
  • 网络If the person
  1. 浅析被执行人逃避执行的原因、行为方式及对策

    An Analysis about Why and How Debtor Avoid the Implementation and Concerned Countermeasures

  2. 追加被执行人的理论依据应是执行力的主体范围扩张。

    The theoretical foundation of addition procedure is the principle expansion of executive forces .

  3. 因拒绝接收而造成的损失,由被执行人承担。

    The person concerned shall bear any loss resulting from his refusal to accept them .

  4. 这种执行手段可以有效威慑和惩戒失信被执行人,促使其自觉履行法律义务。

    It can deter and punish the dishonest civil debtor , and force them fulfill obligations .

  5. 但应当保留被执行人及其所扶养家属的生活必需费用。

    However , the necessary living expenses for the person concerned and the family he supports should be retained .

  6. 构建和完善我国被执行人财产查明制度以解决民事执行难问题,成为学者们关注的重点。

    Building and perfecting the system of property investigation to solve the enforcement difficulty become the focus of scholars .

  7. 被执行人的公民死亡的,以其遗产偿还债务。

    Where the citizen who is the person concerned dies , his debt shall be repaid with his property .

  8. 在本章作者集中论述了被执行人变更的原理。

    In the chapter , the author extensively discusses the principle of alteration of the person subjected to execution .

  9. 被执行人是公民的,应当通知被执行人本人或其成年家属到场;

    If a citizen , the owner or an adult member of his household shall be notified to be present .

  10. 在民事执行的实践中,特别是被执行人属于低收入群体时,更应该倾向于对居住权的保障。

    In civil enforcement of practice , especially the execution belong to low-income , should be more inclined to residency safeguard .

  11. 造成这种被动局面的原因很多,这里面有立法的原因、被执行人的原因、外部环境的原因,有法院自身的原因、外部监督机制的原因。

    There are many reasons to this passive situation , consist of legislative reasons , the reasons for the external oversight mechanisms .

  12. 深思造成执行难问题的根结,难以寻找被执行人财产成为主要原因之一。

    We can see that it is difficult to find the property subject to enforcement is a major cause of enforcement difficulty .

  13. 在本章作者围绕被执行人追加的原理,展开了较为深入的分析。

    In the chapter , the author concentrates on the principle of addition of the person subjected to execution and analyzes it deeply .

  14. 有权冻结、划拨被执行人的存款,但查询、冻结、划拨存款不得超出被执行人应当履行义务的范围。

    And has the authority to freeze or transfer his deposits , but the frozen or transferred amount shall not exceed his liability .

  15. 也善于商务调查,疑难执行案件,往往能够敏锐的调查到被执行人财产,协助法院执行回欠款。

    Also good at business survey , difficult execution case , often can keen survey to execution property , assist court executes arrears ;

  16. 被执行人及其家属生活所必需的房屋,人民法院可以关闭,但不拍卖或出售的债务。

    And their dependents living necessary for housing , the people 's courts can be closed down , but not auction or sell debt .

  17. 直白而言,被执行人追加与变更的实践做法缺少法律依据的支撑。

    In other words , the practice of the addition and alteration system of the person subjected to execution lack of legal basis for the support .

  18. 人民法院可以强制执行或者委托有关单位或者其他人完成,费用由被执行人承担。

    The people 's court may execute it forcibly or entrust a relevant unit or others to complete it , and the person concerned shall bear the cost .

  19. 罚金刑执行中的问题既包括法院自身的问题,也包括司法机关之间的协作问题,还包括被执行人引起的问题及社会大环境的问题等。

    The problems not only include the problems from executive department itself , but also include the collaboration between the judicature , and the problems caused by executants .

  20. 笔者认为,变更和追加被执行人的,首先应由申请执行人提出,由执行机构移送原审判庭依法审理予以认定。

    The writer holds that shifting and adding the executed must be first put forward by the executor and then be sent to the original court to affirm .

  21. 人民法院有权发出搜查令,对被执行人及其住所或者财产隐匿地进行搜查。

    The people 's court has the powers to issue a search warrant to search the residence of the person concerned or the place where he hides his property .

  22. 作为被执行人的法人或者其他组织终止的,由其权利义务承受人履行义务。

    Where the legal person or other organization serving as the person concerned ceases to exist , the person acquiring the rights and undertaking the obligations shall carry out the commitments .

  23. 在本文中执行难仅指那些被执行人有能力,但因各种原由而无法顺利执结的案件。

    The difficulty of execution in this essay means that the executed have the capability , but the case can not be carried smoothly because of various kinds of reasons only .

  24. 作者认同通说所持有的观点,即被执行人变更的理论渊源为既判力主观范围的扩张。

    The author agrees with the universally acknowledged point that the " theoretical source " of alteration of the person subjected to execution is the extension of subjective scope of Res Judicata .

  25. 被执行人是现役军人或者军事单位的,可以委托对其有管辖权的军事法院执行。

    When the party against whom enforcement is sought is on active military duty or is a military entity , enforcement may be entrusted to the military court with jurisdiction over the party .

  26. 对于不能全部缴纳罚金的,人民法院在任何时候发现被执行人有可以执行的财产,应当随时追缴。

    If a person is not able to pay the fine in full , the People 's Court shall demand the payment whenever it finds the person has property for execution of the fine .

  27. 通过完善被执行人财产报告制度,健全社会协助执行体制,切实实现刑法对执行的保障力度等方式,充分运用法律赋予的执行威慑手段,促使被执行人自动履行义务。

    Deterrent measures stipulated by laws shall be applied to urge the parties to fulfill obligations by way of perfecting property report system , strengthening society co-assistance system and reinforcing the punishment of criminal laws .

  28. 被执行人逾期仍不履行的,人民法院有权执行被执行人的担保财产或者担保人的财产。

    Where the person concerned still fails to carry out the agreement within the designated time limit , the people 's court is entitled to execute the guaranty of the person concerned or the guarantor 's property .

  29. 扩张亦或紧缩追加被执行人的力度体现了不同的价值追求:判决整体的稳定性与个案平衡、公平与效率、审判与执行的分界、自由与秩序、实体正义与程序正义。

    Expansion or restriction of addition procedure embodies the different value preference : judgment stabilization or individual balance , equality or efficiency , division of judgment and execution , orderliness or freedom , substantive justice or procedural justice .

  30. 国务院金融监管机构依法对出现重大经营风险的金融机构采取接管、托管等措施的,可以向人民法院申请中止以该金融机构为被告或者被执行人的民事诉讼程序或者执行程序。

    When the financial regulatory commissions of State Council have taken custodian or receivership measures against a financial institution , the commissions may submit application to the courts to suspend any lawsuits or enforcement measures against the financial institutions .