
  • 网络subject;testee
  1. 首先让被试反复执行同一个记忆任务,通过传统的叠加平均方法得出该任务的ERP。

    The subject was asked to finish a same memory task repetitively , and the ERP of this task was obtained by the traditional average method .

  2. 当CLQ小于零时,表明被试的认知功能特点倾向于以言语认知为主要特征;

    That CLQ is below zero showed that the principal characteristic of the subject 's cognitive feature tends to language cognition .

  3. 他们发现,在确诊前一年,被试体内维生素B12、B6和叶酸的水平都有所下降。

    And they found that participants ' levels of vitamins B12 , B6 , and folate all decreased in the year leading up to their diagnosis3 .

  4. 研究人员给42名被试男女展示了画有大正方形和长方形的一些图片,每个大的图形里面都包括很多小的图形。

    A total of 42 men and women were shown pictures of outlines of large squares and rectangles4 , each of which was packed with smaller shapes .

  5. 目的:了解大学生B群人格障碍被试童年期创伤性经历的特点。

    Objective : To examine childhood traumatic experiences of Cluster-B personality disorders in college students .

  6. 并根据上述17项神经心理指标对34名被试的总体认知功能表现特点进行了Q型聚类分析;

    Q - type cluster analysis was applied on 17 neuropsychological variables .

  7. 采用单因素被试间设计(呈现刻板印象vs无刻板印象)。

    The experiment uses single-factor between-subject design & negative stereotype vs no stereotype .

  8. 通过Fisher判别函数可以对被试直接进行鉴别分类。

    We can directly classify new subjects by Fisher linear discriminant functions .

  9. 从能力估计的角度,分析c参数、γ参数对理想被试对各种作答情况的拟合能力。

    It tries to analyze the influences of c parameter and y parameter on the fit of various respondences from the subjects from the perspective of ability estimation .

  10. 在上海和安徽以MBA学生作为被试进行正式实验调查,获取有效样本259份。

    The experiment is conducted sampling MBA students in Shanghai and Anhui , and 259 valid samples are received .

  11. 前者使用CE范式对美国被试进行研究,得出如下几点结论:(1)人们的风险态度呈四分模式;

    The former adopted CE research norm to study American subjects and got such conclusions : ( I ) People 's risk attitudes have four-fold pattern ;

  12. 实验2以22名本科生为被试,将SOA作为组内变量,从而将时间不确定性引入实验任务。

    In the second experiment , SOA was treated as a within-subject variable so as to introduce the time uncertainty into the experiment . 22 subjects participated in the experiment .

  13. 方法以203名大学生为被试,采用Furnham的自我估计智力问卷让其对自己以及父母亲在Gardner的七种智力上的水平进行估计。

    Method 203 undergraduates were administered with Self estimated Intelligence Questionnaire .

  14. 结果:男性、20~30岁组、文化程度高的被试,其消极应对(NC)和积极应对(PC)高,应激水平高。

    Results : The groups of men , 20 ~ 30 years old , with higher education level , scored higher on negative coping ( NC ), positive coping ( PC ), and overall stress .

  15. 10名被试者在半径6m的人体离心机上,承受了头一盆向超重(+Gz)作用。

    10 healthy young men , aged 18-23 were exposed to + Gz stress on a human centrifuge with 6-m radius .

  16. 提取被试大脑网络的功能连通性信息,对感兴趣区域的BOLD时序信号适用相关系数度量规则,建立图像认知功能连通矩阵,作为图像认知高级特征。

    Attempt to make correlation coefficient metric rule on the ROI of BOLD timing signal , establish image cognition functional connectivity matrix , as the high-level features of the image cognition .

  17. 本研究对实验组(较多使用网络游戏青少年)、对照组(较少使用网络游戏青少年)两组被试进行IAT测验,包括自我攻击性信念、攻击性评价两个IAT的测量。

    The experimental and comparative groups of the subjects are used for measuring the conviction of self-aggressive and aggressive evaluation .

