
  1. 电子商务支付模式选择论不法原因给付

    THE SELECTION OF E-C PAYMENT WAYS On payment for illegal reasons

  2. 在基本处理模式之外,不法原因给付处理机制尚存在着诸多的例外。

    There are many exceptions in addition to the basic performing mechanism .

  3. 诈欺不法原因给付财物与利益之刑法分析

    Criminal Law Analysis of Paid Property and Benefits from Fraud for Illegal Reasons

  4. 不法原因给付及其制度构建关于不法侵害之死亡赔偿的思考

    On Death Compensation Caused by Illegal Infringing

  5. 第一部分为不法原因给付的概述。

    Firstly , it interprets the meaning of " unlawful "," cause " and " prestation " .

  6. 不法原因给付是大陆法系法律制度上一项重要的制度。

    Performance based on illegal reasons is one of the important systems in common Law legal system .

  7. 受骗者(被害人)基于不法原因给付财物的,存在财产损失;

    When the victim gives property on account of illegal reason , there exists a property loss .

  8. 不法原因给付制度起源于罗马法,是大陆法系债法中一项重要的法律制度。

    The illegal cause performance originated in Roman law is an important legal system of continental law system .

  9. 最后,本部分尚对不法原因给付进行了基本的分类,并比较了各国关于不法原因给付的立法。

    Finally , this part makes some basic classifications and compares some countries ' legislation of unlawful cause prestation .

  10. 第三部分分析了不法原因给付的处理机制。在不法原因给付中,其实存在着两个阶段及两个可责难的理由。

    There are two stages and reasons to be abused on unlawful cause prestation . Part three analyzes the performing mechanism of unlawful cause prestation .

  11. 理论界和实务界对侵占不法原因给付行为的定性问题一直存有争议。

    There is a consistent dispute on the issue of the qualitative of the payment with illegal cause between the theoretical field and the practical field .

  12. 侵占不法原因给付行为中的侵占是指将自己代为保管的他人财物非法占为己有,拒不退还或者拒不交出的行为。

    The encroachment in the payment with illegal cause is the act of unlawfully possessing others entrusted property , refusing to return or to hand them over .

  13. 最后,结合文章以上部分的分析结论和自己的认识,对我国如何采纳不法原因给付理论以及在民法典中应该怎样具体设计条文,做了一些试探性的准备工作和立法建议。

    I say our country should adopt payment based on illegal reason theories and at the civil how concretely design ruling , then do something preparations and lawmaking suggestion .

  14. 本文对不法原因给付下财产的还与不还这一核心问题进行了分析,释明了每一种原则存在的理由及其作用。

    In this paper , analyze the core issues that the return or not followed by payment for illegal reasons ; enunciate the reasons for the existence of each principle and role .

  15. 在传统大陆法系各国立法中,不法原因给付一般被视为不当得利的一种特殊类型,因为在处理规则上不法原因给付一般不得要求返还。

    Among the laws in the civil law system , illegal cause performance is generally not treated as a special type , because these ill-gotten gains from illegal cause performance are not prescribed to return .

  16. 诈欺基于不法原因给付的财物或者财产性利益的场合下是否成立诈骗罪,德国、日本和我国的立法、判例和学说都有所不同。

    There are different legislations , legal precedents , and theories in German , Japan and China as to whether fraud of paying property or estate for illegal reasons constitutes crime of fraud or not .

  17. 在以成文法为主的大陆法系国家立法中,不法原因给付制度被作为不当得利的特殊例外来处理,制度的处理规则是不法原因给付行为发生后给付人不得要求受领人返还给付物。

    In the tradition of civil law of national legislation , the illegal cause performance generally treated as an exception of common unjust enrichment in statute law and these ill-gotten gains from illegal cause performance are not allow to return .

  18. 以上各国的法律规定虽各有特色,但都承认了一个基本原则,即不法原因给付不得请求返还,但不法原因仅存在于受领人一方时不在此限。

    Countries above mentioned have their own characteristics , but they all acknowledge a basic principle , that is the people who pay because of illegal reason should not require for return , with the exception of the condition that there is only recipient .

  19. 在大陆法系国家,不法原因给付作为一种特殊不当得利规定在债法当中。其法律效果与一般不当得利不同,为不法原因给付不得要求返还。

    Payment based on illegal reason was ruled in obligation law of civil law countries . As a kind of special unjust enrichment system , the effect of this system is the people who pay based on that are not allowed to ask for the return .

  20. 本文分别从不法、原因和给付这三个概念讨论了不法原因给付制度的构成要件。

    After that is the discussion about constitutions of this system , which includes three concepts . They are " illegal ", cause and presentation .

  21. 首先从释义的角度解释了不法、原因及给付,并将不法原因给付定义为:基于违反强行法规或公序良俗的原因而终局地移转财产利益于对方的行为;

    Then , it gives the meaning of unlawful cause prestation as the act that finally transfers the rights of the property to others on the basis of breaching the compulsory rules of the public policy and good morals ;

  22. 对无效之民事行为,法院对其拒绝加以保护。对当事人因不法原因而为的给付,法院对给付人的返还请求权予以拒绝,对不法当事人予以间接制裁。

    Courts may punish the unlawful party indirectly by refusing to protect the void civil-law acts .

  23. 第一个阶段是给付人基于不法原因而进行了给付,这是第一个可责难的理由;在基本处理模式之外,不法原因给付处理机制尚存在着诸多的例外。

    There are two stages and reasons to be abused on unlawful cause prestation . There are many exceptions in addition to the basic performing mechanism .

  24. 网络环境下侵犯个人资料隐私权主要有:非法收集个人资料;第一个阶段是给付人基于不法原因而进行了给付,这是第一个可责难的理由;

    The four forms analyzed in this article are as followings : unlawful collection of personal data ; There are two stages and reasons to be abused on unlawful cause prestation .

  25. 在本章作者通过分析不法性的分类把不法原因给付分为违反法律的强行规定及违反公序良俗两种。

    The author classified unlawful civil acts into acts of breaking mandatory law provisions and of breaking public orders and social ethics .

  26. 另外,本部分还区分了原因不法、标的不法及标的物不法,并探讨了这三者的不同法律效果,从而论证了我国引入原因理论及不法原因给付制度是具有重要现实意义的。

    In addition , this part also holds that the introduction of cause theory and the rules of unlawful cause prestation is of great current meaning to our country after discriminating the unlawful cause , unlawful object and unlawful subject matter and analyzing their different effect of law .