
xīn lǐ xiàn xiànɡ
  • psychological phenomenon
  1. 曝光效应这种心理现象指的是人们容易对熟悉的人或事物产生好感。

    The mere-exposure effect is a psychological phenomenon by which people tend to develop a preference for things merely because they are familiar with them .

  2. 相比之下,“gender”则被视为严格的心理现象,是指两性之间的行为或心理差异的总和。

    In contrast , " gender " is viewed as a strictly psychological phenomenon and refers to the sum of behavioral or psychological differences between the sexes .

  3. 此外,季节情感紊乱症或称SAD的心理现象也可能导致一种与冬季昼短夜长有关的特殊类型的抑郁。

    In addition , the psychological phenomenon known as seasonal affective disorder , or SAD , may bring a specific type of depression related to winter 's shorter days and longer nights .

  4. 早期认知心理学家西蒙、纽厄尔等对格式塔心理学J宏彩视域与以劝范李亡提出的顿悟以及重新建构用信息加工的观点进行了解释,并设计了一些计算机程序对这些心理现象进行模拟。

    The early cognitive psychologists Simon and Newell explained insight and re-structuring of Gestalt psychology by using viewpoint of information processing , and designed computer programmes to simulate these psychology phenomena .

  5. 有逆反心理现象的学生家长与无逆反心理现象的学生家SCL-90因子得分间差异有显著性意义(P<0·05)。

    There was a significant difference in scores of SCL-90 between the parents whose children have psychological inversion and those whose children have no psychological inversion ( P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 它实际上是有趣的心理现象。

    Actually , it 's really only an interesting psychological phenomenon .

  7. 创作冲动是心理现象,受环境制约。

    Impulse of creation is a psychological phenomenon , retained by environment .

  8. 压力作为一个日常生活中最常见的心理现象,是心理学进行研究的重要领域。

    Stress was a most common psychological phenomenon in our daily life .

  9. 反语是一种复杂的语言认知心理现象。

    Irony is a very complex linguistic phenomenon both cognitively and psychologically .

  10. 是一种政治的文化&心理现象吗?

    Is it a kind of political culture & a psychological phenomena ?

  11. 论互联网时代的平民化心理现象

    A Study on the Popular Psychological Phenomena of Internet Times

  12. 相对剥夺感是现在中国社会普遍存在的心理现象,是个人或群体通过与参照群体比较而产生的一种自身需求得不到满足的主观感受。

    Relative deprivation is a common psychological phenomenon in the Chinese society .

  13. 人际信任是一种复杂的社会心理现象。

    Interpersonal trust is a social and psychological complex phenomenon .

  14. 自然语言可视为一种心理现象。

    Natural language can be considered as a psychological phenomenon .

  15. 论人的心理现象对形成企业内聚力的影响

    Phenomenon Influence of Human Psychology Upon Formation of Internal Cohesion

  16. 心理学是研究人的各种心理现象及其活动规律的科学。

    Psychology is a science which research psychological activities and their rules .

  17. 情感共鸣是阅读中的心理现象之一。

    The emotion sympathetic chord is one of in reading psychological phenomena .

  18. 灵感和直觉心理现象的协同论阐释

    New Interpretation of the Synergism Between Psychological Inspiration and Intuition

  19. 但是连贯不仅是语言现象,而且是心理现象。

    But coherence is not only a language phenomenon ;

  20. 社会适应是人们现实生活中一种重要的社会心理现象。

    Social adaptation is an important phenomenon of social mind in actual life .

  21. 这种心理现象被称为样例激活效应。

    Researchers call this as exemplar - activation effect .

  22. 教师合作文化是一种复杂的社会文化心理现象。

    Teacher 's cooperative culture is a complex psychological phenomenon of social culture .

  23. 歌唱技巧学习的生理心理现象探讨

    Discussion on the Physiological and Psychological Phenomena of the Study of Local Skills

  24. 西方科学心理学一直是将心理学的研究对象确定为心理现象。

    Western scientific psychology always takes psychological phenomenon as the object of psychological study .

  25. 损失厌恶是人们普遍存在的一种心理现象。

    Loss aversion is a widespread psychological phenomenon .

  26. 语讳是世界各民族普遍存在的心理现象。

    Taboo in languages is very popular as a psychological phenomenon in the world .

  27. 一些研究者们已经试图去准确地定位这个具有传染性的心理现象机制。

    A few researchers have tried to pinpoint the mechanism of contagious psychological phenomena .

  28. 中央苏区时期马克思主义中国化是一个复杂的政治、社会和文化心理现象。

    Marxism sinicization was a complicated psychological phenomenon of politics , society and culture .

  29. 第二语言习得过程的心理现象分析

    Psychological Analysis of the Second Language Acquisition Process

  30. 心理现象与物理现象的区别

    A Distinction between Psychological Phenomena and Physical Phenomena