
  • 网络psychological capital;Psychology Capital;psycap
  1. MBTI人格类型在心理资本四个维度上的回归都非常显著,但是拟合度都比较低。

    MBTI personality type on four dimensions of psychological capital in the regression are very significant , but relatively low goodness of fit .

  2. 基于心理资本的知识型团队开发研究

    The Research of Development of Knowledge Teams Based on Psychological Capital

  3. 而WFF包括发展促进、情感促进和心理资本促进三个维度。

    WFF contained development facilitation , affect facilitation and capital facilitation .

  4. 心理资本理论的提出,为提升员工工作绩效,扩展了新的思路。

    Psychological capital theory expanded new ideas to enhance employee performance .

  5. 监狱警察心理资本和离职倾向相关不显著。

    Prison Police related capital and turnover intention was not significant .

  6. 大学生心理资本对就业力具有较强的正向预测作用。

    Psychological capital has strong positive effect on predicting employment ability .

  7. 心理资本与知识型员工组织承诺的关系探讨

    Exploring the relationship between psychological capital and organizational commitment of knowledge worker

  8. 不同职位状况的员工的心理资本各个维度均有显著差异。

    The different position of employees ' psychological capital dimensions are significantly .

  9. 心理资本的自信、希望、韧性维度对任务绩效具有正向影响。

    Efficacy , hope and resilience have positive impacts on task performance .

  10. 工作特征可以通过心理资本这个中介变量作用于工作绩效。

    Job characteristic can influence work performance through psychological capital .

  11. 然而最近的研究表明心理资本是影响创业者阶段性能力的又一关键因素。

    However , recent studies show that psychological capital is another key factor .

  12. 心理资本测量具有文化差异性。

    The scaling of psychological capital has cultural differences .

  13. 企业员工的心理资本对其工作绩效和工作卷入的影响

    Employee 's Psychological Capital Effect on Job Performance and Job Involvement in China

  14. 元情绪在积极心理资本与生活满意度之间存在中介作用。

    Meta-emotion is a partly mediator between positive psychological captital and life satisfaction .

  15. 变革型领导对下属心理资本影响的实证研究

    Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Follower 's Psychological Capital

  16. 常规性地开展生命教育课程对于学生的心理资本有显著影响,生命教育的开展是有效应的。

    Routine life education has prominent influence on the psychological capital of students .

  17. 心理资本对职业生涯成功预测作用的实证研究

    Effects of Psychological Capital on Employees ' Career Success

  18. 组织认同在心理资本和周边绩效之间起到部分中介效应。

    Organizational identification plays a partial mediating effect between psychological capital and contextual performance .

  19. 贫困大学生心理资本、应对方式与心理健康的关系

    Relationships among Psychological Capital , Coping Style and Mental Health of Impoverished College Students

  20. 关于中小企业员工心理资本在人口学变量上的差异。

    The differences about small and medium-sized enterprise employees psychological capital in the variable .

  21. 员工心理资本对其敬业度的影响研究

    A Study on the Impact Mechanism between the Psychological Capital and the Employee Engagement

  22. 心理资本这个全新的概念就是在这样的背景下提出来的。

    A brand-new concept , namely psychological capital , is put forward in this background .

  23. 心理资本与大五人格对组织行为预测作用的比较研究

    The Impact of the Psychological Capital and the Big Five Personality to the Organization Behavior

  24. 本研究还研究了领导者的人口统计学变量对心理资本的影响,发现人口统计学变量对心理资本没有显著的影响。

    This study also found demographic variables had no significant impact on psychological capital of leader .

  25. 心理资本:本土量表的开发及中西比较

    Psychological Capital : Chinese Indigenous Scale 's Development and Its Validity Comparison with the Western Scale

  26. 心理资本可以削弱表层扮演与反生产行为之间的联系,心理资本高时,表层扮演与反生产行为之间的相关较低。

    The psychological capital can weaken the link between the surface acting and counterproductive work behaviors .

  27. 研究的主要结论包括:1.中国职工心理资本内容包含4个维度。

    The main conclusions include : 1.The content of Chinese workers psychological capital includes four dimensions .

  28. 心理资本的各维度对员工工作绩效的正向影响效应不同。

    There are differences in the effects of each dimension of psychological capital on job performance .

  29. 当前,心理资本的相关研究受到国内学者越来越高的关注。

    Recently , the study of the psychological capital has got increasingly high attention by domestic scholars .

  30. 提出了心理资本和工作满意度的维度划分,并进行了验证。

    Dimensions of psychological capital and job satisfaction were put forward , verification was provided as well .