
  1. 高校职业指导人员专业化建设的意义与方略

    On Significance and Methodology of Higher Vocational Directors ' Specialization Construction

  2. 教育行政管理人员专业化路径研究&基于对地县教育局长的调查

    On Specialization of Educational Administrators : Based on the Investigation of Educational Bureau Director

  3. 高校科技管理人员专业化建设研究市场经济体制下高校后勤管理人员的素质结构

    The Quality Structure of the Rear Service Administrators in Higher Learning Institutions Under the Market Economic System

  4. 其次,基于知识基础的转型,审视了学校管理人员专业化的历史发展过程。

    Secondly , with the translation of knowledge base , Author surveys the development history of the professionalization of school administrator .

  5. 主要有立法不完善、没有专门的审判组织和审判人员专业化程度不高等几方面的原因。

    For example , have no perfect legislation , no special court and judges professional level are not high enough for the job .

  6. 提出在审理机构和审理人员专业化、审理程序简便化以及发挥调节机制在解决社会保险争议重要作用等方面是值得我国学习和借鉴的。

    Raised professional judges and trial institutions , handy trial procedure and applying interrogate to solve social security dispute are worth to be learned and by us .

  7. 做到服务产品标准化,服务人员专业化、服务行为规范化、服务管理现代化,让用户无论在何处都能充分享受我们及时、高效的售后服务!

    Service industry standardization , service attendant specialization and service management modernization make the customers to enjoy our timely and effective after-service no matter where they are .

  8. 其次是采取考试录取外交人才制度,资格审查制度,以及任期结束后的待命制度等选拔录用机制,保证外交人员专业化、职业化。

    Secondly , taking examination of the personnel selection system , qualification system , and standby system , which ensured the diplomatic staffs to be specialization and professional .

  9. 班级自主管理的保障机制包括:学校营造和谐的支持氛围、提供制度保障,构建科学的班级自主管理评价体系,完善学生管理人员专业化发展机制。

    Student self-governance for the class needs the support of the university to create a harmonious atmosphere to provide systematic polices and regulations , to build a scientific evaluation system , and to train the professional tutors for the students .

  10. 就前者而言,应当完备环境审判规则,提高审判人员专业化水平;就后者而言,环保法庭要做好与环境司法执行的衔接,通过司法建议、司法教育做好与司法服务工作的衔接。

    As the former , completing environment adjudication rule and building professional judicial personnel is necessary . as to the latter , environmental courts should do well the transition work in the field such as environmental judicial enforcement and judicial service through judicial suggestion and judicial education .

  11. 对A校的调研过程中发现,其校院两级教学管理体制改革在管理观念、责权划分、机构设置、管理人员专业化程度等方面存有问题。

    In the study of university A , I have found in its reformation of two tier teaching management system , there are problems in some aspects : management idea , rights and obligations partition , institution setting , degree of specialization of managers and so on .

  12. 最后应提高从业人员的专业化水平。

    Finally , specialization level of the employee should be improved .

  13. 论我国社会工作从业人员的专业化建设

    On the Specialization of Social Work Staff

  14. 内部审计职业化的主要内容是:内部审计人员的专业化、资格化;

    The main contents of professional of internal audit are the specialization and qualification of internal auditors ;

  15. 新闻从业人员趋于专业化;提高高校财务会计人员综合素质的思考

    The efficiency of the news was improved ; Ponderations on Promoting Comprehensive Quality of Financial Staff Members in University

  16. 生涯发展理念的引入为建构高校就业指导人员的专业化体系提供了理论支撑。

    The introduction of career development concept provides a theory support in building specialization system of employment direction staffs in universities .

  17. 从立法的角度阐述了立法规则、立法监督、立法宣传和咨询,以及保险管理从业人员的专业化问题。

    Legislation principles , legislation supervision , legislation publicity and counseling , and the specialization of administrative staff of health insurance are expounded .

