
  • 网络emotional conflict;affective conflict
  1. 高层管理团队;认知冲突;情感冲突;群体决策。

    Top Management Term ; Cognitive Conflict ; Affective Conflict Group ; Decision-making .

  2. 本文建立了动态竞争环境下高层管理团队的分析与调整框架,分析了制约团队效能发挥的信息不对称、利益差异和情感冲突等因素,提出了构建高效高层管理团队的理论和方法。

    This paper set up the analysis frame of the top management team in dynamic competitive , analyzed such factors as information asymmetry , interests asymmetry , affective conflict of restraining team 's efficiency , put forward theories and approaches of constructing high-efficient TMT .

  3. 在心理分析治疗法中,个人可以化解严重的情感冲突。

    In analysis the individual resolves difficult emotional conflicts .

  4. 情感冲突可以动摇哪怕是最牢固的人际关系的基础。

    Emotional conflict may shake the foundations of even the strongest relationship .

  5. 显然,认知冲突和情感冲突之间存在的正相关性使TMT在战略决策中的冲突管理陷入两难状态。

    Obviously , the positive relationship between cognitive conflicts and emotional ones makes conflict management of TMT in strategic decision .

  6. 结果抑郁、情感冲突、给予了朋友精神支持、载脂蛋白E(ApoE-E),2/3、低人均月收入、对现在生活不满意、吸烟、内向性格是自杀未遂的重要分类因素。

    Results The important classification factors of attempted suicide were depression , affective conflicts having given spirit support to friends , ApoE-E2 / 3 , low monthly income per person , dissatisfaction with life now , cigarette smoking , introversion character .

  7. 无情感冲突+抑郁+没有给予朋友精神支持;

    No affective conflicts + depression + without given spirit support to friends ;

  8. 情感冲突+无抑郁+较高人均月收入+内向性格+不吸烟;

    Affective conflicts + no depression + comparatively high monthly income per person ;

  9. 弗洛伊德认为,梦境是模糊和奇怪的,因为它们藏匿了情感冲突。

    Freud believed that dreams are unclear and strange because they hide emotional conflicts .

  10. 旅游饭店情感冲突控制

    Control of Emotional Conflicts in Tourist Hotels

  11. 知识型员工组织公平感与工作满意度关系研究二、情感冲突为派遣员工知觉最多的冲突类型。

    The Study on the Relationship between Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction of Knowledge Workers ;

  12. 在所有情况下,发怒只能加深业已存在的情感冲突。

    In all cases anger performs the basic function of reinforcing the already existing emotional conflicts .

  13. 他证明,躯体性疾病或伤残有时是由情感冲突引起的。(强烈感情的)突发,冲动

    He showed that physical sicknesses and disabilities sometimes were caused by emotional conflicts . Short period of an intense feeling

  14. 论人格的内在冲突在《名人录》中的体现(6)情感冲突+无抑郁+较高人均月收入+非内向性格+对现在生活不满意。

    Affective conflicts + no depression + comparatively high monthly income per person + not introversion character + dissatisfaction with life now .

  15. 分析了由于民族、种族或国别的质询所引起的情感冲突,以及由此而造成的身份焦虑的三种形式;

    It first illustrates three particular forms of identity trouble that emerge from emotional conflicts over ethnic , racial or national interpellations .

  16. 消极影响主要表现在某些由电脑网络引发的心理障碍、情感冲突、安全焦虑和心理误导等方面。

    While the negative effect is demonstrated by psychological obstacle , emotional crisis , security worries and psychological misleading resulted from network , etc.

  17. 在高管团队情感冲突影响行为整合的过程中,情绪智力起完全或部分中介作用。

    In the process of TMT emotional conflicts affecting behavioral integration , emotional intelligence is in full or partial mediating role . 4 .

  18. 他相信人们定会摆脱由克隆生育带来的情感冲突,将其作为另一种试管受精技术,这只是时间上的问题。

    He believes it is only a matter of time before we lose our hang-ups about reproductive cloning and accept it as just another IVF technique .

  19. 对婚姻案件当事人进行适当的心理调解,有助于当事人之间缓解乃至消除激烈、对抗的情感冲突,促进理性决策与合作。

    Appropriate psychological mediation on divorce cases will help ease and even eliminate fierce and opposing emotional conflicts between the parties , promoting rational decision-making and cooperation .

  20. 母亲代表中国传统文化,女儿则象征美国主流文化,母女之间的情感冲突从本质上来说就是她们各自代表的两种异质文化的冲突。

    Mother represented the traditional culture while daughter represented the American mainstream culture . The dispute between the mother and the daughter is virtually the conflict of the two cultures .

  21. 电影其中一幕讲述她从住所望向对窗,我们看到她对新生活及衡量既有一切的情感冲突。

    In a sequence where she looks across from the facing window at her own apartment , we see the emotional conflict between a new life and valuing what she has .

  22. 结果自杀未遂较易发生在农村、年轻女性、文化程度低、农民、已婚、收入低、具有情感冲突者中。

    Results The suicide behaviour was more often in the population living in rural area , young female , low education level , peasants , the married , lower average month income , affective conflicts .

  23. 情绪智力对高管团队冲突具有显著影响,在认知冲突向情感冲突转化的过程中,一把手领导和团队整体的情绪智力起部分中介作用。

    Emotional intelligence has significant influence on TMT conflict and conflict management . In the transforming process of cognitive conflict to emotional conflict , the emotional intelligence of top leader and team plays a partial mediating role .

  24. 团队一把手、成员及团队整体的情绪智力越高,团队情感冲突越低;团队一把手领导和团队整体情绪智力高也会降低团队由于认知异同而带来的冲突。

    The higher the emotional intelligence of top leaders , team members and overall teams , the lower the emotional conflict . The high emotional intelligence of top leaders and overall teams is also conducive to reducing the conflicts caused by different cognition .

  25. 论课堂教学中教师情感的冲突与调控

    Conflict and regulation of teacher 's emotion in the classroom

  26. 一个世纪以来,面对西方强大文明而产生的理智与情感的冲突,不断地催育着基础教育的嬗变和发展。

    In the past century , meeting with the conflicts between rationality and sentiment caused by the powerful western culture , the elementary education has changed and developed .

  27. 时间改变我们的情感,冲突也会随着时间的流失而缓和,就像一杯茶被不断的稀释一样。

    While feeling is being processed by time , conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by , just like a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted .

  28. 这部电影探讨了公共义务和个人情感之间的冲突。

    The film explored the tension between public duty and personal affections .

  29. 角色扮演是教学、培训活动的一种方式,其作用是使参与者从不同的角度思考问题,在认知和情感上产生冲突,形成新的、更高层次的认识和体验。

    Role-play as a form of teaching and training activity makes participants view things from different perspectives , experience cognitive and emotional conflicts , and gain understanding at a higher level .

  30. 作者补充说,如果一个人表达的情感产生了冲突——比如语调是欢快的,但同时呈现的面部表情却是愤怒的——最容易被人抓住撒谎的漏洞。

    The author adds that these ' leaks ' can be seen in a person displaying conflicting emotions , like a happy tone of voice paired with an angry facial expression .