
  • 网络staffing;Personnel;Manning
  1. PortfolioManager提供了需要的框架来使这个联合容易实现,鼓励讨论,并允许基于工程出现的正在进行的人员配备调整。

    Portfolio Manager provides the needed framework to facilitate this joining , stimulates the discussion , and allows for ongoing staffing adjustments based on the emergence of the project .

  2. 虽然大部分EPMO都执行某些“核心的”功能,但是角色、人员配备,和所交付的服务或功能在企业和企业之间有令人惊奇的差别。

    While there are certain " core " functions that the majority of EPMOs perform , the role , the staffing , and the services or functions delivered vary to a surprising degree from one enterprise to another .

  3. 最后,执行层领导必须传递这样的信息:人员配备决定将基于PortfolioManager提供的数据,而不接受其他可供选择的数据。

    Finally , executive leadership must deliver the message that staffing decisions will be based on the data that is provided from the Portfolio Manager and not accept alternative data .

  4. 探讨CVVH方法应用的适应症、时机、时间长短、人员配备等,评价CVVH在危重症患者抢救治疗中的临床实用价值。

    And to evaluate the practical value of CVVH clinically .

  5. 概述地理信息系统(GIS)服务在国外图书馆的应用实践,提出筹划此项服务需综合考虑用户需求、服务内容、人员配备等因素。

    This paper outlines the GIS services in overseas libraries , then it mentions the elements such as users ' demand , service content and staff management , which should be considered in developing GIS services .

  6. 港口国监督(PSC)的主要内容是检查船舶技术条件和人员配备是否符合有关国际公约的要求,也检查对人员的操作性要求。

    The main contents of PORT STATE CONTROL ( PSC ) is inspecting the technique condition of ships , checking whether ships equipped enough seamen and checking seamen 's operability .

  7. 香港康乐及文化事务署(LeisureandCulturalServicesDepartment)发言人AnsonLo称,罢工将影响香港20个公共海滩和泳池的人员配备,但只有五个泳池的设施需要暂时关闭。

    The strike will affect staffing across Hong Kong 's 20 public beaches and pools , but only five pools have facilities that will need to be temporarily closed , said Anson Lo , a spokesman for Hong Kong 's Leisure and Cultural Services Department .

  8. NetJets目前在富有的中国南方广东省的珠海金湾机场拥有两架飞机,最初将推出包机和维修、机组人员配备以及飞机存储等服务。

    NetJets has begun operations in China by basing two aircraft at Zhuhai Jinwan airport in the wealthy southern province of Guangdong , and will initially offer charter flying and services such as maintenance , crewing and storage of jets .

  9. 编辑队伍比较稳定的,但专职编辑人员配备略显不足。

    The editor personnel are steady but short of full-time editor .

  10. 四是保障体制不完善,主要体现在经费、信息、人员配备保障方面。

    Mainly reflects in funds , information , personnel security deficiencies .

  11. 能力分析产生了导致人员配备决定的人员配备建议。

    Capacity analysis generates staffing recommendations which lead to staffing decisions .

  12. 管线施工中全自动焊接机具和人员配备

    Automatic Welding Unit with Tools and Personnel Prepared for Pipeline Construction

  13. 超市服务台与人员配备模型设计

    The Model of Scheming Staff and Service Design for Supermarket

  14. 这意味着当销售下降时,该公司就会降低人员配备。

    That means when sales fall , staffing is reduced .

  15. 同时涉及现行看守所检察的人员配备和硬件设施完善以及经费保障。

    Involving current procuratorial staffing of detention , hardware facilities and funds .

  16. 通过人员配备计划,将合适的人员配置到合适的岗位。

    The right persons are designated to the right job through staffing plan .

  17. 医疗技术人员配备不均衡,尤其是护理人员不足;

    Disproportion in personnel composition , especially a chronic shortage of nursing personnel ;

  18. 按要求为施工人员配备保护设施。

    Provide protection facility for construction personnel as required .

  19. 两年前,救生员举行罢工,要求增加人员配备;

    Two years ago , lifeguards went on strike to demand staffing increases ;

  20. 同样的问题也经常出现在管理工具和支持人员配备模型中。

    This same issue often applies to administrative tooling and the support staffing model .

  21. 实现组织机构、人员配备或工作作风的变革;

    Effecting a change in structure , staffing , or style of an organization .

  22. 合适的人员配备、激励体系、技术等级制度和企业文化氛围是该体系有效运作的保证。

    Suitable staffing , incentive system , technology hierarchy and cultural environment are support systems .

  23. 这些住房主要是为朝阳区年轻的专业技术人员配备的。

    The houses will mainly be for young professionals who are based in the district .

  24. 最近一项研究发现,四成的学校人员配备不足。

    In a recent study , 40 % of schools were found to be understaffed .

  25. 图书馆工作人员配备,提高图书管理工作效率。

    With this function , the library staff can improve the efficiency of library management .

  26. 防范组织,人员配备,技术装备,通信联络等。

    The organization of prevention , provision of personnel , technical equipment and communications and liaison .

  27. 病人就诊要等很长时间,医务人员配备不足,只能穷于应付,有时还向病人发脾气。

    Patients wait hours while the undermanned and sometimes short-tempered staff struggle to meet the demand .

  28. 现在,我们人员配备完善,我们要保持住求胜意志。

    We 're in good form at the moment but we need to maintain that winning spirit .

  29. 业余训练中科医人员配备不齐全,科学化训练和监控手段欠缺。

    Sports training division medical staffing is not complete , lack of scientific training and monitoring tools .

  30. 为了加强中、小企业的财务管理,本文从人员配备、内部控制、完善中、小企业服务体系等方面进行了阐述。

    The article discusses the financial management from the aspects of personnel , interior control and so on .