  18. 方法采用明尼苏达多项人格调查表(MMPI)、生活事件量表、特质应对问卷对确诊病人31例和匹配对照组30例进行个别心理测验,以放射免疫法测定两组被试唾液中IgA含量。

    Method Using MMPI , LES , Trait coping inventory to test patients and normal people , using radiate-immune method to test IgA content in saliva .

  19. 结果如下:①C(dyn)在10名被试者均表观为随呼吸信号谐波频率的增高而降低。

    The results showed that ( 1 ) in 10 subjects , the Cdyn was lowered with the increased harmonic frequency of the ( t ) and P ( t ) .

  20. 要求被试首先辨认数字序列中包含的字母(任务一,T1),随后完成特征搜索任务(任务二,T2)。

    Participants were required to identify the unique letter in the stream of Arabic numerals ( T1 ), and then completed a feature search task ( T2 ) .

  21. 方法以322名在校大学生为被试,采用极端分组法以威廉斯创造倾向量表测验结果划分出高创造性倾向组和低创造性倾向组,然后对不同创造倾向大学生的CPI测验结果进行方差分析。

    Methods 322 university students were tested using CAP and CPI and then we used SPSS package to compare the personality difference of them with difference creativity by ANOVA analysis .

  22. 方法:采用oddball作业和Cloninger的气质性格量表(TCI)对20名被试进行测量。

    Methods : Twenty subjects were assessed on the Oddball-Task and the Cloninger 's Temperament and Character Inventory ( TCI ) .

  23. 目的:通过难度递增式Sternberg双重任务作业诱导被试的情绪反应,考查不同难度测验中个体作业绩效与情绪稳定性和心率变异性(HRV)的关系,探讨情绪情境诱导方式。

    AIM : To explore the situation induced module of emotion by analyzing the relationship between the performance of Sternberg dual task , emotional stability and heart rate variability .

  24. Audible目前正在资助罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)研究被试人员在读文字、听文字、同时听读、以及在听、读两种不同模式之间切换时的大脑活动。

    Audible is now funding cognitive research at Rutgers University to study the brain activity of test subjects while they are reading a text , listening to it , reading and listening simultaneously , and switching between the two modes .

  25. 以全国36所中高等职业院校的3342名学生为被试,采用SCL90进行心理健康测量。结果表明,SCL90在职业院校学生这一群体中具有良好的信度与效度。

    Students who are in 36 secondary and higher vocational schools in our country were chosen and were tested using SCL-90.Results shows that SCL-90 has good reliability and validity in group of vocational school students .

  26. 方法完全SD条件下,分别在高原和平原对15名被试(高原7名,平原8名)进行间隔为6h的8次工作记忆测验。

    Methods In high plateau and plain , fifteen healthy male subjects ( high plateau : 8 subjects ; plain : 7 subjects ) underwent complete sleep deprivation , during which there were 8 working memory tests whose interval was 6h .

  27. 事后测验的结果表明,心理咨询显著提高了实验组被试的冲突解决能力(p.05)。

    Consequently , the results of the posttest indicated that counseling improved conflict resolution skills ( p.05 ) for the experimental group .

  28. 本研究探讨早期方言-普通话双语者的方言(L1)语素意识对普通话(L2)语素意识以及汉字识别的作用。实验选取了22名被试,选自莆田市仙游县一所小学。

    The present study probed into the contribution of dialect-Putonghua bilinguals ' dialect ( L1 ) morphological awareness to Putonghua ( L2 ) morphological awareness and Chinese character recognition.22 subjects from a primary school in Xianyou County participated in the experiment .

  29. 实验1-A考察了在缺乏语境条件下,显性句法知识较少的母语被试偏正/述宾歧义短语的阅读模式。

    Sub-experiment 1-A investigates the reading patterns of native speakers as testees who have rather little explicit syntactic knowledge , when context is lacking .

  30. 方法:先用PDQ+4问卷筛查,再以PDI-IV对筛查的阳性被试进行半定式查询确诊B群人格障碍患者,然后用童年期创伤性经历问卷(CTQ)测查所有被试的童年负性经历。

    Methods : PDQ + 4 was administered to the sample to screen personality disorder patients . Cluster-B personality disorder patients were then diagnosed by Personality Disorder Interview-IV ( PDI-IV ) .