
  • 网络emotional labor;emotion labor;Emotional labour
  1. 情绪劳动(emotionallabor)指要求员工在工作时展现某种特定情绪以达到其所在职位工作目标的劳动形式。

    Emotional labor is a form of emotional regulation wherein workers are expected to display certain emotions as part of their job , and to promote organizational goals .

  2. 有情绪劳动需求的职业一般有如下特点:

    Jobs involving emotional labor are defined as those that :

  3. 组织承诺对情绪劳动影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Effect of Organizational Commitment on Emotional Labor

  4. 角色压力与情绪劳动:社会支持的中介作用

    Role Stress and Emotional Labor : The Mediator Effect of Social Support

  5. 护士情绪劳动表现策略与自我效能的相关性分析

    Correlation Between Emotional Labor Strategies and Perceived Self-efficacy of Nurses

  6. 教师职业是高情感投入的职业,是高度情绪劳动的职业。

    Teacher is high emotional labor occupation which need to input more emotion .

  7. 情绪劳动对工作不安全感两个构成变量与情绪耗竭的关系中起到了中介作用。

    Emotional labor can mediate the relationship between job insecurity and emotional exhaustion .

  8. 情绪劳动要求与情绪耗竭:情绪劳动策略的中介作用研究

    Emotional Labor Requirement and Emotional Exhaustion : A Mediator Analysis of Emotional Strategy

  9. 第二层次的研究回答是什么的问题,即情绪劳动策略是如何影响业绩的。

    The second level is to answer how emotional labor strategies influence the performance .

  10. 情绪劳动对服务型组织中的一线客服员工有着重要的影响作用。

    Emotional labor plays a significant influence on the front tie customer service staff .

  11. 医护人员的情绪劳动与工作倦怠及工作满意度的关系

    The relationships among emotional labor , job burnout and job satisfaction in medical staff

  12. 情绪劳动:表层动作与深层动作,哪一种效果更好?

    Emotional labor : surface acting and deep acting , which one is better ?

  13. 目的了解广州市监狱基层男性警察的情绪劳动状况。

    Objective Understand the emotional labor of Guangzhou male prison basic-level male police conditions .

  14. 服务性行业员工情绪劳动对离职意向的影响研究

    The Research on Effects of Employees ' Emotional Labor on Turnover Intention in Service Business

  15. 组织情绪劳动的架构探析

    Research on the Structure of Emotional Labor

  16. 随着服务型社会的崛起,情绪劳动愈益受到更多的重视。

    With the service-type society comes , increasingly importance has been attached to emotional labor .

  17. 机会承诺和经济承诺对情绪劳动没有显著性影响。

    Opportunity commitment and economic commitment have not the significant correlation with emotional labor . 6 .

  18. 而个体组织承诺内容和程度的不同,会影响其情绪劳动。

    The different content and lever of organizational commitments of individuals will affect their emotional labor .

  19. 在工作中影响业绩的因素很多,情绪劳动能够占到多大的程度,需要更严谨的实验检验。

    It needs more precise experiments to measure at what extent emotional labor influences the work performance .

  20. 近年来对情绪劳动的研究显示,组织的情绪劳动对员工会产生积极或消极的影响。

    In recent years , more and more researches show that emotional labor will affect the operation of personnel .

  21. 不同认知智力、情绪劳动水平等因素对二者关系产生调节作用。

    Different factors like cognitive intelligence and the level of emotional labor may moderate the paths of the relationship .

  22. 结果表明①监狱基层男性警察的情绪劳动表现策略在受教育程度上无显著差异;

    Results ① The prison basic-level male police emotional labor performance strategy in education degree is no significant differences ;

  23. 随着国外心理资本、情绪劳动研究的逐步成熟,国内学者也开始对其重视起来。

    As the study of psychological capital , emotional labor produced results , domestic scholars also gradually to learn its value .

  24. 第二,情绪劳动的深度行为维度与抑郁和焦虑存在显著相关,并且可以预测抑郁和焦虑。

    Secondly , there exits remarkable relevance between deep acting and depression , anxiety and deep acting may forecast depression and anxiety .

  25. 针对这部分内容本研究控制了无关变量,设计三个实验探讨情绪劳动策略对业绩的影响。

    Therefore , the present study controls irrelevant variables and designs three experiments to discuss the effects of emotional labor strategies on performance .

  26. 员工的情绪劳动使饭店产品具有了情绪价值,也促使顾客成为忠实顾客。

    That is to say , they should undertake emotional labor , which adds emotional value on hotel products and induces loyal clients .

  27. 对中学教师情绪劳动状况的了解可以促进中学教师队伍的稳定、教育质量的提高以及教育事业的发展。

    The knowledge of their emotional status can help the stability of secondary school teachers and improve the quality and development of education .

  28. 目的探讨护士情绪劳动表现策略及其与工作倦怠之间的相互关系,为护理管理者制订针对性改进措施提供依据。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between emotion work and nurses burnout in order to make effective measures for the nurses managers as evidence .

  29. 情绪劳动是指在工作中对自己的情绪进行必要的调节和管理,以表达出组织需要的特定情绪的过程。

    Emotional Labor means that one adjusts and manages his own feeing at work in order to express specific emotion which the organization needs .

  30. 传统的劳动分为脑力劳动和体力劳动,本研究的研究内容是第三类劳动&情绪劳动。

    Traditional labor is divided into brain labor and manual labor , and the present study is to discuss the third type & emotional labor .