  18. 实现高校行政管理人员的专业化是社会转型与高校行政管理人员角色转变的要求,是高校教育改革的需求和方向,也是对高等教育实践的呼唤与教育理论的回应。

    The specialization of administrators in universities which is respond to the practice and theory of the higher education becomes an important topic in education research .

  19. 随着大型图案设计任务的复杂化、设计人员的专业化、设计地理位置的分散化以及计算机网络计算集成化,开发计算机支持的协同图案设计系统成为必要和可能。

    With the complication of great pattern design , the speciality of designer , the dispersal of design location and the integration of computer networking computing , It is necessary and possible to develop computer supported pattern design system .

  20. 比较分析了美国、英国、日本、台湾地区的药品管制机构设置模式,总结出共同的经验和规律,包括设置相对独立的管制机构、组成人员的专业化和注重行业协会的作用等。

    This chapter firstly compares the organization modes of drug regulation agencies in America , Britain , Japan and Taiwan district . Then common experience and regularity are found which include relatively independent regulation agency , professional members and industry association .

  21. 从馆藏的专业化、管理人员的专业化、服务的专业化等方面,对当代高校图书馆在日益激烈的竞争环境下,走向专业化发展的基本趋势和措施作了深入的研究和探讨。

    From aspects of the specialization of library collections , managerial staffs and services , this paper makes deep study and exploration of the fundamental tendency and measures of specialization development od modern university library in the environment with sharper and sharper competitions .

  22. 本系统旨在解决院系级资料手工管理文献信息的传统局面,让非专业人员实现专业化图书馆管理,使资料室转变服务模式,提高服务质量,更好地为读者服务,也便于全校的资源共享。

    Faculties-class information system designed to address the management of artisanal tradition in the literature of information for non-professionals to achieve professional library management , library services shift patterns , and improve service quality , better services for the reader , but also facilitate the sharing of school resources .

  23. 这份手册对非专业人员来说太专业化了。

    The guide is too technical for a non-specialist .

  24. 确认教师职业是一种专业,教师是从事教育教学工作的专业人员,教师专业化是教师职业特有的专业标准与程度。

    Teaching is a profession and teachers are professionals in education . Teaching professionalization is a special criterion for teacher career .

  25. 北京大学第三医院副院长、北京医疗队队长刘晓光建议“国家医疗应急体系应该细化规范,物资和医疗人员应该更专业化。”

    Liu Xiaoguang , Deputy Dean of Peking University3rd hospital and Beijing medical team leader said ," The national medical emergency system need to setup its standards and specify its regulations ;"

  26. 燃气行业是一个高危行业,天然气是一种易燃易爆的洁净能源,要求管道燃气企业的操作岗位人员必须具有专业化的燃气理论知识和过硬的操作技能,才能确保企业的本质安全。

    Gas industry is a high-risk industry . Natural gas is a flammable and explosive clean energy that requires the staff of gas pipeline companies to have a professional gas theory and strong operational skills to ensure the nature of enterprise security .

  27. 独立学院的毕业生从业能力薄、社会认同度较低,就业存在治标不治本的问题、就业人员职业化专业化低、较低的学生就业认可度等是毕业生就业工作中很困难的现状。

    Independent college graduates of professional ability , social less esteemed , take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure the problems in employment , low employment professional specialization , low recognition of students employment is very difficult in the work of graduate employment , such as the status quo .

  28. 游戏引擎也促使游戏编程人员进行更为专业化的分工。

    The game engine also urges the game programmers to carry on more specialized the division of labor .

  29. 对社区服务人员进行社会工作专业化培训。

    Comprehensively exploit and utilize the resources of the community service and train the community service workers for social work professionalization .

  30. 由于投资者本身缺乏证券专业知识,缺乏对宏观经济运行以及行业发展变化的了解,他们迫切需要证券营销人员为他们提供专业化、智能化的服务。

    Because most investors themselves lack enough knowledge about stock and the macroeconomic operation they need the specialized and intelligent service provided by security sales .