
xīn lǐ cè yàn
  • Psychological testing;psychometry;bug test
  1. R神经心理测验某些指标有显著相关。结论感觉综合失调儿童有某些神经心理问题。

    Conclusion The sensory integration dysfunction chidren have some problem in neuropsychological characteristics .

  2. 方法对34例调查者进行临床记忆量表等17种神经心理测验,将结果进行Q型聚类分析。

    Methods Neuropsychological tests were carried out in 34 subjects by using clinical memory scales including 17 variables and Q type cluster analysis was performed .

  3. Tourette综合征患儿神经心理测验分析

    Analysis of neuropsychological tests in children with Tourette Syndrome

  4. 首发精神分裂症神经心理测验和听感觉门控P50的相关性研究

    Relationship between Auditory Sensory Gating P50 and Neuropsychological Test in First-episode Schizophrenics

  5. 神经心理测验有助于预测MCI患者是否发展为痴呆,对老年期痴呆的早期诊断和干预治疗具有参考价值。

    These predictive factors for MCI to develop dementia are valuable in early detection and prevention of dementia in the elderly .

  6. R神经心理测验某些指标显著相关,儿童早年养育方式因素与其感觉统合能力和H.婴幼儿消极行为特征与影响母亲抚养困难的因素

    There are significant correlations between facts of parenting way , sensory integration function and H.R neuropsychological characteristics . INFANTS ' AND YOUNG CHILDREN 'S NEGATIVE BEHAVIORAL CHARACTERISTICS AND FACTORS INFLUENCING MOTHERS ' PARENTING DIFFICULTIES

  7. 方法采用明尼苏达多项人格调查表(MMPI)、生活事件量表、特质应对问卷对确诊病人31例和匹配对照组30例进行个别心理测验,以放射免疫法测定两组被试唾液中IgA含量。

    Method Using MMPI , LES , Trait coping inventory to test patients and normal people , using radiate-immune method to test IgA content in saliva .

  8. H.R.成人成套神经心理测验在我国的修订

    The Chinese Revision of halstead & reitan neuropsychological test battery for adults

  9. 方法:对正常老人94名,遗忘型MCI组107例和轻度AD组54例进行MMSE、TMT在内的8种神经心理测验。

    Methods : 94 normal elders , 107 amnestic MCI patients and 54 patients with mild AD accepted 8 neuropsychological tests including TMT , mini-mental state examination ( MMSE ), etc.

  10. 城乡儿童H.R神经心理测验及相关因素的比较研究

    Comparative Study of H.R Neuropsychological Battery Results between Urban and Rural Children

  11. 探讨心理测验、视觉诱发电位检测在亚临床肝性脑病(SHE)诊断中的意义。对45例肝硬化患者及30例正常人进行数字连接试验(NCT),视觉诱发电位(VEP)检测。

    To investigate the diagnostic values of psychometric test ( PT ) and visual evoked potential ( VEP ) in detection of subclinical hepatic encephalopathy ( SHE ) .

  12. 目的制定老年成套神经心理测验(NTBE)的全国T分常模。

    Objective To establish a Chinese T-score norm of neuropsychological test battery for the elderly ( NTBE ) .

  13. 目的:观察影响老年成套神经心理测验(NTBE)的因素。

    Objective To analyze the factors affecting the score of a neuropsychological test battery for the elderly ( NTBE ) .

  14. 所实施的心理测验包括数字广度、WMS视觉记忆测验、本顿视觉保持测验、连线测验、符号数字、栓子安插和手指敲击测验。

    The psychological tests consisted of Digit Span , Visual Reproduction of WMS , Benton Visual Retention Test , Trail-Making Test , Symbol-Digit Modality Test , Grooved Pegboard Test , and Finger Tapping Test .

  15. 分析了MIDAS技术的特点及通过MIDAS技术进行多层分布式应用系统开发的方法,在此基础上介绍了一个应用实例&心理测验系统的开发应用。

    This article analyses technical characters of MIDAS and introduces methods of a multilayer distribution type of application exploitation system processed by MIDAS technology . At the same time , it introduces a application example , exploitation application of psychology examination system .

  16. 方法用儿童感觉统合能力评定量表、儿童养育因素问卷和H.R神经心理测验,选取城市6.5~7.5岁的一年级小学生163人为被试,进行问卷测试和个别测验。

    Methods To test 163 urban children between 6.5 ~ 7.5 ages with the Children Sensory Integration Function Measurement Scale , Halstead Reitan Battery Neuropsychological Test and facts of parenting way .

  17. 以世界卫生组织老年认知功能评价成套神经心理测验(WHO-BCAI)为主要研究工具。

    The World Health Organization battery of cognitive assessment instruments for the elderly ( WHO-BCAI ) was adopted to assess the cognitive functions of the subjects .

  18. 第二个应该谨慎对待的问题是心理测验的用途。

    The second caution relates to the usage of psychological tests .

  19. 老年成套神经心理测验与痴呆

    Neuropsychological Test Battery for the Elderly ( NTBE ) and Dementia

  20. 我国古代心理测验方法试探

    A sketch on the methods of mental testing in ancient China

  21. 网络技术对心理测验各环节的影响

    The Influence of Internet Techniques on the Procedures of Psychological Testing

  22. 影响老年成套神经心理测验的因素

    Factors affecting score of neuropsychological test battery in the aged

  23. 神经心理测验对老年人认知损害的早期评估价值

    Early measuring value of battery of cognitive assessment instrument on cognitive impairment

  24. 中国古代心理测验及其特色与价值

    Mental tests in ancient China and their features and value

  25. 心理测验一诞生,就被社会各界所广泛接受和运用,并蓬勃地发展起来,尤其在人力资源管理领域中的应用越来越深入。

    Psychological test is widely applied in the management of human resources .

  26. 心理测验中正反向表述项目对量表效度的影响

    Effects of Item-wording in Psychological Testing on the Validity of the Questionnaire

  27. 心理测验法在心理学研究中是一种常用的方法,但是,这种方法的应用价值受到诸多条件的限制。

    Psychological tests are more useful methods in the research of psychology .

  28. 人们害怕参加心理测验和体格检查。

    People were afraid of taking mental and physical tests .

  29. 在哪里做的心理测验呢?有信度的吗?

    Where did you do the psychological test ? Is the test reliable ?

  30. 但是,在实践中心理测验受到了有些人的怀疑甚至否定。

    But it is doubted , even denied by some people in practice .