
An Analysis on the Relationship between Economic Movement and Financial Supervision of Japan after Second World War until the End of 20th Century and Its Revelation to Us
The futures and stock exchanges are state-owned companies with close links to financial regulators .
From the perspective of system theory , the relationship between network economy and financial supervision is discussed and the construction of china 's financial supervision mode in network economy is put forward in chapter V.
The relationship between monetary policy and financial supervision is not parallel but principal and subordinate ;
Relationship between Financial Supervision and Financial Innovation under Subprime Mortgage Crisis in USA
The relationship between asset-backed securities and regulatory is actually relationship of financial innovation and financial supervision .
In other words , we must strike a balance between savings and consumption , between financial innovation and regulation , and between the financial sector and real economy .
Finally , the paper gives out relevant suggestions from three aspects , those are the relation between financial innovation and supervision , the interaction between the fictitious economy and entity economy , as well as the reform of international monetary system .
The Dialectic Relation of Financial Innovation and Financial Supervision
Under the present circumstances , properly handling the relationship between financial innovation and supervision and focusing our efforts on the establishment and promotion of the effective surveillance over the financial sector will assure us the steady development our financial industry .
Recently , it is more difficult to hold the relationship between the financial supervision and the innovation because of the whole world financial crisis caused by the sub-loan crisis .
Then , I do the research of relationship between asset-backed securities and financial supervision , as a financial innovation .
With the arrival of the financial crisis period after , the relationship of financial innovation and financial supervision caused a discussion in the academia .
As an indispensable part of financial supervisory system , the selection of financial regulation mode is related with the efficiency as well as the realization of the target of the system .
The adjust object of Financial Law is the relation of the finance , that is the relations of the financial transaction , the financial supervision and the financial regulation .
Next analyze the failed case of domestic and international financial innovation because of lax supervision .
We should draw serious lessons from the financial crisis and properly handle three relationships . First , the relationship between financial innovation and regulation .
The principle of the laws and regulations of financial supervision roundly and enough , and it is the basic rule and the guidance that has universal meanings to treat with the legal relations of financial supervision .
Secondly , to study it 's effect on positive and reversing and to discuss the relationship of innovation , liberalization and supervision .