
  1. 高新技术企业R&D人员考评指标体系探析

    Evaluation of R & D Personnel in High-new Technology Enterprises

  2. 人员考评的心理误差与对策

    Psychological Errors in Checking Personnel and Countermeasures

  3. 企业高层管理人员考评模式研究

    Appraisement and Test Model of Senior Managers

  4. 人员考评的定量化研究

    Quantitative Study of Personnel Evaluation

  5. 按照现代企业制度的要求,针对目前考评工作中存在考核成本较高、实际操作性较差的问题,提出了营销人员考评办法并进行了实际应用。

    According to the requirement of modern corporate system , aiming at the problem of high evaluation cost and weakly operational , this paper put forward the evaluation method of marketing personnel .

  6. 基于作者对该公司的人力资源管理方面的深入、细致的了解,指出该公司在人力资源开发、人员考评、员工选拔、福利发放等方面存在的问题,并具体分析了由此带来的影响。

    The author points out the existing problems in such aspects as manpower development , personnel assessment , personnel choosing and welfare distribution of the company and concretely analyses the influences thereout based upon the author 's through and meticulous understanding in the manpower resource management of the company .

  7. 完善以KPI为核心的营销人员绩效考评体系;

    Competency assessment system for marketing salesmen based on nuclear KPI should be improved ;

  8. 对SZ集团中层管理人员绩效考评体系的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Performance Appraisal System for the Middle Management in SZ Group

  9. SPCI科技人员绩效考评及激励研究

    Research on the Performance Appraisal and Encouragement Mechanism of the Technical Employees in SPCI

  10. 为此,本文力图对CEI营销系统管理人员绩效考评体系进行系统的研究,以增强其人力资源开发管理能力,促进CEI的稳步发展。

    For this reason , this text tries hard to check and rate the system and carry on systematic research to the systematic administrative staff 's performance of cei marketing , In order to strengthen its manpower resources development managerial ability , promote the steady development of cei .

  11. 护理人员绩效考评体系设计

    Design of an Assessment System for the Achievement of Nursing Staffs

  12. 通用装备保障人员岗位考评信息管理系统

    Information Management System for Post Examination of General Equipment Support Personnel

  13. 护理人员绩效考评信息的数据采集与软件管理

    Data Collection and Software Management for Nursing Personnel 's Performance Assessment

  14. 高等学校图书资料人员绩效考评体系研究

    The Study on Performance Evaluation System of Academic Library Staff

  15. 吉林邮政营销人员绩效考评方案设计

    Performance Evaluation Plan for Marketing & Sales of Jilin Post

  16. 军队医院合同制医务人员任期考评的实践

    Practice on Term Check of Medical Staff by Contract in Military Hospital

  17. 高等院校高级管理人员绩效考评研究高级行政人员等级表

    Research on Performance Appraisal of Top-level Manager in University ; Senior Executive Service schedule

  18. 营销人员的考评体系研究

    Study On Appraisal System Of Sales Staff

  19. 建行枣庄市分行中层管理人员绩效考评研究

    Research on Performance Appraisal for Middle-level Manager of Zao Zhuang Branch of China Construction Bank

  20. 油田企业中层管理人员绩效考评研究

    Research on Performance Evaluation of Enterprise 's Middle Administrative Staff 's Performance of Oil Field

  21. 本文主要研究企业专业技术人员绩效考评体系的构建。

    This thesis mainly research on performance appraisal system establish for professional technical personnel of enterprises .

  22. 论文的理论意义在于进一步完善了中国国有商业银行的中层管理人员绩效考评体系;

    The theory meaning of this thesis lies in perfecting middle-level manager 's performance appraisal system of national commercial banks .

  23. 作为新型的工程监理行业急需要建立一套科学、有效的监理人员绩效考评设计。

    As the engineering supervision industry new urgent need to establish a set of scientific , effective supervision of personnel performance appraisal design .

  24. 北京德达公司管理人员绩效考评方法研究科技型企业的绩效考评

    Study on the Methods of the Performance Examination and Critique of the Administrative Staffs of Data Company Performance examination and assessment in technological corporations

  25. 目的:引入平衡记分卡实施护理人员绩效考评,提高护理核心竞争力。

    Objective : The study aimed to examine the effect of using the balanced score card in nursing performance evaluation , which would be helpful for nursing competition .

  26. 中层管理人员绩效考评就是对他们日常工作中表现出的工作业绩和各项能力进行考评,以期得到一个公平公正、准确合理的考评结果。

    Performance appraisal for the middle managers is to check out their achievement and ability in their jobs , and to get the correct result to their performance appraisal .

  27. 研究营销系统管理人员绩效考评因此成为企业营销管理类人员开发管理的重要研究课题之一。

    Study the systematic administrative staffs performance of marketing and check and rate one of the important subjects for research that becomes systematic administrative staffs development management of enterprise 's marketing .

  28. 体系主要包括机关中层管理人员绩效考评的指标及其权重设计、指标的评价标准制定和考评体系的实施流程的设计,等等。

    The system is including the index design for middle officers ' performance evaluation , the calculation of index , the drawing of index evaluation standard and the design of evaluation system .

  29. 本文在专业技术职务聘任中,对科技人员的考评进行了定量化研究,给出了定性定量相结合的考评指标体系;

    The paper presented a quantitative investigation to technical staff 's assessment in professional technical post engagement , and gave a assess - ing norm system combined both the qualitative and quantitative mathod together .

  30. 企业管理人员绩效考评体系设计是企业人力资源管理研究的热点与难点问题,已受到国内外理论界和企业界的广泛关注。

    Today , the focusing and difficulty research in corporation human resources management field is the design of corporation managers ' performance , and it has taken a wide attention of theory and business circle at home and abroad .