
  1. 不利解释原则;降低利率不利于就业

    Unfavorable explanation rule ; Reducing Interest Rate is Unfavorable for Employment

  2. 不利解释原则在解释保险格式条款中起着不可替代的作用。

    Unfavorable interpretation principle in the insurance clauses plays an irreplaceable role .

  3. 后者如司法审判中不利解释原则的适用。

    The latter provides , such as interpretation rules in judicial process .

  4. 故本文没有对不利解释原则适用顺序问题做单独讨论。

    This paper did not discuss sequence problem on applying the unfavorable interpretation principle .

  5. 主要探讨不利解释原则的使用条件、功能。

    The main principles of interpretation of adverse conditions of use , features and defects .

  6. 当通常解释不能解决问题时,适用不利解释原则。

    When the explanation does not usually solve the problem , apply the principle of negative interpretation .

  7. 然而,案件增多的同时,适用不利解释原则的过程中表现出来的问题也日益明显。

    However , as the cases increasing , the problems of applying the unfavorable interpretation principle also are increasingly apparent .

  8. 自从不利解释原则被引入我国保险法,适用该原则的案件就不断发生。

    Since the unfavorable interpretation principle is introduced into our insurance law , the case of this principle applied happens ceaselessly .

  9. 笔者认为不利解释原则在适用顺序上之所以存在优先适用的问题,其原因主要是对该原则适用前提把握不够准确。

    I think main reason of problem of the application order is not grasping the premise of the principle accurately enough .

  10. 现在学术界对保险合同条款进行解释时,要么适用不利解释原则,要么适用合理期待原则。

    Now the academic circles on the insurance contract interpretation , either for the unfavorable explanation rule , either to apply the doctrine of reasonable expectation .

  11. 对于不利解释原则的具体适用,学界和司法界仍存在许多争议,而且有滥用的趋势。

    Hot disputes arise in academy and law communities for the specific application of the unfavorable explanation rule , and there is a tendency of abuse .

  12. 根据学界的观点,在适用不利解释原则时,还应当注意适用的顺序和适用的对象。

    According to the academic point of view , we must be care of the sequence and object in the application of the unfavorable interpretation principle .

  13. 不利解释原则是为了平衡保险合同双方的权利与义务,保护弱势地位的被保险人。

    Detrimental to the principles of interpretation of insurance contracts in order to balance the rights and obligations to protect the weak position of the insured .

  14. 司法方面:我国法院应当搞清不利解释原则的本质;弄清保险合同疑义的真谛;以及有效结合其他解释方法次后适用不利解释原则。

    Justice : our courts should make clear the nature of the unfavorable interpretation principle and ' ambiguity '; and applying the unfavorable interpretation principle after effective application of other methods of interpretation .

  15. 并针对目前再保险实务中存在的争议,如不利解释原则的适用、再保险人的代位求偿权、原被保险人的直接请求权等问题进行了分析。

    After these , it assays some controvertial issues such as the application doctrine of unfavorable explanation in reinsurance contract , the rights of subrogation of re-insurer , the proximate amends request of insured in insurance contract .

  16. 保险合同解释应该首先适用合同的一般解释原则,然后适用不利解释原则,而且不利解释原则的适用还有一定的适用前提及适用范围。

    The general explanation rule should first of all be applied for insurance contract explanation , and then the unfavorable explanation rule be applied . However , there are applicable premises and range for the unfavorable explanation rule .

  17. 但是使用不利解释原则的条件应该要比较苛刻的,来防止不利解释原则的滥用,造成保险合同的不稳定性,丧失合同意思自治的本质。

    But using the principles of interpretation of the adverse conditions should be more demanding , to prevent the abuse of adverse principles of interpretation , resulting in instability of the insurance contract , loss of contract , the nature of autonomy .

  18. 对不利解释原则内涵的介绍主要分为古代法中不利解释原则的内涵、近现代民法中不利解释原则的内涵及产生的历史背景以及保险法中的不利解释原则三个方面。

    The introduction of connotation on the unfavorable interpretation principle is mainly divided into three aspects : the negative meaning of the unfavorable interpretation principle in ancient law ; the negative meaning and the historical background in modern civil law ; its negative meaning in the insurance law .