中认真吸取教训,正确处理储蓄与消费的关系,金融创新与金融监管的关系,虚拟经济与实体经济的关系,从根本上找到化解危机之策。

    In other words , we must strike a balance between savings and consumption , between financial innovation and regulation , and between the financial sector and real economy .

  8. 最后,文章从金融创新和金融监管的关系、虚拟经济和实体经济互动以及美元本位制与国际货币体系改革这三个方面,得出启示并提出相应的政策建议。

    Finally , the paper gives out relevant suggestions from three aspects , those are the relation between financial innovation and supervision , the interaction between the fictitious economy and entity economy , as well as the reform of international monetary system .

  9. 金融创新与金融监管的辩证关系

    The Dialectic Relation of Financial Innovation and Financial Supervision

  10. 在对外开放的格局下,处理好金融创新与金融监管之间的关系,着眼于有效金融监管机制的建立和完善,是我国金融业持续健康发展的保证。

    Under the present circumstances , properly handling the relationship between financial innovation and supervision and focusing our efforts on the establishment and promotion of the effective surveillance over the financial sector will assure us the steady development our financial industry .

  11. 当前,次贷危机引爆的全球金融危机让金融监管和创新的关系变得更加难以把握。

    Recently , it is more difficult to hold the relationship between the financial supervision and the innovation because of the whole world financial crisis caused by the sub-loan crisis .

  12. 进而研究作为一种金融创新产品,资产支持证券与金融监管的关系。

    Then , I do the research of relationship between asset-backed securities and financial supervision , as a financial innovation .

  13. 随着后金融危机时期的到来,金融创新与金融监管的关系问题引起了学界的反思与探讨。

    With the arrival of the financial crisis period after , the relationship of financial innovation and financial supervision caused a discussion in the academia .

  14. 作为现代金融监管制度不可或缺的环节,金融监管模式的选择关系到金融监管效率和监管目标的实现,是我国金融监管立法进程中不容回避的一项重要内容。

    As an indispensable part of financial supervisory system , the selection of financial regulation mode is related with the efficiency as well as the realization of the target of the system .

  15. 金融法是以金融关系,即金融交易关系、金融监管关系和金融调控关系为调整对象的各种法律规范的集合。

    The adjust object of Financial Law is the relation of the finance , that is the relations of the financial transaction , the financial supervision and the financial regulation .

  16. 接下来通过分析国内外的金融创新因监管不严而失败的案例来论述金融创新与金融监管的关系。

    Next analyze the failed case of domestic and international financial innovation because of lax supervision .

  17. 我们要认真吸取金融危机的教训,处理好三个关系:一是金融创新与金融监管的关系。

    We should draw serious lessons from the financial crisis and properly handle three relationships . First , the relationship between financial innovation and regulation .

  18. 金融监管法的原则,是指能够全面、充分反映金融监管法所调整的金融监管关系的客观要求,并对这种关系的各方面和全过程都具有普遍意义的基本准则和指导思想。

    The principle of the laws and regulations of financial supervision roundly and enough , and it is the basic rule and the guidance that has universal meanings to treat with the legal relations of financial supervision .

  19. 第二部分,对金融创新的正、负面效应进行初步研究,并就金融创新、金融自由化与金融监管的关系进行探讨;

    Secondly , to study it 's effect on positive and reversing and to discuss the relationship of innovation , liberalization and supervision .