
  • psychiatrist;Psychologists;Psychological consultant
  1. 但是,他们却不敢向心理咨询师寻求帮助。

    But they ` ve been afraid to seek help from psychologists .

  2. 兽医和心理咨询师也是他们能干好的职业。

    Pisces also make great veterinarians and psychologists .

  3. 川北医学院心理咨询师学员SCL-90的测评分析

    Investigation of the Mental Health State of the North Sichuan Medical Students of the Psychological Counseling Using SCL-90

  4. 心理咨询师学员与心理学专业大学生的MMPI人格测验分析

    Comparison of the difference between learners of psychological counsel and college students on MMPI

  5. 方法:采用Maslach倦怠量表-服务行业版(MBI-HSS)对171名心理咨询师进行了调查。

    Methods : 171 psychological counselors were tested by MBI-HSS .

  6. 玛丽•安•阿伦森(MaryAnnAronsohn)是洛杉矶的婚姻和家庭心理咨询师。她认为离婚后的夫妇应该把照顾孩子看作是一项事业,比如把对方当作是同事或客户来对待。

    Mary Ann Aronsohn , a Los Angeles marriage and family therapist , says parents should think of co-parenting as a business venture and treat their ex-spouse as they would a colleague or a client .

  7. 职业耗竭最早由美国临床心理学家Freudenberger于1974年提出,一直是心理学界的研究热点,心理咨询师的职业耗竭也引起了学者们的广泛兴趣。

    Since occupational burnout was first put forward by American clinical psychologist & Freudenberger in 1974 , it has been a focus in psychological studies . Occupational burnout among counselors has drawn a lot of attention of the researchers .

  8. 心理咨询师从业初始动机个案研究

    Case Study of the Primary Job Choosing Motivations of Psychological Consultants

  9. 运动心理咨询师的角色内涵

    A study of the connotation of the role of a sports psychologist

  10. 云南省心理咨询师职业资格培训班学员情况及分析

    Condition and analysis on mental counseling trainees in Yunnan Province

  11. 心理咨询师专业发展中的个人成长

    The Psychological Advisor 's Personal Development in his Professional Progress

  12. 基于心理契约的高校心理咨询师职业倦怠分析

    Upon University Mental Counselors ' Job Burnout on Psychological Contract

  13. 国外心理咨询师职业耗竭研究现状

    The Status in Foreign Researches on Occupational Burnout among Counselors

  14. 因此,他决定像心理咨询师寻求帮助。

    So he decided to seek help from a psychologist .

  15. 成为一个人:心理咨询师的个人成长

    Becoming a Person : The Personal Growth of Psychological Counselor

  16. 学校心理咨询师个人成长的调查研究

    Investigation and Research on the Personal Growth of Psychological Counselors in Schools

  17. 心理咨询师的个人成长问题研究

    Study on the individual development of psychological expert consultants

  18. 我仍然觉得你是我的心理咨询师。

    I still think of you as my therapist .

  19. 心理咨询师个人成长中社会角色的分离与整合

    The separation and integration of consultants ' social roles in their individual life

  20. 简论国内心理咨询师胜任特征研究问题

    A Study on the Problem of the Psychology Counselor 's Competency in China

  21. 心理咨询师在危机干预中的作用

    The Role of Psychological Counselors in Crisis Intervention

  22. 心理咨询师的自我表露在心理咨询与治疗中的运用心理咨询和治疗师与来访者的双重关系多中心调查

    A Multi-Center Survey on Dual Relationships and Associated Factors among Chinese Counselors and Psychotherapists

  23. 来访者对心理咨询师/治疗师伦理行为评价状况的研究

    A Study of Clients ' Evaluation on Ethical Behavior of Their Counselors or Psychotherapists

  24. 专业化的运动心理咨询师在有效的运动心理咨询过程中起着决定性作用。

    A professional sports psychologist plays a decisive role during effective sports psychological consultation .

  25. 从两种咨询模式看我国心理咨询师的培养师资培训人员咨询小组

    The Training of Psychological Counselors As Seen From Two Counseling Models ; Teacher Educators Consultative Group

  26. 他们成立了一些学生培训项目,使得他们能够在陷入困境的同伴与心理咨询师之间搭起桥梁。

    They have established programs to train students to be the bridge between troubled friends and counselors .

  27. 对目前心理咨询师培训的思考

    Reflection on Psychological Consultant Training

  28. 论运动心理咨询师的角色内涵对我国运动员心理咨询模式的思考

    The Role of Psychologist in Sport Counseling Discussion on Constructing the Mode of the Counseling Chinese Athletes

  29. 我在倾听方面很有天赋,对于想成为心理咨询师的人来说,倾听是一项非凡的能力。

    I am talent to listen , and listening is a great capacity for a person to be counseling .

  30. 随着国民精神卫生问题的日益突出,国家出台了心理咨询师的国家职业标准。

    With the increasingly prominent situation in people 's spirit sanitation , national profession standard of psychological consultant has established .