
  • 网络the psychological contract;psychologicalcontract
  1. CEO报酬:来自心理契约的解释

    CEO Compensation Based on Corporate Performance : An Explanation from Psychological Contract

  2. 本文从心理契约的角度分析了基于绩效的CEO报酬安排对CEO激励的消极影响,提供了一个理解CEO报酬激励制度设计的崭新视角。

    Using the psychological contract , I provide a new aspect to understand CEO compensation .

  3. LMX在心理契约破坏与员工组织公民行为(利他行为、个人主动性、人际和谐和保护公司资源)的关系中起完全中介作用。

    Leader-member exchange fully mediates the relationship between psychological contract breach and organizational citizenship behavior .

  4. 但还没有研究进一步探讨员工的变革认知对心理契约违背的影响,以及变革认知可能通过心理契约违背对EVLN行为的间接影响。

    However , no research has been down to explore the direct effect of employees ' change perception on EVLN behaviors , and the indirect influence of change perception on EVLN behaviors through psychological contract violation .

  5. 企业家信用对企业组织信用的影响机制研究&从心理契约的视角

    Entrepreneur Credit and Enterprise Credit : From the Psychological Contract Perspective

  6. 心理契约视野下的大学生入职培训

    The vocational training of graduates from the perspective of psychological contract

  7. 员工心理契约及其组织效果研究

    Research on the Employee 's Psychological Contract and Its Organizational Effectiveness

  8. 组织的关系型心理契约违背导致管理者忽略行为减少。

    Relational psychological contract is positively related to manager 's neglect .

  9. 顾客忠诚的心理契约机制实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Psychological Contract Mechanism of Customer Loyalty

  10. 基于心理契约的员工忠诚度及风险分析

    Loyalty Based on Psychological Contract of the Staff and Its Risks

  11. 心理契约存在于所有的管理活动和组织中。

    Psychological Contract exists in all the management activities and organizations .

  12. 变革环境下的员工心理契约与职业生涯管理

    Psychological Contract and Career Management under the Changing Landscape of Work

  13. 高校师资管理改革中的心理契约违背问题分析

    Analysis on Psychological Contract Violation in Reform of College Teachers Management

  14. 护理人员心理契约与工作满意度的相关性研究

    The relationship between psychological contract and job satisfaction among nursing staff

  15. 心理契约与企业文化的关系研究

    A research on the relationship between psychological contract and corporate culture

  16. 小型家族企业非家族员工心理契约违背研究

    Research on Non-family Employees Psychological Contract Violating of Small-sized Family Enterprises

  17. 现代管理活动中的心理契约:内涵与意义

    The Psychological Contract in Morden Management Activities : Connotations and Meanings

  18. 贵州省企业少数民族员工心理契约调查研究

    A Study on Psychological Contract of Minority Employees in Guizhou Enterprise

  19. 大学创新团队心理契约对知识共享的影响探析

    The Impact of Psychological Contract on Knowledge-sharing in University Innovation Teams

  20. 沟通开放性与心理契约满意度的关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between Communication Openness and Psychological Contract Satisfaction

  21. 知识型员工的心理契约理论研究及实证分析

    Theoretical Research and Positive Analysis of Knowledge Workers ' Psychological Contract

  22. 从心理契约视角看图书馆与读者的关系

    A discussion of the relationship between the library and its readers

  23. 这也正是促使心理契约理论出现的原因之一。

    This is also the reason prompted the psychological contract theory .

  24. 心理契约通过组织支持感这个中介变量影响组织公民行为。

    Psychology contract ( PC ) has indirect effects on OCB through POS.

  25. 同时,我们还发现心理契约的变化也带来了与心理契约违背紧密联系的留职倾向的变化。因此,我们断言心理契约的变化实际上是心理契约违背的最初来源。

    The author also found psychological contract change led to stay intention .

  26. 第二部分介绍了中国企业员工传统的心理契约。

    The second part introduces the traditional mental bargain of Chinese staff .

  27. 运用心理契约提升员工整体满意度

    Using Psychological Contract to Improve the Satisfaction of the Staffs

  28. 其次,介绍了心理契约的特点。

    Second , it introduces the characters of mental bargain .

  29. 从心理契约的角度提高员工满意度

    Increasing the Job Satisfaction from the Angle of Psychological Contract

  30. 这个过程就是品牌心理契约的构建过程。

    This process is also the process of building brand psychological contract .